maanantai 21. marraskuuta 2022





The prequel to Strzeka’s story

“EXTENSION” (April 2022)


Long before Kyle Byrne got involved with the extraordinary house of amputees, there was a long and intriguing back story. This is it.


Ever since he was a little kid, Ronnie had loved motorbikes. As soon as he was able, he started a paper-round, and thus started saving for his first bike. Later he added a Saturday job, washing up in a café in Gravesend, and it was soon after his seventeenth birthday that he bought his first bike, a small 100cc Yamaha. From the moment he sat on it, he knew he was a natural, and quickly passed his test. With a motorbike licence in his pocket, he was determined to save even harder to buy a bigger quicker bike. After leaving school and getting his first job, he could save faster and for his nineteenth birthday he not only bought himself a 500cc Suzuki, but also a full set of bike leathers.

It was soon after his birthday that he realised that he was gay, and so he hunted for a leather club in the hope of meeting other gay bikers. He found a club near Mile End Station and would drive very fast from his home in Deptford to spend an evening and most of the night in the smoky atmosphere of the Backstreet club.

Sometimes there would be another bike parked close to the door of the club, a bigger and more powerful one than his and he would wonder which of the leather-clad hunks he encountered in the dark had arrived on such a wondrous monster. He took to wearing his leathers without any underwear, and got a great erotic charge with the skin-tight leather, the heavy boots, and the black helmet with its smoked visor.

He looked enviously at the black R1 and determined that he’d soon exchange his 500 for something as menacing as the great machine he often parked beside. He did not go to the club very often, and the sleek black R1 wasn’t there every time he did go, but he could not get the image out of his mind, and he saved with even greater determination to buy himself a black monster that would overshadow the machine at the club door. 

He was approaching his twenty-first birthday when he finally had enough cash and took delivery of a Yamaha V-Max with its 1700cc engine. The dealership was bemused when he wanted the whole thing airbrushed matt black, but to him it was the ultimate thing of beauty. Squeezing into his leathers and with his smoked visor pulled down he was one with his bike, a vision of black manhood. He rode very fast to Backstreet and was pleased to see the black R1 parked there already. He parked right before the door, and sat on the bike for a while, enjoying the admiring looks from other leather men as they arrived at the club. He checked his helmet into John at the door, pulled on a tight leather hood, lit a cigar and wandered into the club.

Over the next few weeks, he parked his huge V-Max outside the club, often next to the matt-black R1, but could never identify the owner. He began to get rather bored by the same old smoky crowd, and rarely stayed too late.

It was a warm night in June ideal for biking in the dark, when he went to Backstreet for that last fateful visit. After a while, still unable to identify the owner of the R1, he became bored and realised that he’d rather be riding his machine than standing around in the smoke of the club, so he left and roared down the A12 towards home. In the moonlit warmth of the summer night he left the London suburbs, and pushed the bike faster and faster, soon topping the ton, wondering how fast it would go, how fast did he dare to go?

He flashed past a car and headed into a very tight right-hand bend. At this speed he could not pull the bike into a tight enough turn and he hit the steel barrier at over a 100 miles an hour. The motorist he’d just overtaken saw the whole incident, and instantly phoned for police and ambulance.

At Deptford hospital the surgeon amputated the little that was left of his left leg, and patched up his left arm as best he could, although there was little skin left on that arm. Even his expensive leathers could not save him from injury at that speed, and the hospital staff had cut the leathers to pieces to get his injured body out of them. He was put into an induced coma for several days.

When he woke, he was in pain, and groaned when he moved his heavily bandaged arm. A nurse was watching over him and spoke when he opened his eyes.

“You’re awake,” she said. “I’ll get you some water.”

“What’s happened?” said Ronnie.

“You’re in hospital,” said the nurse. “You crashed your motorbike. You’ve been here for nearly a week.”

“Can I have something for the pain,” said Ronnie, “it’s my arm and my leg. God, what’s happened to me.”

“Your arm was badly injured. They’ve patched it up, but it will take a while to heal properly.”

“And my leg?” said Ronnie.

“It’s gone,” said the nurse.

“All of it?”

“Yes, dear. I’m sorry but there’s nothing left. The surgeon said it was unusual to have to amputate so high up to your hip.”

“So why does it hurt?” said Ronnie.

“It’s the pain of the new scar. It will slowly fade away.”

The nurse walked away, and Ronnie lay back thinking. “One leg gone completely?” he thought to himself. “I’m going to be one-legged for the rest of my life.  So why have a got such a huge erection? I never realised it before, but being one-legged, an amputee, is a real turn-on. Wow!”

The nurses were amazed at how quickly Ronnie recovered from the life-changing amputation, little realising that he thoroughly enjoyed being one-legged. He was up as soon as possible and learning to walk with crutches. “I love this,” he thought, but he struggled to hide the great erection he had every time he practised walking.

He was unsure if he’d ever ride a bike again, so when he got the insurance money for his destroyed bike, he decided to buy top quality leathers so that he could return to the Backstreet club. He had a pair of black crutches made, and the left leg of his new leather jeans cut off and sewed, showing how close to his hip his amputation had been. After a few weeks, he felt strong enough to go to the club, and took a train and then a bus to get there. It was late evening when he arrived, and the black R1 was parked outside. John the doorman didn’t recognise him at first and said, “Hi mate. Have you been here before?”

“Yes,” said Ronnie, “but then I came on my bike and had two legs. Last time I came here, I crashed my bike on the way home, and left my left leg on the side of the road.”

“Christ mate, that was bad luck.”

Ronnie grinned. “No,” he said, “it was good luck, because I really love my new body, I love being one legged, and I love using crutches.”

“Bloody hell, mate,” said John. “That’s dead queer, that is.”

Ronnie laughed, pulled on his hood, and crutched into the club. At the bar, he ordered a beer, and sat on a high stool, keeping his crutches in one hand. Several leather men checked him out. “They like the look,” thought Ronnie. “I think some of them are even a bit jealous.”

A tall and handsome man, in expensive leathers and wearing a similar hood, watched him from a distance for a while, and then approached Ronnie. “Hello, young man,” said the stranger, “I’ve not seen you here before. Would you like a cigar?”

“I’m not new here,” said Ronnie, “but I’ve not been here for a while. You see I have only one leg. Last time I was here, I had two.”

“I see, and I love what I see,” said the stranger, putting an arm around Ronnie’s shoulders. “How about that cigar?”

“I’d love one,” said Ronnie. “By the way, my name’s Ronnie.”

“And my name’s Sigmund,” said the stranger. “I’m a biker. That’s my R1 out the front.”

“You!” exclaimed Ronnie. “I’ve often wondered who came on that bike. I was a biker too until I crashed. I had a V-Max 1700, but it nearly killed me.”

“I saw that V-Max once or twice. I never knew who came on it. Fabulous bike, all black matt if I remember correctly. Did it survive your crash?”

“Sadly no. Even though it was a tough bike, I smashed it to bits. I’ve not been on a bike since.”

“Would you like to ride pillion on mine,” said Sigmund. “If you’re up for it, I could take you home.”

“Are you keen to have a one-legged man?” said Ronnie.

“Keen?” said Sigmund. “I can’t wait to get you on your own. I’ve loved amputees for as long as I can remember. In fact, I’d love to be one myself, but for now you’re the best thing that’s happened for me for a very long time.”

Ronnie went to pull off his hood, but Sigmund said, “No, keep your hood on. I’m sure my spare helmet will fit over it.”

Sigmund drove slower than Ronnie had been used to, but he explained that he rarely took a pillion for a ride, and he did not feel like the excessive speed he usually took. An hour later saw them outside a modest block of flats in Dulwich. Sigmund pulled the bike onto a hard stand outside the flats and led the way inside. Ronnie followed on his crutches, amazed that his first trip to the Backstreet Club had resulted in such an exciting liaison.

Sigmund’s flat on the ground floor was spacious and furnished in spartan black-and-chrome. He turned to face Ronnie.

“OK Boy. This is my temporary accommodation. I’m planning something much grander, and I’m looking for other men to share it with me. What do you think?”

“I hardly know you,” stuttered Ronnie. “What are you saying?”

“Isn’t it obvious Boy?” said Sigmund. “I know it’s very sudden, and you’ve had no time to think, but what I’m saying is simple. I want to live in a big house with a few other leather men who are willing to give me, shall I say, certain services. And here’s the catch – they must all be amputees. You’re the first one I’ve found, but I know about two other guys. They’re not amps yet, but they might soon be. You’re gay, you’re obviously wearing expensive tight leather, and you’re an amputee. I’m wealthy, and in exchange for some very kinky sex, I’m offering you a life of your dreams.”

“Well Sigmund,” started Ronnie.

“No,” Sigmund interrupted him, “I’m the master and you will call me Zero at all times when we are in my home. Now kneel down and service my cock.”

Ronnie knelt on his one knee and pulled Zero’s magnificent cock from his tight leathers. With the monster in his mouth, Ronnie began to suck hard. Zero held his head. “That’s right my little cripple boy, you learn to look after your master and you’ll have a wonderful life here with me.”

Eventually they collapsed, still fully leathered, onto the leather sheet of Zero’s bed and Ronnie fell asleep with Zero holding him tight with one hand, whilst the other fondled the exciting place where his leg had been cut off.

The following morning Ronnie woke, discovering himself alone. He had slept all night with his hood and full leathers. He sat up, then grabbing his crutches stood up. The morning light filtered through the Venetian blinds, and he saw the walls covered with erotic pictures, mainly of muscular amputee men. Zero came in with coffee. “Are you liking what you’re seeing?” asked Zero.

“I certainly am. I’ve never seen such a collection of sexy men.”

After a little sexual play, Zero took Ronnie for a short walk. The two were a striking pair in the summer sunshine, both in full leather, and Ronnie walking with his black crutches. It wasn’t far to a street of enormous Victorian houses.

“I’m going to buy one of these,” announced Zero. “That one there, number seven, is for sale, but I’ve not been inside it yet.”

“That will cost a fortune,” said Ronnie.

“I know,” said Zero, “but that’s not a problem.”

A car drew up beside them, and the young driver got out. “Mr Hook?”

“Yes,” said Zero. “that’s me. And this is my young friend Ronnie. You’re here to show us round number seven I think.”

“Yes, sir,” said the young man. Looking at Ronnie, he said, “You might be pleased to know it’s had a lift installed by the previous owner.”

“I saw that from the description you sent me,” said Zero. “Now let’s have a look inside.”

Ronnie was puzzled. The young estate agent had called Zero “Mr Hook”: so his real name was Sigmund Hook. Ronnie had heard that name before, but could bot think where he’d heard, or seen, it.

The house was enormous. “The lift goes right to the top floor, where there is a brilliant penthouse suite, and amazingly down three basement levels as well,” the young man told them.

Ronnie was astonished. “Who lived here before, and dug out all that basement space?”

“He was a Hollywood and television producer,” said the young man. “He lived here with his extended family including, I believe, his elderly mother, for whom the lift was installed. The basement levels were all to do with entertaining. The lowest level is a cinema.”

It took some time for the three to tour the whole building, and Ronnie was particularly pleased with the lift, as he was still rather slow dealing with crutches on stairs.

Eventually they had seen the entire property and were back in the spacious entrance hall. “It’s exactly what I want,” declared Zero, “and I will put an offer in immediately.”

“Will you require a loan?” asked the agent.

“No,” said Zero with a smile. “I’ll be paying cash.”

Back at his apartment, Zero turned to Ronnie.  “Did you like what you saw? Would you like that to be your home?”

“I’m amazed by it,” replied Ronnie. “Can you really afford to pay for it with cash?”

“I’ve been earning very big money for some years, and it’s been accumulating in the bank. I’ve had little expenses for a while, and I’ve lived frugally hoping that one day my dream of a family of gay amputees could come true. It seems to me to be destiny that I have found you the exact same time as I found that house. The two of you will be the foundation of my lifetime project – that’s if you’ll come and live with me.”

“What have I got to lose?” said Ronnie. “I’ve lived alone since my parents threw me out for telling them I’m gay; I have a dead-end job in a petrol station in Deptford, and a miserable bedsit. Ever since my father flew into that great rage, and told me never to return, my life was centred solely on my motorbike. Now I can’t ride any more, I’ve nothing.”

“So you’ll come to me?”

“May I? I’d love to, even though we met for the first time less than 24 hours ago.

“I’m going to take you on one condition,” said Zero, smiling. “You must change your name. You’re a dear sweet young man, but I’ll give you an ironic name. It came to me when you spoke about your father. I’ll call you Rage, as it’s your father’s rage which sent you on your path towards me.”

“Rage?” said Ronnie, thinking about the word. “I like that, sir. Please take me with you to this great new house, and I’ll be Rage for ever more.”

It had been easy for Rage to abandon his old life and his old name. After being thrown out by his parents, he’d been lonely, his only interests being his bike and his leathers. Since losing his leg, he’d been the cashier in a petrol station, and suddenly he was being offered a much better lifestyle.

The purchase of the huge house in Dulwich took some weeks, but eventually was completed. By co-incidence Zero told Rage that he’d been offered an excellent working contract in the USA, so would be away for two months, leaving Rage to mastermind the move to the new house.

Zero reassured him, “It’s the kind of contract no-one would turn down, and the money is extraordinary. I’m already wealthy, but this is a great bonus – and I’m sure organising the move and setting up the new house will keep you fully occupied whilst I’m away, oh, and don’t forget, we’re setting up the house for several more leather amputee guys to join us.”

Zero had a vast collection of records, and an amazing system for playing them. Rage decided he’d need specialist help moving the system and setting it up in the new house. When he started to look through the record collection, he was astonished, as many were recordings made by Zero himself: he discovered that Sigmund Hook was a world-famous conductor, with a string of very successfully recordings.

In the new house, Rage created a luxurious suite of rooms on the top floor for Zero, and a modest bedroom for himself. He arranged for the installation of a professional-style kitchen. He took his cue from Zero’s apartment to buy furniture which was dominantly black leather and chrome, but left several rooms unfurnished. He did not feel competent enough to have the place painted and decorated except for his own room, which he painted grey with boot footprints, right boot only of course, in black. The huge collection of photographs of amputees he saved for Zero to decide where they should be hung.

He also followed Zero’s instruction and ordered four sleek racing wheelchairs to be delivered. He hoped that one of them might be for him, and he enjoyed using it around the house, travelling from floor to floor in the lift.

When Zero returned from the States, he was very pleased with Rage’s progress, and felt trusting the young man had been an excellent idea. Rage confronted him with his knowledge of Sigmund Hook, and Zero smiled and said, “Yes, I am a very successful musician: but I want you to keep this knowledge to yourself. When others join us, I will be mysterious to them in some ways, until the time comes for each of them to discover my success.”

Rage was happy to agree to the secrecy but needed to ask something else. “You’ve spoken about other people joining us, and you mentioned a couple of people before, but said they are not yet amputees.”

“Yes,” said Zero, “I’ve been in touch with a few leather men who are not only attracted to amputees, but also wish to become amputees. There are two in particular: one called Martin, to whom I have given the name “Mane”; and another called Ernest who is happy to be known as “Edge” when he joins us. Their names come from chance remarks in emails we’ve exchange, just as your name Rage came from the conversation you had with me about your father.”

“I’m confused,” said Rage. “You said we’d become a household of amputees, but you said these two men have all their limbs. You can’t just wait for them to have motorbike accidents.”

“No,” explained Zero. “You remember how becoming an amputee was very erotically charged for you?”

“Yes, I’ve loved being disabled from the day it happened.”

“Well both Mane and Edge want to have voluntary amputations. They are choosing to lose a limb, or more.”

“More!” said Rage. “What do you mean?

“Some people want to be completely legless; some people want to lose an arm. Everyone suffering from BIID has their own desire and need.”

“But I’ve been looking at some of the pictures you’ve collected, and I’m very turned on by the legless guys. I’ve fantasised about that. You mean – you’d like to have men here who’d want to lose more than just one leg?”

“Of course I would.”

“Including me?”

“That would be, how shall I say, most satisfactory.”

“But how could it happen?” said an increasingly excited Rage.

“Not easily, or cheaply, or even in the UK at the moment,” said Zero. “I’m constantly thinking about that problem.”

Little did Zero or Rage realise it, but a solution was about to land in their laps. They were relaxing in one of the many large, almost empty rooms, Zero looking through a musical score, and Rage reading the Sunday paper.

“Good lord,” said Rage suddenly, “Listen to this. ‘Eminent surgeon struck off for gross negligence’. It’s the man who chopped off my left leg.”

Zero put down the musical score and turned to Rage. “Read on.”

“Top surgeon Timothy Eastbrook, consultant at Dulwich General Hospital, was today struck off by the General Medical Council for gross negligence. He pleaded guilty to removing the wrong leg of a young cancer patient. When the mistake was noticed, Mr Eastbrook was immediately suspended. The young patient, known only as Simon, was operated on again, and his other, diseased leg removed. With both legs amputated very high up against his pelvis, the young man is destined to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Surgeon Eastbrook had no defence, pleaded guilty and was immediately struck off.”

“Stop!” exclaimed Zero. “That’s our solution. A surgeon, highly skilled in amputations, working not far from here, is struck off and will never work again. That’s just the news I’ve been waiting for.”

Rage looked confused. “What are you talking about sir?”

“If we are extremely careful and discreet, your Mr Eastbrook may be just the man we need to do voluntary amputations. Now what’s the chance that he lives somewhere here in Kent in a big house with a nice little private clinic attached?”

“You mean you could ask him if he’d do, kind of, secret surgery?”

“We must think about this very carefully. We can start by remembering that we have a link to him already – he was your surgeon.”

It was easy for Zero to find Timothy Eastbrook’s address, not in Kent but in Essex, and he arranged an appointment with the former surgeon. Despite thinking that arriving in full bike leathers might be intimidating, Zero stuck to his lifestyle, and with Rage clutching his crutches on the pillion, they rode across Essex to a small town on the coast. Pulling into a gravel drive, they took off their helmets and walked to the wide porch of the big house.

Timothy Eastbrook opened the door himself. “You’re not press, or the media are you?” he asked, “For if you are, I’m shutting the door immediately.”

“Not press, I promise,” said Zero.

“Wait a moment,” said Timothy, looking at Rage, “do I know you? Didn’t I operate on you some time ago. After a nasty road accident?”

“Yes,” said Rage. “My name at that time was Ronnie.”

“You’d better come in.”

It was a big and very old-fashioned house, and Timothy led them into a large room with several floral stuffed armchairs.

“Please do not be nervous,” started Zero. “We know that you’ve been struck off and we have come to discuss a business proposition. “

Zero paused, trying to assess if this surprisingly nervous and subdued man would react favourably to their plan.

“Go on,” said Timothy, hesitantly.

“You’ve heard of BIID I assume,” said Zero.

“Yes,” said Timothy. “It’s quite a serious business. I’m aware that some people are very unhappy with their body as it is and want to change it. It might be a change of gender, and in extreme cases I understand there are people who want an amputation.”

“Exactly,” said Zero. “It helps that you know about it.”

“There was a colleague in Scotland, Dr Smith I think he was, who amputated legs from two or three perfectly healthy men.”

“Yes,” said Zero, “Robert Smith in Falkirk.”

“What’s this got to do with me?” said Timothy.

“Well,” said Zero slowly, “You have all the skills to do amputations; you’re struck off and can no longer work as a doctor…” he paused.

“So would you cut off my right leg?” blurted Rage.

“Good Lord!” exclaimed Timothy. “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” said Zero. “This is the business proposition. It will of course be totally secretive and clandestine and we’d work in total confidentiality, but I would bring clients to you, and arrange payment of very generous fees.”

Timothy Eastbrook sat silent and started at the two leather men for some time.

“This is a great surprise and shock. Since being struck off, I’ve being in a kind of limbo, not knowing what would happen in my life. You must let me think about this. There are many practical issues as well as the legal complications. Gentlemen, you must give me time.”

“Of course,” said Zero, “we would expect you to need some time; but think of this: I already know of four amputations waiting to be done, and we’d be paying something like £10,000 for each one.”

Back at the house, Rage and Zero sat over supper thinking about the surgeon’s reaction.

“At least he didn’t say no,” said Rage.

“And he’s got that great big mansion to pay for. I think he needs the money.”

“Telling him the kind of fees he’d earn was a good move,” said Rage. “It will help him overcome his scruples.”

For two days they heard nothing. “We’re in a kind of limbo like he is,” said Rage.

On the third day, the phone rang. “I’m interested,” said Timothy, “but I need a longer and more detailed conversation. Can you come back one day this week?”

“We’ll be there tomorrow.” said Zero. Turning to Rage he said, “I think he’s going to say yes.”

When they returned, Timothy took them into the same lounge as before. They were startled to find another man sitting there waiting for them. “This is Walter Bourne,” said Timothy. “He’s an anaesthetist.”

Standing to greet them, Walter said, “Or used to be. I’ve been out of work for some time, just doing menial jobs, but used to work with Tim years ago.”

“Bourne’s a great chap,” said Timothy, “and I’ve told him what little I know of your so-called business proposition. We’d both like to know more but frankly and to be honest, right now we both need the money.”

Zero smiled. “I think we may be able to come to some kind of arrangement to suit us all.”

“Come through to the office,” said Timothy, “and we’ll talk about it.”

To Zero’s and Rage’s surprise, Timothy led them into a small modern wing of the house. “This was to be my retirement fund,” said Timothy. “But until now it seems redundant. I hoped to set up a little private clinic looking after rich old ladies.”

“Well,” said Zero, “it seems you might be able to have that clinic after all, but it won’t be for old ladies!”

After some considerable discussions, the group was in agreement to go ahead with voluntary amputations, and they talked at some length about the secrecy and confidentiality of the programme. Timothy told them that he would involve his wife as she was an experienced nurse.

Just as they were about to leave, Timothy stopped Zero. “You know,” he said, “through all our discussions I’ve had this feeling that I know you, although it appears to be unlikely.”

“If we are to be open and frank with one another in the future,” replied Zero, “I’d better tell you that I’m known in the musical world as Sigmund Hook.”

“You’re the conductor!” exclaimed Timothy. “I have your complete Beethoven symphonies on disc. Your photo is on the sleeve – so that’s why you’re familiar!”

“I keep my work very separate from other activities,” said Zero. “I like to keep it that way. You’ll always call me Zero, and my friend here is always called Rage.”

“I suppose I’m happy to be Tim,” said the surgeon.

“And I’ve always been Bourne,” said the fourth man, “mainly because I hate being Walter.”

“That’s settled then,” said Zero. “We’ll be in touch.”

At home Zero was reflective. “I’ve worked towards this for a very long time, and it’s all come together quite quickly. I need some thinking time, so I’m not sending you for your second amputation just yet. I’ll contact Martin – he’s been anxious for an amputation for many years. We must see if he’s ready to move into the house, and if he is we’ll send him to Tim first.”

Martin lived some distance from the Dulwich house and said he needed a couple of months to put his affairs in order, resigning his job, selling his house and preparing for the move to Zero. “I hope he’s not changing his mind,” said Zero. “We’ve had many, many long phone calls and he’s always been very adamant that he’s desperate to become an amp. Here’s the plan: we’ll give him two months, then suggest he moves in. Meanwhile, we’ll get the painting and decorating finished in the house, and some more furniture. I want to work on that odd cinema room at the bottom level of the basement and make it into a very special chill out space for all the residents.”

“Is that the chap you called Mane?” asked Rage.

“Yes,” said Zero. “He’s a little older than you, and has talked about becoming a multiple amputee in the long run.”

“Both legs?” said Rage.

“More than that,” said Zero, “both arms and both legs, but not all at once. He wants to lose one limb at a time.”

“I understand that,” said Rage. “I have been thinking in the same way since I moved in here with you.”

“We must always have one man with hands, or at least arms, to help with harder tasks in our daily lives, even if some of our community finish up as torsos.”

Rage and Zero continued this conversation late into the night. Zero declared that eventually he might become an amputee but said that not only his work as a conductor, but also his love of motorbiking was keeping him from getting his own surgery. Rage said that losing one leg had opened up a whole new way of thinking, and he was seriously considering a gradual transformation to being a quad. “That is,” he said, “if this really is my for-ever home, and I will be forever part of this new community.”

Zero kissed him long and hard. “This is your for-ever home,” he declared, “I love to be with you, holding this vulnerable site where your leg used to be, and dominating you. I’m so glad I found you, but you realise we will all have very open relationships with one another. Each time we meet a new man, it’s for sex as much as it is for living a disabled life together.” With his hand cupping the man’s left buttock, Zero and Rage spent much of the night having sex, and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Rage said, “What about that other man you told me about? Edge wasn’t it? Why not contact him?”

“Edge,” said Zero, “yes – there’s no reason why he can’t get involved now. I will call him. “By the way,” he continued, “you know quite a lot about my musical life and how I come to be wealthy. I don’t intend others in our community to know much about it unless it becomes necessary, so please don’t gossip about me behind my back.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” said Rage. “As you said to Tim, it’s important to keep the different parts of our lives separate. Here we are focussed on being amputated leather men who need to live a fulltime leather lifestyle.”

Ernest was delighted to get Zero’s call, and said his whole life had been on hold waiting for that call. He seemed to be very much in the same situation that Rage had been in and was able to vacate his rented flat with just one week’s notice, and similarly leave his deadly job as a van driver. He asked Zero about the financial situation, and when Zero said everything would be paid for, both his daily living and his amputations, he was overjoyed. “Does that mean I can be a double leg amp straight away?” he asked Zero.

“One at a time,” said Zero, “we mustn’t frighten our new surgeon with a double amputation first time. And anyway, you must enjoy a few weeks on crutches with one leg before we take the other one away.”

“I’ll be with you within a week,” said Edge.

Edge arrived on a small motorbike, and Zero let him wheel it into the garage. Edge was wearing tight bike leathers and a pair of huge boots. Pulling off his helmet, he revealed that he’d been riding with a tight leather hood under the helmet. Zero smiled. “That’s a very good look. Don’t take your hood off.”

“I wasn’t going to,” said Edge. “Now I’ve arrived to your home, I will be wearing it at all times.”

Going through to the kitchen, Zero introduced Rage, who kissed the newcomer. “Welcome,” he said. “I love your hood; do you wear it all the time?”

“It wasn’t possible in my old life,” said Edge, “but I hope it will be acceptable here.”

“Acceptable!” spluttered Zero. “More than that, I think it’s a brilliant look, and I think we should all find hoods which match our personalities, and all wear hoods as much as we want.”

Mane telephoned to arrange his arrival time: but Edge was so impatient to get his first amputation that Zero decided he should go and get the surgery done before Mane arrived.  Mane told them that he’d not sold his car and would come in it. He hoped there’d be somewhere to park it.

Zero travelled with Edge in a taxi to Tim’s. He didn’t intend to accompany every man to the surgeon, but he felt he should be present as reassurance for Tim and Bourne when they embarked on their first surgery.

When Zero got home again at the end of the day, he was able to report to Rage that Edge was sleeping peacefully with a lovely left hip dis amputation, “Just like your’s!”

Edge was home a week later, and quickly up on crutches, with many warnings from Zero to take his time recovering from the amputation. Rage and Edge had a great time examining one another’s scars, which were almost identical. “Not surprising,” said Rage, “considering that the same surgeon did both amps.”

Suddenly the big old house seemed busy, with four leather men sharing the spaces, two of them left-leg amps on crutches. Mane was delighted to be moving in with the others, but very vexed that he still had two legs. “OK,” said Zero, “we’ll get your legs chopped of as soon as we can.”

Edge was young and fit and found using crutches easy – but he was unhappy to still have one leg and was insistent that he should go to the surgeon as soon as Mane returned. Zero telephoned Tim to make sure everything was going smoothly at his end, and that the surgical team were working happily. He was relieved to know that all was satisfactory at the big house in Essex and arranged for Edge’s second amputation.

Mane loved crutching and was interested in Rage’s leathers with the left leg cut off and sewn up. Zero agreed that they needed a good leather worker, especially to create the extremely truncated sewn-up shorts which Edge would soon need. Rage explained how he’d got his leathers adapted.

“When I first had my amputation,” he said, “I took a pair of jeans to a local dry- cleaning shop where there was a young man doing repairs on a sewing machine in the window. He did the jeans very easily but said his machine could not do leather. However, he told me of an elderly lady in New Cross who did leather work. Apparently, she does lots of work for bikers, mainly repairs. I found her and explained what I wanted, and she did an excellent job, as you can see. What’s more, whilst I was there a couple of bikers turned up in their leathers, and she didn’t seem to mind.

“I’ll go,” said Zero, “and take Mane’s leather jeans. I’ll explain that we might want other rather unusual jobs done in the future.”

Edge’s return to the house was an exciting moment for all four men. He was the first to have more than one amputation and the subject of much admiration and jealousy. It was some time before he was fully able to sit up on his DHD hips, and during this time Zero arranged for his old biker jeans to be truncated as sewn-up leather shorts, matching his legless body.

Occasionally during this time of the early amputations, Zero had been continuing to go to various leather clubs, but rarely made a good contact. He was wondering if he was wasting his time and was on the point of not bothering when he had a most unexpected encounter. Bored by Mile End’s Backstreet, he heard about another leather club which had opened in a cellar in Acton. It was a longer bike ride, but he enjoyed biking so much that it was almost a bonus to go further afield.

He roared along the main road and found the club easily. Pulling off his helmet and tightening the leather hood he wore under it, he went into the club. He was startled to walk straight into a young legless leather man in an immaculate motorcycle jacket which reached to the seat of his wheelchair, showing that he had two very short DHD amputations. Calming himself, he sipped a drink and observed the young blond boy. After a while, he walked over to him. Realising he couldn’t have a conversation towering over the man’s wheelchair, he knelt beside him. “I’m new here,” he said. “Have you been coming for long?”

“It was about three years ago: I came here as soon as I dared – in fact I was underage, but no-one minded. I’d been regular here for almost a year when I got the cancer. Bone cancer in my left leg.”

Zero could hardly believe what he was hearing. “But you’re a double amp,” he said. “Was the cancer in both legs?”

“No,” said the boy. “But the surgeon chopped off the wrong one. They then cut of the other one that had the cancer. There was a big stink, and I think the surgeon got struck off.”

Zero struggled to remain his usual cool self. “I think I read about you in the paper,” he said.

“Yes,” said the blond, “I was quite a celebrity for a while. My mum and dad were pretty mad, and I never explained that I didn’t mind. I’d been dreaming of being a DHD for years since I’d seen one on Waterloo Station when I was about ten years old. Secretly, I was pleased.”

“I’m called Zero,” said the older man.

“I’m Simon,” said his new friend.

“I know this is a gay club,” said Zero, “so how did your parents react to having a gay cripple for a son?”

“It’s not good at home,” said Simon. “I can hardly move without they’re over-protective of me. Right now, they think I’m at a friend’s house, where they dropped me off earlier. Actually, I just keep my leather jacket there, and get a taxi to here. My friend covers for me but it’s not a very good arrangement.”

“Could you tell your parents that you’re staying overnight with your friend?”

“That’s no problem, as I often do stay there.”

“How about going to your friend’s and leaving your wheelchair there and coming on my pillion back to my place tonight?”

Simon looked at the handsome man making the surprising offer but didn’t hesitate. “Not half! I’ve been sitting here waiting to be picked up for weeks,” he said, looking into the eyes of the hooded man. “No-one else has been interested in a legless man.”

“Well, I’m very interested,” smiled Zero.

A couple of hours later, Zero roared into his garage. Simon was surprised to see three wheelchairs in the garage, and Zeal lifted him in one of them, and pushed him to the lift. “This is amazing,” said Simon.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, lovely boy,” laughed Zero.

The others had gone to bed, so Zero took in the lift up to the top floor and into his private bedroom. “Stay in your jacket,” instructed Zero. “I just want to hug and kiss you, and let you fall asleep in my arms.”

“Will you stay in your leathers and keep your hood on?” asked Simon.

“I always do,” said Zero, picking up the legless boy and laying him on the bed. “You really are very pretty.”

“I know,” said Simon, “but it’s great to have someone say it.”

“And tomorrow you will wake with a new name and meet my friends who live here with me.”

“A new name?” asked Simon. “What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure yet, but you won’t be Simon when you wake up.”

The following morning, Rage knocked on the door with a morning juice for Zero. “Why hello,” he said to Simon, “and who are you?”

“This is Zeal Bones,” said Zero quickly. “I don’t know if he’ll join our community, but I’m hoping so. You and he have something very special in common.”

Zeal sat up. “Whatever can that be? I’ve never met this chap before.”

Zero laughed. “Zeal,” he said, “meet Rage, the first of our community here; and the thing you have in common is your surgeon. Rage’s left leg was cut off by the same man who cut off both of yours.”

“And, I hope,” continued Rage, “will soon take my right leg and give me a body rather like yours.”

“I’m sorry to say,” said Zeal, “that although your masks are very exciting, I’m finding it quite unnerving to wake up and be faced with two people with faces I’ve not seen.”

Rage smiled. “We take our masks off for breakfast, so if you would like to join us, you can meet us all.”

“Take him to the kitchen,” said Zero. “I’ll join you shortly.”

Zeal hand-walked to the wheelchair and followed Rage to the lift. Over breakfast, the men removed their masks and Zeal met Edge and Mane.

“How long have you been DHD?” Zeal asked Edge.

“Only a month,” said Edge. “And you?”

“Six months. Best thing that ever happened to me.”

“But I’ve not finished yet,” said Edge. “Give me a few weeks, and I’m having my hands taken.”

“How are you people organising to get amputations on demand?” asked Zeal.

“Because of you,” said Zero maskless, as he came into the room. The others looked at him in bewilderment, and Zero laughed. “You remember a scandal in the papers some months ago, when a certain surgeon cut off the wrong leg?”

They nodded. “Well, here he is, the boy who got the wrong leg chopped off. And then the right leg, which was the left, had to come off because of cancer, and here he is.”

“So,” said Edge, “we’ve all had the same surgeon.”

“But I still don’t understand,” said Zeal. “How has it been possible?”

“We will tell you a very confidential story,” said Zero, “but only if you decide to stay with us. Edge, as the other wheelchair user, perhaps you’d like to give our new young man a guided tour. Tell him what it’s like to live here. He has a difficult and important decision to make.”

With Edge taking Zeal on the tour, Zero turned to Rage and Mane. “I think he’ll stay. He’s gay and a leather man, even if he’s a bit inexperienced, and he told me how much he loves being a cripple, even though he pretended he was mortified when it happens. And I think his home life is very unhappy.”

“Poor kid,” said Rage. “We know what that’s like.”

It was some time before Edge returned with Zeal. “This place is wonderful,” said Zeal. “Edge says I might be able to move in here.”

“You might,” said Zero. “I’d like you to go and hang out in the cinema room downstairs, and let me talk with the others for a few moments.”

With Zeal out of the way, Zero turned to the others. “Well?”

“He’s very cute,” said Edge, “and has lovely amputations.”

“Being cute is not a reason to invite him,” said Zero.

Rage laughed, “No, but it helps.”

Mane looked thoughtful. “Whenever someone new comes into the house, it’s a risk. We have to hope that they can maintain the secrecy of our lifestyle; we have to assume that their love of amputations will thrive here, and we have to believe that they will not upset the balance of our friendships and relationships.”

“Exactly,” said Zero, “and for all those reasons I have a gut feeling that this kid will be a great addition to our community. With your agreement, I’ll invite him. Mane, would you like to go and find him and see how he feels about coming. He’s got to make the break from very doting parents, and just for safety’s sake we must get proof of his age.”

Later that day, Zero took Zeal back to his friend’s house, and his wheelchair which had been left there. Zeal explained that he would simply vanish out his parents’ life. “If I tell them I’m moving out, all hell will let loose and I’ll be kept a prisoner. I’ll say I’m going to my friend for a couple of days, they’ll be OK with that, and I’ll just have basic stuff like my passport, and very little else. If someone can pick me up in a car so I can bring my wheelchair, I’ll join you tomorrow.”

“Mane’s got a car, an automatic thankfully, so he can come and get you from your friend. Are you sure about this?”

“Never surer about anything. You are saving my life.”

So it was that four became five, and Zeal delighted in become a fulltime mask wearer like the others.

A few days later, Zero asked for them all to join him in the kitchen for a ‘family talk’. “I’ve asked to you come for several reasons. First, I called this a ‘family talk’ because that’s what we are, and I hope you all feel the same. I’m master to you all, and will always maintain a little distance between us; but nevertheless we are a family.” They murmured agreement. “And I think we must be clear about how this family works. I know that some of you, perhaps all of you, want more amputations, and I don’t mind you knowing that eventually I will be joining you in that. It’s only for professional reasons, the work that brings in the wealth that keeps this place going, that I cannot have an amputation yet. But we must all look to the future. I believe that we must have a designated housekeeper, and a cook. These people must be helped by others, but they will take charge of that part of the running of the family that they’re asked to do. You will all, of course, do what you can to help one another. I also feel that whatever amputations you need in the future, we must always have at least one member of our community with two hands, or at least the means to carry out their duties efficiently.”

Mane spoke first. “I’ll be the first cook. I know I am a good cook, and so far I’ve enjoyed helping in the kitchen. You know I want to have second leg taken off soon, but I’m sure I will be able to run the kitchen on crutches as I am now, and from a wheelchair in the future.”

Rage smiled. “You’ve already proved you can cook, definitely better than me, so welcome to your kitchen. For myself, I’m the obvious one to be the housekeeper as it was me who did a lot of work setting the place up when Zero was away working. So I’ll be housekeeper, at least at first, but you know I want my second leg gone eventually, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do everything from a wheelchair.”

“That’s the point,” said Zero. “I know you all want further changes to your bodies, and the implication of that is to recruit further able-bodied leather men who perhaps would like eventually to get an amputation, but who will work for us all for some time.”

“I feel bad not volunteering,” said Edge, “but you know I want to get my next adjustments done as soon as possible.  I’d like to get my arms taken off above my elbows.”

Zero smiled. “That’s exactly why we’re here, and why I’m setting up the house this way. It’s not selfish to want to achieve you desired body. I’ve a feeling that quite a lot of hands and arms will be removed in the coming years, leaving several of you in need of considerable help for daily living.”

“I’ve a suggestion,” said Zeal hesitantly, “I can’t cook, my mother would not let me near her kitchen and I’ve very few practical skills, but I used to like sewing. Why even recently, recovering from my double amp, I did some embroidery. If you can get a suitable sewing machine, I’ll have a go at learning to sew leather. I’d like to do that, and I’d be feeling as if I’m contributing.”

“Rage will set up a little workshop for you,” said Zero kindly. “I’ve worried about getting unusual leather work done, and you’ve offered a most unexpected solution.”

“It might take me a while to learn,” said Zeal, “but I’ll have a go.”

“Now you realise that to keep this ship afloat, I have to go to work, and I need to tell you that I’m leaving next week for three weeks, touring in Europe. And after our very useful conversation, I’ll put a spanner in the works, by taking our housekeeper with me.”

Rage spluttered, “Wow, are you sure?”

“Sooner or later, I’ll take you all somewhere, and it seems only fair that this first chance should go to Rage, who got left behind to work when I went on my last big trip. Now hoods on and enjoy your day everyone, and make sure you all look out for one another.”

Leaving Mane and Edge to source a sewing machine for Zeal, Zero and Rage set off on their trip. Rage knew from the extensive collection of records that Zero was a prolific and successful conductor, but he had no idea how significant his friend was. “I used to tour constantly,” Zero told him when they were settled on the Eurostar to Amsterdam, “but recently I’ve cut down my concert hall appearances. My wealth comes from the recordings, and this flows in without too many live performances. You’re in a for a few big events in the next weeks, but I’d prefer you didn’t tell the others at the house. Their times will come, but for now this is just for you.”

“What do I call you during this trip?” said Rage.

Zero smiled. “The same as everyone else, of course: Maestro!”

Rage had never experienced such a whirlwind of concert halls and grand hotels. He was astonished that people seemed to know Zero wherever he went. From the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, via the Philharmonie and the Konzerthaus in Berlin, they completed the tour with a sell-out performance at the Auditori in Barcelona. Rage discovered how much he enjoyed being out and about on his crutches, but nevertheless continued to harbour the ambition of losing his right leg sometime soon.

Meanwhile, Mane and Edge had purchased an alarming-looking sewing machine for Zeal, and he had been struggling to master it. Mane had kept the left legs he’d cut off several pairs of leather trousers, and Zeal had had a lot of fun attempting to make new hoods. Although his initial efforts were hilarious, he was gradually mastering the machine, and felt ready to try making some basic leather tee-shirts from some of the roll of black skins he’d found on the internet.

The day after Zero and Rage had returned home, Edge took Zero to one side. “I’d like a little private talk about Zeal,” he said.

At first Zero was alarmed. “Is there something wrong?”

“No,” said Edge, “far from it; but Zeal wants to come clean about his desired modifications, and he’s nervous you may not approve. I’ve told him not to worry, but he’s still fearful of your reaction.”

“Whatever does he want that I might not like?” said Zero.

“He must tell you himself, but I’ve reassured him it’s going to be OK with you.”

Zero relaxed a little and said, “Ask him to come up to my room.”

Zeal knocked on the door and rolled into Zero’s room. The big man picked up Zeal in his arms and gave him a huge bear hug. “Now listen: you must never worry about being truthful now you live with us in this house. I cannot imagine what you want, but it’s unlikely to be a shock to me, nor a problem.”

“Well,” began Zeal, “I want to lose my cock and balls, and become a smooth nullo; more than that I’d like the surgeon to create an artificial vagina from the tissue of my cock. I just want a lovely deep hole to offer to all you beautiful men I live with. I want to lay back and offer my legless cock-less arse and feel the deep penetration of your cocks.”

Zero kissed Zeal long and hard.  “Well, to be honest, I didn’t see that coming, and it is rather surprising; but it would be a new sensation for all of us if you are certain it’s what you want, if it’s a way you’d like to offer your body to us.”

“I’ve been worried you might think it’s too outrageous.”

“Look around you and think of the future; nothing could ever be too outrageous in this house,” smiled Zero. “Now let’s both go downstairs and talk openly together about your plan.”

There was a warm feeling amongst the men as they sat around the kitchen table chewing over Zeal’s plan. “How soon?” asked Edge. “Before my surgery or after?”

“Definitely after,” said Zeal, “because I’m determined to become an efficient worker on the leather sewing machine, and whilst I learn, I can dream of my future surgery.”

“And anyway,” said Zero, “there is the practical fact of the surgeon doing something that may not be in his experience. He might need some time to do some homework himself.”

“Great,” said Edge, “because the time has come for me to become a quad. I want both arms taken off leaving just short stubs. I know it will leave me dependent upon you to do a great deal for me, but I hope this is the kind of thing we’re living here for.”

“Most certainly,” said Zero. “You must realise that as a quad we will all want to have sex with you, and you will not be in a position to stop us. This is the kind of thing we’re here for, and I’ve a feeling that once we have one quad in the house, there will be others following.”

“Shit,” said Rage, “with all this erotic talk, I really need someone to suck me off.”

“Put me down on the floor,” said Zeal, “and I’ll be happy to oblige – but I hope you’re ready for it to take a very long time.”

“Hold it a moment,” said Zero. “Didn’t we say at one stage that we’d not have sex in the kitchen?”

“Rules are made to be broken,” said Edge. “I’m going down there and having a chew on Zeal’s cock – after all we’ve got to make the most of it before he gets it cut off.”

“I’m going to my room,” said Zero grandly. “Don’t forget, Rage my dear man, that now you’re home, you’re back to being housekeeper, so you’ll be responsible for any mess that anyone happens to make on the kitchen floor.”

A week later, Edge’s arms were amputated a few centimetres above his elbows. He was in the surgeon’s care for a week, and then returned to the house heavily bandaged, but wearing a broad smile. “Perfect,” he said. “I can’t express how I feel, but it’s just perfect.”

Rage and Mane exchanged a knowing look and nodded to one another in recognition of their own ambitions.

A few days later, Zero asked for another ‘family talk’, and they all gathered in the kitchen. “Boys,” he started, “I want you all to know how happy I am in the way our community, our family, is developing; but there’s an issue we cannot escape. We need to find some more residents. Now that Edge has reached his perfection, we are confronted by the reality of our needs and desires. I’ve noticed the way you two, Rage and Mane, are looking at Edge. I can see that he represents the torso perfection that you’d like, and I’ve a feeling that you, Zeal, have similar thoughts.” The men all nodded seriously. “So,” continued Zero, “we must think things through. I’ve not invited you to share my home so that I can finish up as a nurse-maid wiping the arses of four torsomen. We need a cook and we need a housekeeper. Whilst you have enough limbs to fulfil such duties, we can survive, but we also need physical help. Wiping arses isn’t a joke, it’s a reality, as you’ve discovered with Edge so before we have any more amputations, we have to find new recruits.”

Rage spoke up, “Of course you’re right, Zero, but we can’t just recruit any random men. Not only must they be committed leather men, but they must harbour deep understanding of the desire for amputation, and perhaps need to become amputees themselves.”

“Exactly,” said Zero, “which brings me to the point. I suggest that both you Rage, and Mane, embark upon visits to leather clubs to see if we can find new members for our family.”

“We don’t just want to entice men just for the sake of them having a wank at the sight of Edge,” said Mane. “We need deeply committed, strongly understanding leather men, who’d like to lose a limb or two, and would be happy to provide essential personal services to those of us who in the end will be torsos.”

“I’d like to join in as well,” said Zeal, “at least until I become a nullo.”

“And I,” said Edge, “although I don’t think I can go on my own. With one of you with me, there’s sure to be someone who gets very excited to meet a torso.”

“So that’s the plan,” said Zero, “and hopefully at the same time, you’ll enjoy spending time in the clubs. Full leather, and masks on. Mane, we’ll use your car to ferry the others with their wheelchairs to various club nights and see who takes the bait.”

Rage had been to the Backstreet Club in Mile End before, and was keen to go again. Mane dropped him off and watched him crutch into the club, and then drove to the club in Acton where Zero had found Zeal. Both men were the centre of attention at the clubs, and could easily find other leather men keen to have sex with them.

Rage was approached quickly by a tall man who started by feeling the sexy space under Rage’s left hip where his left leg used to be. “Do you like me to feel you like that?” said the tall man.

“I certainly do,” said Rage, “and you can go a great deal further than just feeling my amp scar.” The two men enjoyed the casual sex which was so rife in the club, and then drifted apart. Rage realised that anyone who might one day move into their house would have to show much more commitment.

Mane’s experience was similar. Several leather men were keen for casual sex with a cripple, but none obviously obsessed with amputation the way he was. One hunk was keen to dominate Mane, so Mane tried out the hunk’s limit: “Do you like my amputation?” he said.

“Um,” said the hunk with his mouth full of Mane’s cock.

“I’m getting the other leg cut off soon,” said Mane.

The hunk spluttered. “What? You can’t be serious.”

“I’m very serious,” laughed Mane. “Just think what it will be like when I’m in a wheelchair, or down on the floor with my mouth just at the right height for your cock!”

Standing up abruptly, the hunk brought his face very close to Mane’s. “You are one very badly kinky man,” he said.

“I know,” said Mane, “and I always will be.”

The next day in the kitchen the men compared notes. “There’s no hurry,” said Zero. “I never expected you to find someone on the first try. Getting Zeal so quickly and easily was very surprising. We must take our time, and make sure we find the right men.”

“I can’t wait for that,” said Mane. Please Zero, get my leg off quickly, as soon as possible.”

“No problem,” said Zero. “I’ll get an appointment for you for next week, and in the meantime, you’d better get hand controls fitted to your car.”

Mane’s right leg was removed a few days later, and as with all voluntary amps, he made a speedy recovery. After a week’s recuperation, he was determined to drive himself home from the surgeon, and arrived rather exhausted from the effort, but in one diminished piece back at the house. Rage was particularly pleased to see him home, “As now you can get back to the cooking. I’ve done most of it for the week you’ve been away as Zeal is obsessed with his sewing.”

“And made some wonderful hoods and started on shirts,” said Edge. “I’ll be first with an armless shirt. I’m very excited to have custom clothes. I really hate these old arms on my shirts flapping about emptily.”

It was nearly three months before they found a potential new resident. Zeal and Mane had gone together to the Acton club, this time without hoods. The hunk Mane had seen there before was still hanging around. “Fuck, mate, you really did get your leg off,” he said.

“Of course,” said Mane. “I wasn’t joking. And this is my mate Simon. He’s been here before.”

“That was a long time ago,” said Zeal. “We live in the same house.”

“And we both love our leglessness,” said Mane. “We are both thinking about losing a hand or even two.”

“You’re even madder than I thought,” said the hunk, walking away.

Zeal and Mane were aware that another man had been watching in the near darkness. Mane looked at him directly and smiled. The man walked over and knelt down to talk to the two wheelers.

“I can’t help staring,” said the man. “Do you really enjoy being without legs?”

“Yes, both of us.”

There was a long pause, as the man struggled to find words to express himself. “Would you be very insulted or upset if I said I am really jealous of you, and would love to have my legs cut off, to be a double amputee like you.”

Mane and Zeal looked at one another, and then back at the men.

“Do you really mean it, or are you just turned on my what you see?”

“I really mean it,” said the man. “I’ve been searching the internet for years, finding photos of legless men; and I don’t just envy them, I desperately want to be like them.”

“I’m Mane,” said Mane, “and my friend here is Zeal.”

“I’m Ken King,” said the man. “It’s fantastic to have met you.”

“Come outside and sit in my car,” said Mane, “and we can talk privately.”

Mane and Zeal stowed their wheelchairs in the boot, and climbed into the front seats, turning to face Ken who they told to sit on the back seat. “You can just turn right round like that,” said Ken.

“Of course we can,” said Zeal. “There’s no legs in the way.”

“Are you sure it’s OK for me to speak openly? You won’t be upset?” said Ken.

“Stop being so worried,” said Mane. “We both love our bodies as they are now, and we are both likely to get further modifications. You’re not going to say anything that upsets us, or even surprises us.”

“Have you done anything about getting an amputation?” said Zeal.

“In a way,” said Ken. “I had all my teeth removed and I wear dentures. I know it’s nothing like your kind of amputation, but it was a start to getting my body modified.”

“I’m thinking of getting my teeth out,” said Mane. “I like the idea of dentures.”

“But if you had the chance, what else would you like done?” said Zeal.

“My body should be short above knee stumps so that I could wear stubbies, and both hands removed so I could have hooks.”

“You sound as if you’ve thought about this a lot,” said Mane. “Tell us more about yourself.”

“I’m a chef,” said Ken, “and I’m good at it, but my life is obsessed with amputation. Many is the time I’ve stood in my kitchen with a big meat cleaver and contemplated chopping one hand.”

Mane laughed. “A chef – hurrah!” Ken frowned, but Mane said, “All will be explained later.”

The conversation continued for most of the night, and eventually Mane drove home with Zeal asleep beside him, and a very excited Ken King unable to sleep on the back seat.

Zero took Ken to his private rooms, and the two were in deep conversation. When they returned to the kitchen, Zero said, “Meet Stub. It was easy to find him a new name as he wants four stubs, and to walk on stubbies. He’s going to need a few days to sort out his affairs but will be joining us full time next week.”

“And I hope you’ll be our new cook,” said Mane delightedly, “so that I can get my arms off, and become the total torso I’ve dreamed of becoming.”

“Hang on a minute,” said Rage. “I’ve been here longer than anyone, and yet I’m still just the one-leg man I’ve been for ages. I love being with you all, and I’m very content being the housekeeper, but I’m as anxious as any of you to get my leg off, and then progress towards being limbless.”

Zero smiled a rare smile. “Your time will come, dear Rage. We all respect your desires and needs as much as any of us but be patient. What’s another few months compared to the lifetime of being a torso that you desire?” 

Just as planned, Stub returned a week later with his stock of leather clothes and little else. The others questioned him about being toothless, and Mane was very keen to follow that idea.

The next few months saw the happy residents of Zero’s big house gradually becoming the bodies they yearned for. Zeal worked hard at the leather work machine and started producing some excellent jerkins, hoods and stump sheaths. He also discussed having his hands amputated and worked out ways of using the machine. He would always need someone to help occasionally, but he was confident he’d remain productive without his hands, and that he’d love to learn to use body-controlled hooks.

With Stub taking over duties in the kitchen, Mane progressed to his dream configuration: completely limbless and toothless. He asked Zeal to make him a hood without a mouth, representing his loss of teeth, and he loved the moment after breakfast each day when Rage laced him tightly into his hood.

Edge surprised them all by talking about an old obsession, the sexual thrill of breath control. He said he was greatly excited by the idea of having to work hard to breathe; he saw it as the ultimate disability after becoming a torso. With help from everyone, Zeal crafted a leather hood connected by a tube to a gas mask. The hood was extremely close-fitting, and Edge’s breath came only through the gas mask, which was ‘doctored’ to make Edge’s breathing a constant challenge. For an hour each morning, he would breathe normally, before being strapped into his tight hood. Thereafter the others would hear him working to maintain his breathing through the gas mask. His life was constantly challenging for him, trapped in his limbless body, struggling to breathe. He was in heaven.

Before finally getting his hands cut off, Zeal made a stock of spare hoods, and took Rage to one side to ask if he had any special request. “I’ll wear a simple hood whilst I have three limbs and continue to be the housekeeper, but please make me a hood without eyes holes. Once I’ve achieved being a torso, I’ll give up my sight for most of the day. Just as Edge is fulfilled by having to struggle to breathe, so I want to be blind. It will be the ultimate disability for me. When Edge is being strapped into his forced breathing mask each day, I’ll be strapped into blindness. I’m even hoping that the time will come when I remain blind of many days and nights without any respite. Perhaps one day I’ll be permanently blind.”

Stub didn’t want leg amputations as severe as the others as he was very anxious to learn to walk on stubbies. He told them about a young man he’d seen when he was still a boy, and the image had remained with him ever since, driving the desire to be DAK. He also believed he could operate well as their cook without hands, and Zeal created leather sheaths to wear on his arm stumps. Zeal himself was dissatisfied by his long arms with stumps where his wrists used to be, and having become proficient with hooks, determined that he'd have much shorter stumps, and longer prosthetic arms.

It was a long time before Zero recruited the next resident, bur finally he brought home a young Finnishman called Johan. There was only the slightest hint of an accent which the others considered to be very sexy. Zero christened him Mylo but warned him that he’d have to wait a while before getting the amputations he yearned for. “Rage has been waiting a very long time,” said Zero,” and I’ve promised him his amputations as soon as a new housekeeper has been found. Now is his time.”

Rage had set out a strict timetable for his modifications. After all the months and years with crutches and walking on his right leg, that would go first; then he’d have exactly three months as a wheelchair user, before having his left arm taken – an amputation not only of his whole arm, but also his shoulder and shoulder blade removed. He determined he’d have another exact three months, and then the other arm and shoulder would go. As a completely limbless torso with no remnants of legs or arms, he’d have three more months before adopting his blind hood, finally becoming the total helpless cripple he’d dreamed of being.

Mylo settled happily into his role as housekeeper and also loved all the physical chores servicing the other men. Zero allowed him to have his left hand chopped off, and he quickly mastered his new hook, but for a while he had to be content with just that one amputation. He admired Stub’s leg stumps, and was sure he could continue to be an efficient and reliable housekeep if he had just one leg on the right, and a pegleg on the left. Zero eventually relented to Mylo’s pleas, and his left leg disappeared. 

The torsos, Rage, Edge and Mane settled into their ultimate forms as extremely disabled men: Mane with his toothless mouth, Edge struggling for every breath through his gas mask, and Rage almost permanently blind. Zeal’s male vagina was used very regularly, and he loved the sight and feel of his smooth crotch, and the excitement of feeling the other men’s cocks deep inside him. Life in the leather house was one of constant sex, with variations of positions and combinations of bodies far beyond the imagination of any outsider.









Author of The Power Of Difference


There was a curious email in my spam folder titled ‘Looking for a Man with no legs in a Wheelchair.  Are You Him?’  I read it.  All it said was ‘If this description fits you, please get in touch if you’d still like to meet devs.’  It was signed Hank with a phone number in my area code.  Hmmm, I thought to myself, and responded with my first name and phone number.  

“Is this Jim,” a caller asked a few days later.  

“Yes,” I said. “This is Jim.”  

“Hi Jim, this is Hank from the email.  I saved your address from a now defunct disabled website a couple of years ago.  You are a double leg amputee, I think, and I am a devotee and I just wondered if there was any chance you’d still like to meet devs these days, and if so, would you like to chat on the phone for a bit?  I realize this is totally out of the blue.”
“Gee Hank, this is a real surprise.  I’m a bit of a loner, have been since I became disabled, but yeah, I guess there’d be no harm in talking on the phone if you want to.”  

We talked for about fifteen minutes, trading basic information.  He seemed ok. He was obviously intelligent and had a deep masculine voice—both appealing qualities to me.  Finally, he asked if I’d like to meet him in a public place and have a coffee and I said sure.
Here’s a little background about myself.  I am an amputee.  About five years ago, I had both legs amputated well above the knees.  My leg stumps were so short that there was no chance that I could ever wear prostheses, so I was essentially a legless cripple for the rest of my life.  I thought of myself as a halfman, because that literally was what I was.  I looked like somebody who had been cut in half.  Sitting in my wheelchair, I didn't even make much of a lap, since my stumps were so short.  My gay life and sex life came to a screeching halt.  My gay friends mostly vanished and I was really struggling to just keep going, to get through the next day, much less have any plans or goals for myself.  I was thirty-five, had been a short guy—five foot six to be exact and weighed about hundred ninety pounds, but I was built like the proverbial brick shithouse.  I was okay-looking, some even said handsome, but I was never very comfortable with being so short. I had black hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and a fair amount of body hair. Sort of Italian looking, I guess.  Now I was considerably shorter, a little over three foot tall and weighed about a hundred ten pounds.  When I looked in the mirror what I saw was a head and a torso staring back.  I lost my legs in a construction accident—I was a construction foreman—and of course being severely disabled I couldn’t work construction any more.  I got a very handsome settlement from the accident so I didn’t have to work anymore.  I had a lot of time on my hands so I devoted some of my time to volunteering for wheelchair sports, supporting and managing wheelchair teams and athletes, but not participating myself. But like I said earlier, I was was a loner, a ‘handicapped hermit,’ so to speak.  
What the hell, I thought to myself, what’s the worst that can happen?  Some dev wants to jerk off on my stumps. I belted myself into my wheelchair like I always did when I went out in public so as not to fall out of it and rolled the several blocks to the coffee house to meet Hank.  I told him he’d recognize me instantly as I’d be the only no legs guy there. I won’t recognize you, of course, so if you don’t like my looks just leave. All he said was that’s something like that’s probably not gonna happen. I rolled into the place, getting the usual stares from the other patrons and found the token handicapped table reserved for chair users.  A guy approached me from the rear and said quietly into my ear “You must be Jim.”  I swiveled my chair around quickly, almost knocking him over.

“What the fuck!” I said.  

“Sorry bud, didn’t mean to surprise you like that.”  

“Yeah, I’m Jim,” I said and motioned toward a seat.  He introduced himself properly then and we shook hands.
He was about forty-five and good-looking in a rough kind of way.  He was a strongly-built man, a muscle bear-type guy, about six foot tall or maybe taller. Sitting in a wheelchair, it’s always hard to tell how tall someone is, since they’re always taller than you.  He was well built and weighed maybe two hundred fifty pounds, with a short brown buzzcut and a graying short beard.  He had deep, intense brown eyes and a quick smile.  He was dressed sort of like a blue-collar worker, in a work shirt and jeans and engineer’s boots.  

“You didn’t mention on the phone what a handsome hunk you are, Hank.”  

“And you didn’t mention what a good-looking legless man you are, Jim, plus having no legs—that’s a winning combo for a guy like me,” he said, looking me straight in the eyes and smiling.  “And before you get all worked up, let me just add that I mean it as the highest compliment I could pay you.  What’s left of you from the waist up is damned handsome.”
I sat there stunned for a few seconds.  No-one had ever approached me in such a blunt, non-pc way before.  But I liked it, in a way. It was simple, direct, and honest. There was no awkwardness or beating around the bush.  He said what I was and put it out there in plain sight. Before I could respond he said “I’ve been masturbating to pics of men without legs since I was twelve.  Before you express your shock at that, Jim, can I get you a coffee?”  I nodded yes.  As he got up, I could see that he had a bulge in his jeans.  
When he came back with the coffees, I said “Was that a bulge I detected in your jeans there Hank.”  

“Why yes it was,” he said, and added “Good eye there Jim.”  

“Well, since my range of vision is always at crotch level,” I said, “they’re pretty easy to spot.  You didn’t notice I had one too, because what little is left of my lower body was hidden under the table.  But when I get a boner, it’s longer than my stumps and it’s real obvious.”  He went really pale and I thought he might swoon or faint but he recovered and I said “It’s a pleasure to meet you Hank, I’m glad you emailed me.”  He coughed out something that sounded like “I’m glad I did too, Jim.”
We finished our coffees and I suggested we head to a nearby park where there was more privacy.  He asked if he could push my chair for me and I said ok.  He said that he hadn't had much experience pushing a wheelchair before and to let him know how he did.  

“Don’t you worry man, I’ll give you a full critique,” I said.
He wheeled me out of the coffee shop and into the park.  He found an unoccupied bench in a fairly secluded area.  He parked me opposite it and sat down.  

“How did I do pushing you Jim?”  

“To be honest, it was rough there in spots.  If you’re going to push a wheelchair you gotta do what the guy in the chair does constantly—survey the ground, anticipate pavement irregularities or other things you have to navigate over and adjust your speed.  If you hit irregularities too fast you can fall out pretty easily and believe me that’s no fun.  That’s why I have these leather straps across my chest and waist so I don’t fall out.  I’d give you a C minus.  I’ve experienced worse.  It’s not rocket science. You’ll get used to it pretty quickly if you push me again.”
“Man, I hope I get to push you again. I liked pushing you. I liked being your legs for you.”  

“I liked you pushing me too.  When I go out in public, I’m always pushin pushin pushin. It’s damn tiring and hard work, even if you’re in good shape.  It was nice to feel you take over there for a few minutes.”

“Anytime stud,” Hank said. “Hopefully I'll be pushin you a lot more in the future.  And yeah, I noticed the leather straps. I like them a lot,” he said and chuckled.  “I also noticed your wheelchair is pretty beat up, like its gotten a lot of hard use over the years.”  

“Yeah Hank, it’s the original one I got after the accident.  I have kind of a fondness for it. We’ve been through a lot together.  I have no interest in replacing it with a shiny new one.”  

“For what it’s worth Jim, I like it too. It shows you’ve been an active guy since you’ve been confined to it.”
He sat on the park bench staring at me for a minute or so, and said “Man I hate to say this, but you really do look like you’ve been cut in half. You have no lower body do you?  You’re like that German guy Florian whose pics are plastered all over devotee sites.”  

“I know which guy you mean and thank you, he’s great-looking.  No, I don’t have much below my waist, but like they say ‘Less is more!’”  

“Fuck yes! Mies Van Der Rohe the architect was right on when he coined that phrase—less is definitely more in your case.  Do you even have leg stumps?”  

“Small ones,” I said. “My legs were amputated very high, so high there’s no hope for using prostheses.  But the good news is that all my junk is still there and in working order.”  

“How do you keep your balance while you’re sitting upright, Jim?”  

“Well,” I said, “you have to develop really strong core muscles. They are the only way to stabilize yourself if your legs are almost completely missing.  The muscles of your chest, shoulders and arms don’t really come into play with upright stability. It’s the ab muscles that count.  My abs aren’t quite as strong as I’d like. That’s why I strap myself in when I’m in my wheelchair, Hank.”
“Let’s focus on you now,” I said, “Great build, thick body, somewhat hairy, great buzzcut and beard, ruggedly handsome face.  Who the fuck are you and what do you want?”  

“Well Jim, I’m a gay forty-two year old architect who designs modernist homes for well-heeled people.  I’m successful in my career and well-off financially.  In my leisure time, I like to look more blue collar and less upper middle class, hence the way I’m dressed today.  I’ve been jerking off to pics of legless men since I was twelve, like I said. It’s just my fetish, I guess, and I make no bones about it.  I’ve never really gotten to know a guy without legs before, although God knows I’ve tried often enough.  I tend to be a more dominant type guy, if you know what I mean.  I’m not in a relationship and finally decided to be more aggressive finding someone like yourself and here I am.  Now it’s your turn, Crip.”
I did a double-take there for a minute.  No-one had ever called me ‘Crip’ before, ever.  

“Well Hank, like I said earlier, I have never met anyone so direct, blunt, and non-pc about my handicap before, but I gotta say it’s refreshing in a way.  My handicap a major thing. You can’t ignore it, right?  I mean, a person can’t really pretend I’m normal and then when they act like I am, there’s all kinds of confusion and bullshit.  My whole being is defined by it and you put it out there directly with no apologies.  I like that.  I’m thirty-five,  I’ve been crippled for about five years having lost my legs in a construction accident, like I told you on the phone.  I’m mostly ok with it now, finally.  I’m also financially secure due to a large settlement over my injuries and don’t work.  My gay life and sex life is non-existent.  Since we’re sharing what we jerk off to, I usually jerk off to guys that look a lot like you, whole, big, able-bodied men who are in their forties and fifties, masculine, muscular, and dominant.  I was more of a submissive guy, pre-amputation, partly because I was fairly short, and I guess I’m even more so now that I’ve become even shorter.  When I had legs, I played around quite a bit with guys.  Since then, I’ve been pretty celibate.”
“Okay Hank, I’ve gotta tell you something.  You have this glow and radiance about you, I can’t quite put a finger on it, but it’s very appealing.”  

“Well Jim, I don’t know about that, but I guess if I am glowing or whatever, it’s because for the first time in my life I’ve met a man I’ve been dreaming about since I was a kid and we’ve actually spoken and interacted and gotten along pretty well so far, I think.  By the way, you look pretty radiant too, my friend.”

“Hank, when I lost my legs, I thought I’d never ever meet the man of my dreams, and yet here you are, actually speaking to me and liking what you see.”  

“Jim, I not only like what I see, I love what I see.”
“Shit, there goes my dick again. Excuse me a moment while I rearrange it.  Wow Jim, this meeting seems really profound. I think I’ve stumbled into and you’ve wheeled into a possibly very significant thing here.  How do you feel?”  

“Gosh Hank, all signs are good so far.  My head is spinning. I think I need some time to settle down and process you.  In the past, I met a few devotees who were all hot to trot.  And then, after they played with my stumps or jerked off on them or satisfied their curiosity about me, they lost interest or disappeared or maybe they just realized how much work it would be to have relationship with a guy like me and felt it wasn’t worth it.  But you seem like the real thing.”  

“Yes Jim, you seem like the real thing too.  And yes, my head is also spinning.”
We said goodbye and agreed to meet at the same spot the next day.  I watched Hank get up and leave, striding away on his beautiful strong legs.  I sat there for a while thinking about him, and finally wheeled home.
The next day, I showed up where we’d spent time the day before.  I was really nervous that he wouldn’t show up, that he was too good to be true.  But he was already there, pacing up and down in front of the bench.  

“Man, it’s good to see you, Hank. I was afraid you wouldn’t show up.  But here you are, all handsome, manly, and on two legs!”  

“Hey Jim! I was afraid of the same thing, and here you are all handsome, manly, with no legs and on wheels!  It’s really good to see you again.”  He bent down to give me a tight hug.  He sat down on the bench and I manoeuvred my chair into a spot directly opposite him.  
We chitchatted for a while until he got serious for a minute and said, “So Jim, can I ask you about your mobility?  What kind of mobility do you have, like are you always in your chair?”  

“Well, I always use the wheelchair when I go out in public, but I’m not confined to it.   At home, I get out of it and usually handwalk on the floor.  I can also push myself around on a skateboard.  And then I can crawl, using my arms and shoulders to drag my torso across the floor.  I can also stump-walk around the house, using sawn-off crutches for balance, but I don’t usually ‘walk’ that way.”
“Holy shit, it would be hot to see you move around in all those ways. I’d probably cream in my pants.”

“Well, maybe we’ll see if that happens,” I said with an evil grin.
“So Hank, tell me more about your dominant streak.”  

“Ok, I like to be in control. I like to call the shots, decide what we do, what we wear, decide what roles we play if there are any, engage in what you might call mild ‘power games’ sometimes. I’m not into sadism or being a slave master or anything like that.  And I’m definitely not at all mean-spirited.  Sometimes I like to tie up guys, blindfold them, use mild bondage techniques, engage in some verbal abuse, but never physical abuse.  Basically, I like to have fun, get turned on, find out what turns the other guy on, and give that to him so we both have fun.”

“Well, since I don’t have legs for you to tie up, that simplifies the bondage thing,” I said with a grin. “Before I was crippled, I was always somewhat on the submissive side of things, like I said. The truth is I was short, only five foot six.  I overcompensated for my shortness by working out a lot.  The loss of my legs was a cosmic joke I guess because now here I am an even shorter, a three foot tall cripple and I guess I’m probably still submissive, although I haven’t tested the waters, so to speak, since I’ve been this way.  I definitely don’t get off on pain, but I used to like some verbal abuse and humiliation. It always made me get off real good.”
“But,” he said, “Sexual antics aren’t everything. I’d also like to settle down in a lasting relationship, ideally with a disabled man that is based on love and mutual respect that would be beneficial to both of us.”
“Funny you should say that. I guess I’m at the point in my life where I’m done with being alone too.  For some years after I lost my legs, I thought I was unworthy and undesirable, that I’d never find love and mutual respect.  But now I realize I’m just as worthy of that as anybody else and I too have thought about settling down.  You know being disabled is very hard work. Everything’s always a struggle, even ordinary everyday things.  It would sure be nice to share a life with someone who understands that and who would be ok with me the way I am and who could smooth out some of the rough edges.  I gotta admit I am also interested in what you said about the settling down part.”

“Jim, here’s my card.  I want you to google the hell out of me so you feel comfortable with me.  I can see how vulnerable you are and I’m guessing that you have to be very careful about who you let into your life.  One last thing. Can I pick you up and hug you?”  

“Hank, generally I don’t like to be picked up. It makes me feel like a baby. But in this case you can pick me up and hug me in—I’d love to feel your big strong sexy arms around me. It would make me feel all tingly, I think.”  

He bent down and carefully picked me up and gave me a long bear hug.  

“That was great,” he said. “I definitely felt some electricity there” and I nodded yes.  

“Ok, let me drive you home, Jim.  The sun’s going down and it’ll be dark soon.  I don’t want some pervert devotee molesting your hot crippled bod unless its me.”

 I said ok and we headed to his truck.  He had an F-150 with oversize tires and a high threshold.  

“This is my macho truck,” he chuckled. “The contractors I work with like it.”  

He asked me if I could get in the passenger seat by myself and I said sure. But when I tried to hoist myself up in the seat, I failed and I tumbled into the footwell.  

“Guess you’re not as strong as you think you are, Crip. Guess Big Hank will have to give you a hand.  Up you go, Jim,” as he picked me up and placed me in the passenger seat. He stowed my wheelchair in the back.  I hoped he didn’t notice my red-faced embarrassment when my attempt to get in the seat backfired.
Outside my place, he got the chair out of the back of the truck and reached in to pick me up from the seat and put me in my chair.  

“Like I said, I could get real used to being your legs for you Jim.  I really mean that!”  

He said he’d call me tomorrow.  Before he left, he gave me a high five and bent down to hug me once more. I felt tingly all over again.
I rolled into my small apartment in a kind of daze.  The next morning I googled the hell out of his name.  He seemed to be exactly who he said he was, a prominent local architect.  There were some pics online as well, some of him all dressed up accepting awards and a few from a pool party he’d attended.  In a t-shirt—man, was he built!  Like I said before, he had broad shoulders, defined hairy pecs, big arms I’d noted earlier, one handsome hunk of a man.  God, I hoped he’d call back!
The daze had worn off some the next day and I began to second guess myself.  What if his dominance thing had a real dark side?  Would I be safe?  Although my upper body was strong, Hank was right—I was very vulnerable. I mean, I couldn’t fight my way out of a wet paper bag if I had to and it’d be a piece of cake for him to take advantage of me.  So I slowed down a bit.  I needed to take it one day at a time and not get overly excited.  I jacked off three times that day to relieve the sexual tension I was feeling and every time my mind went right to him.
The next evening the phone rang and it was him.  

“Hey,” I said, “you called back.”  

“Hey Crip,” he replied. “I said I would and I always keep my word.  I’d definitely like to see you again.  Is that possible?”  

“Yes it is,“ I said, trying not to show too much enthusiasm.  “Where would you like to meet?”  

“It’s your choice, Jim. Anywhere is fine.”  

“Well, since you asked about my mobility, why don’t you come over to my place and see how the freak lives and moves around and then you can run off screaming.”  

Hank said, “I’m sure as hell not gonna do that and I’d love to see how the freak lives.”  

“Ok hunk, but just so you know I’ll have an able-bodied cop friend here just to be on the safe side.”

“Excellent, I don’t blame you in the least. If I was in your shoes—oh wait, you don’t have any shoes do you?—I’d be real careful too!”  

“Watch it, fucker! Just watch it, okay?”  

“Yes boy. I’m going to watch it alright. I’m going to watch it real hard,” he responded.
The next night we had our first ‘date.’  Danny, my friend from high school and an ex-cop came over wearing his police uniform.  He works nights now as a bouncer at a well-known but sketchy straight bar.  He is tough as nails and looks it.  Since I lost my legs, he has been kind of my bodyguard I guess you could say. He vetted the few guys that showed some interest in me and in general looked after me.  Hank showed up right on time and Danny let him in and I introduced them.  


“Wow,” he said as he first looked at Danny. “I surrender, Sir. Just put the cuffs on me and take me away.”

Danny laughed and said something about his sense of humor.  I was on the floor like I usually am at home, leaning up against the sofa.  

“Yeah,” I said. “It can go too far sometimes, I think.” Danny told Hank that he checked out his record and he was clean as a whistle.  Hank asked Danny if he wanted to pat him down and Danny said sure.  He was clean, no concealed weapons.  Danny said “You take good care of my little friend here. Don’t get too rough with him but definitely have some fun.  By the way, I live next door so if there’s any funny business, I’ll definitely hear it. Just saying, a word to the wise.”
Hank was looking extra hunky that night.  His tight white t-shirt showed off his upper body handsomely.

“So this is where the freak lives is it?  It’s small and there’s not much furniture but then you’re a small guy and you don’t need much space or furniture do you, Crip?”  

“Nope, the only thing I need that’s big is you, stud.”  

“And here I am, big as life and all yours.  God! I love seeing you on the floor like that, Jim. Love looking down at you.”  

“I can see you like it ’cause I can see your boner from way down here,” I said.
I hoisted myself up on the sofa and he sat down at the other end and told him I’d googled him and saw some great pictures of his bod at a pool party.  

“Yeah,” he said. “Those are some good pics of me.  Now why don’t you take off your baggy t-shirt and show me your upper body.”  

I did and he said “Whoa man, you are well-built. Big arms, solid chest, big shoulders. Must be from all the hand walking and wheeling you do.”  

“Yup, all part of being legless,” I laughed.  

“Fuck!” he said, “We better slow down or I’m going to blow in my pants.”  

I started to put my t-shirt, but Hank said not to. He wasn’t through looking at my upper body.
“Man, I just can’t help staring at your pants. There’s hardly anything left like I said when we first met.  Your ‘pants’ are like only four inches from the waist to where they’re sewn up at the bottom and there aren’t really any pant legs. They just form a kind of a pouch down there.”

“Yeah. Like I said, my legs were cut off real high.”  

“Man, that is so hot and sexy to be all upper body and not have a lower body.  Please don’t mind my saying that, Jim.”  

“Well to be honest, Hank, it’ll take some getting used to but I think I can manage it if it means getting to look at you, stud.”
“Let me get us some beers from the fridge. Be right back. I thought maybe you’d like to see me carrying stuff while I hand walk. You know, show off for you.”  

I hand walked to the kitchen and got two beers and carried them back in one hand using the other hand to scoot along the floor. I got back up on the sofa.  

“God damn, man! That was so hot seeing you scoot on the floor like that with only one hand. Every move you make is a new porn show for me, Jim, you know that?”  I grinned from ear to ear.  

“Glad you like the ‘floor’ show, Hank.  Let’s change the subject. Why don’t you tell me more about your fetish, Hank?”
We  opened our beers and he said “Ok, here goes. There was a legless man in the town I grew up in.  He sat in a beat-up wheelchair outside a store down town and sold newspapers.  He was a fairly young guy, probably in his late twenties, I guess.  I was fascinated by him.  From the waist up, he had a big chest, big shoulders, and big arms.  From the waist down, there was almost nothing, like you.  I’d go by him often and buy a paper and chat with him a bit.  As a fourteen year old kid, I was naturally curious and asked him what happened to his legs, stuff like that.  I was also concerned about him. He was so vulnerable just sitting there on the sidewalk.  I felt like I wanted to take care of him, make things better for him.  One day I asked him if he had someone who looked after him.  He said his friend ran the store just behind him and took care of him.  He said they lived together in an apartment adjacent to the store.  I said I noticed he always looked pretty dirty and he said yeah, he did, it’s pretty dirty out sitting on the street all day.  One day we chatted a little longer than usual and he asked me if I wanted to see his stumps.  I said no, that I was fascinated by his whole self more than by his stumps and commented on his big muscular upper body.  He took off his t-shirt and showed me his torso and asked me if I liked it.  I said yes I did, he looked really strong.  I also told him he was very handsome.  Some days I hid across the street so I could watch his friend come out.  They always hugged each other tenderly and then the friend wheeled him inside.  The friend was also a big burly guy and I could tell the relationship between them was real special but at the time, I didn’t know what that meant.  A few days later. I started masturbating thinking about him, or them, really—I guess I imprinted on him or something and the rest is history.  That’s how it all got started and I’ve had this interest ever since.”
“Wow! That’s a pretty interesting story.  Do other kinds of disabled men arouse you, Hank?”  

“No, not so much.  It’s pretty specifically your handicap.  Single leg amps, arm amps, other disabled men or wheelchair users don’t turn me on much.  I’m not turned on by double leg amps who use prostheses either.  Also, unlike some devotees, I’m not turned by the stumps themselves, but by the whole man. Some guys like blond surfers or smooth guys, or whatever. It’s my burden if you will to like double above knee amps.”

“I guess in a way, that would be a burden.”  

“Yes Jim. It’s been very isolating because you can’t go around talking about it. People would think it was crazy or sick and then if I were to find such a guy, he would probably have such hang ups or anger about his disability, he couldn’t accept my seeing him as hot, with the possible exception of you, maybe.”
“Yeah, I see what you mean. It’s a tough spot to be in. It’s another deep closet so to speak.  Earlier in my crippled life I don’t think could have accepted your interest either, but I’ve been like this long enough that I’m a realist now and don’t have a problem with devoteeism. Besides which, you’re totally my cup of tea.  Fetishes come in all shapes and sizes. Everybody has them. Some are odder than others, but I’m cool with it. Also, I have a fetish that might interest you.”  

“What’s that Jim.”  

“It’s about legs. It’s about strong masculine hairy legs like yours. I like watching them work, walk, and run, use them for whatever they can do.  I’ve developed this fetish gradually over time since I lost mine, but I’ve never told anybody it until now.”
“How do you feel about the dominance thing I have, Jim?”  

“I understand it and I’m ok with it.  You’re the boss, the decider, the leader It comes with being a big, strong, charismatic man.  I’m the follower. It comes with being a short guy to begin with, and now an even shorter one and a cripple. It’s a no-brainer. Plus even before my accident, guys were always teasing me or humiliating me about being short. I got used to it and even liked it. I mean, at least they were paying attention to me.  So now, I’d probably get off on being teased or humiliated for being a worthless freak and verbally punishing me for being a useless cripple.  So any verbal abuse you might want to throw at me would probably work too.  You’re the only person I’ve admitted this to, by the way.”  

“Thanks for telling, Crip. I’ll file it away,” he said.
“Why don’t you crawl over to me so I can give you a big hug.”  I crawled over to him and we hugged each other for a long time, our faces touching.  I thought to myself, wow this is a great start.  I hoped he was thinking along similar lines.   He drew me even closer and took my head in his hands and tilted my head up to kiss me.  At first it was just nuzzling but quickly turned into a deep kiss with a lot of tongue action.  Before I knew what was happening, he picked me up and took me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed.
“I know you said you don’t like getting picked up ’cause it makes you feel like a baby.  But I’d like to feel free to pick you up whenever I feel like it. I like having you in my big arms.  May I feel free to do that, Crip?”  

“Yes Sir,” I said. “It actually feels pretty damn good to be in your arms. So yeah, it’s more than okay.”
We had a couple more dates like that.  He would come over, bring dinner, we’d chat about our lives and experiences.  Talking with him was always easy and interesting and we learned quite a bit about each other.  But it didn’t go much beyond making out on the couch and getting boners.  On the phone later, we’d always relate how after each date we’d each jack off thinking about the other.  Then on the fourth date, the fireworks started.


“Now Crip, tonight I want us to make love to each other, okay?” Hank said on the fourth date.  I nodded yes.  Actually I was hoping he’d say this, because I was getting super horny just making out with him.  I guess he was too.  We went into the bedroom and took our shirts off. I looked at Hank standing before me bare-chested and I was overwhelmed by his rugged beauty.  

“This is me, all of me,” he said.  

“And this is me, what’s left of me,” I responded.  He jumped on top of me on the bed, careful not to crush me due to his greater weight and started kissing me all over my torso.  He rolled off of me and caught his breath.  

“My God, you’re gorgeous,” he said.  “You fucking take my breath away, Jim, you stunning man!”
I climbed on top of him and started fucking his hairy chest while kissing him and I came before I knew it.

“Damn boy, you must have got real excited there.”  

“Yes sir, you better believe it!  Now, let’s see how excited I make you.” I bent down and took his cock in my mouth and started pumping it.  He didn’t last more than a minute before he came and I swallowed his load.

“Hmmm,” I said. “I guess it works both ways.”  

“Yep, sure does” he said with an evil grin and reached over and grabbed a towel to clean us both up.  We held each other for a long time before we fell asleep.  
A few days later, Hank asked “Is it okay if I put a blindfold on you?  If you say no I won’t do it.  The point of it is it will heighten your pleasure a lot, I think.”  I nodded okay.  He slipped a leather blindfold on my head and suddenly I couldn’t see anything.  

“Now, I’m going to stand up and move off the bed and take my pants off.  You need to take your pants off and feel around and find the edge of the bed and slide off it onto the floor.  If you start to slip or anything, Big Hank will be there to help you.”  

I did that without a problem and now I was on the floor beside the bed.  I heard him take several steps away from me.  Hank said, “Now feel your way around the area and find my leg.”  

I groped around and found his leg, knowing where this was headed.  

“Now, fuck the hell outta my leg and while your doing that, I’m gonna be telling you what a worthless man you are and have always been, before and after your amputations and then I’m going to jack myself off all over you.” 

I grabbed his leg real tight and started humping it and he started in on me.  

“Shit man! You’ve always been worthless piece of shit. Not tall enough to be a real man. You were just an overgrown boy, really.  You worked out a lot to beef up but that didn’t make you any taller or make you more of a man, did it?  No it did not.  You always had to look up to the men you admired, right?  Yes you did, always looking up, always.  And then you went and got crippled, right?  And now you have to look up to them even more ’cause you’re so fucking short.  How fucked up is that?  You had to have your legs cut off, not just at the knees or something like that, but removed almost entirely so now you look like you’ve been sawn in half.  I look down at you and see a half-man who’ll never stand up, never walk, never run again, who’ll always be dependent on bigger, able-bodied men like me.  Am I right, cripple?”  
When I heard him go on like this, I started humping his hairy leg harder and faster until I came in an explosive burst all over his leg with a guttural sound I’d never heard myself make before.  I collapsed on the floor in a heap, exhausted just as he came with a roar.  I didn’t think I’d ever had felt such an intense orgasm ever before.  While I was still holding on to his leg, he started jacking himself and came all over me quickly.  Hank scooped me up and laid me on the bed, got a towel and cleaned us both up.  He held me tight in his big arms for a long time.  He whispered “How was that son? Was that what you were hoping for?”  

“Fuck man, that was the most intense sex I’ve ever had, but I also feel really ashamed to say that.”  

“Yes, Crip, but us both getting off so intensely was amazing.  You were fucking my leg so hard I thought you’d hurt yourself or me.  And my dick was so hard I thought it would break there for a minute. But don’t be ashamed. It’s always a mystery what turns us on and believe me, there’s no judgment on my part.  What works, works, as long as it doesn't harm other people.  Like you said, my thing was intense too. I’ve spent forever dreaming about coming all over a legless cripple.”  
After we caught are our collective breaths and settled down a bit, I said “Hank,, that was pretty smooth what you did back there.”  

He grinned a bit and said “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jim.”  

“You masterfully concocted a scenario just now that played to both of our various fantasies, which I’d say was damned incredible!”  

“Well Jim, that’s what you do when you care for someone as much as I care for you.”  I felt all warm and tingly inside when he said that.
“Will you spend the night Hank?”  

“Absolutely.  I hope we can play around like this a lot more, Crip.”  

“I hope so too, big guy.  I’ll see you in the morning stud.”  

We both fell into a deep sleep.
In the morning, I woke up in a groggy haze and began to recall all the details of what happened the night before.  Hank was already awake and dressed.  

“Did all that really happen last night or was I dreaming it, Hank?”  

“If by all that happened you mean you practically destroying my leg while I was totally humiliating you, yes it sure as hell did.”  

“Holy shit, Hank! That was incredible. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”  

“Yeah Crip, I know. That’s what you said before you passed out and went to sleep.”  He laid down on the bed and put his arm around me and held me tight for a long time and there was no need to say anything.  He’d made coffee and put together some breakfast for us, which he served on a tray.  

“I could get used to this”, I said. “Breakfast in bed!”  

“Well don’t ,Crip, ’cause this will probably be the only time it ever happens,” he said with a grin.
A bit later, Hank said, “God, I just love your body. It turns me on so much, but it’s not just your body, it’s you and your personality inside that body that turns me on too.  How lucky am I to have met a stud like you?”

“Pretty lucky I guess. There aren’t many studs around like me,” I replied.  

“Pull back the covers, just let me look at it again,” Hank said.  

“Sure,” I said, “but I’m gonna start charging admission to see the freak show.”  

“Hey Jim, I’ll pay anything. You’re absolutely worth it,” and he gave me yet another big hug.
He picked me up from the bed and held me tight to his chest and kissed me deeply.  The hug lasted a long time and by the time he put me back down on the bed, I felt really close to him, that our souls had somehow melded together.  He asked if he could dress me and I said sure.  He put my underwear and ‘pants’ back on and slipped my t-shirt over my head and pulled it down real snugly and I was dressed again in a flash.
We went back to my living room sofa, he walking and me hand-walking.  He sat down and I stayed on the floor.  

“Ok, Jim, what do we do now?  I feel like you’re the man I been looking for my entire life.  So there, I’ve said it.”
“Well Hank, I feel the same.  Maybe I’ve been looking for you too, at least since I’ve become a crip, but I dunno. Maybe I was searching for you even before that.  In answer to your question, I think we should enjoy each other, learn more about each other, you know, just continue along like we’ve started to do.  Living together and having a relationship are fraught with all kinds of trials and tribulations. It’s no piece of cake, in the best of circumstances.  And you probably have no idea what its really like with the extra trials and tribulations to have a relationship with a handicapped person.  Let’s see each other often, spend time together, have sex, have fun, just hang out together, and see what develops,” I said.  

“Yes boy, I agree. That would be the best way to approach this thing.”
We started hanging out together, going out in public, going to gay bars, restaurants, movies, museums, the beach.  Sometimes he pushed me. He’d gotten a lot better at pushing. It was a lot smoother ride now than that first time.  Sometimes I’d have to push myself. He always decided which it would be, but whichever way it was, I could see he totally enjoyed being seen with me.  And I totally enjoyed being with him.  I enjoyed it when he ‘was my legs,’ as he put it when he pushed me, and I enjoyed it when I had to push myself and had to struggle up slopes or over rough pavement or through heavy doors.  He especially liked seeing these struggles and after an afternoon or evening of them, the sex with us was always hotter than ever.
After a night out that required a lot of struggle on my part, he blindfolded me and asked me to suck him off.  This was new, as so far he always preferred to jack himself off and I’d only sucked him off once.  

“You man enough to do that, Crip?”  

“Well Hank, I guess we’ll see,” I replied. 

I took his cock in my mouth gave him the best blow job I’d ever given a guy, starting out low and slow, taking it deep into my throat, then backing off for a bit, and then going for the climax.  

“You little fucker, that was amazing,” he said after he exploded in my mouth.  

“It was amazing for me too.”  

He asked me how so and I said “It felt amazing to have you in my mouth and swallow your cum.  I dunno, it just made me feel more like a man. Made me feel more connected to you. Your manhood turns me on a lot.  I know I can’t be a man like you are, so I guess the next best thing is to give you pleasure and swallow some of your manhood.”

“Well Crip, you can swallow my manhood anytime you want.  But make no mistake about it you are all man inside that torso of yours.  The struggles you have to go through, the struggles that turn me on so much, prove that.  Shit, you're probably more man than I am. Things are easy for Big Strong Hank and I’ve never had to struggle much to do anything to get where I am.”

Hank came over to my place one Saturday night.  He walked in and got us a couple of beers from the kitchen.  We kissed and made out for a bit on the sofa.  

“Damn, I missed you boy. Missed holding you. Missed kissing you.”  

Hank had been real busy with a project and we hadn’t seen each other all week.  

“Damn Sir, I missed you too. Missed your big, strong, body, missed being in your arms, everything.  What would like to do tonight?”  
“I’d like to do you tonight, of course.  But first, I remember you said you could get around on a skateboard. Could you show me what that looks like?  But first, take your t-shirt off.”  

I took my shirt off and flexed and posed for him a little, like bodybuilders do.  I handwalked over to a closet and got the skateboard out.  

“It’s just a regular skateboard, nothing special about it.”  I got on it, laid on my stomach, and pushed myself around the room a couple of times.  

“That’s so cool Crip. You look really hot on it. Why don’t you use it much?”  

“Well Hank, my place is so small that I’d rather just hand walk.  I’d probably use it at your place more often since it’s so much bigger than mine.  And it’s really not at all safe to use in public, because I’m so low to the ground on it that people wouldn’t see me.”  

“Yeah I can understand,” Hank said. “What about the crutches? Show me how those work.”  

I hauled them out of the closet, along with a couple of pads.  

“It’s best if I cushion my lower body when I support my weight on it. I don’t want to injure my ‘equipment’ if you know what I mean.” I took off my pants and put pads in my pants and put them back on.  I got the crutches and positioned them just right and hoisted my torso up.  I proceeded to crutch around the room a couple of times by using the crutches to raise my whole body so I moved it forward, one ‘step’ at a time.

“See, the crutches are just for balance so I don’t make a fool of myself by falling over.”  

“You use them very often, Son?”  

“No Hank, I don’t.”
“Have you ever tried to use stubbies, Jim?”  

“No I haven’t. They advised against it in rehab. They said my stumps were so short they wouldn’t be an effective way of getting around.”  

“Well Crip, you look so hot crutching on your little stumps and I love seeing your upper body muscles work and flex, I may have to jack off.”  

“No Sir, let me help you with that.  Stand up.”  

He stood up and I stump-walked over to him, got his zipper down and gave him a long blow job.  

“You little fucker! I love the way you show off for me. You make me so happy,” and he reached down, picked me up and held me tight.

“I’m so glad we met!”
“Hey Crip,” he said one night to me. “I’ve been noticing that when I come over to your place and you’ve been hand walking or crawling a lot, that you get pretty dirty, kinda like a human mop.”  

“Yeah, Hank.  Since I’ve lived alone for quite a while, I don’t clean house as much as I should because it’s hard to do and I get lazy.  Before you came into my life, nobody ever came over very often and it didn’t matter.  I guess I should make more of an effort.”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I kind of like you a little on the dirty side.  It makes you look a little like the guy on the street I knew as a kid or like a blue-collar workman who’s been outside doing stuff.  And as I told you, I like to more dress blue collar in my leisure time.  Actually some of my projects require me to be on-site and crawl around the projects I have under construction.  Would you mind if I wore my work clothes over here and we could be a little dirty together?”  
“No I wouldn’t mind that at all. In fact, I like a whiff of man scents now and then, but only if they're of the mild, sweaty kind.  I smell your man scent sometimes when we’re out and about and I like it.”  

“And I smell yours sometimes, Crip, and like it also.  It reminds me that you’ve struggled all day to push yourself in your wheelchair and hand walk and crawl.”

“Speaking of smells,” Hank said the next day, “how would you feel about wearing some leather and getting into the leather scene a bit?”  

“Funny you should mention that, Hank. Maybe I mentioned it to you once, I don’t remember, but just before I lost my legs, I was thinking about leather.  I like the way it looks and smells.  I went out and bought a leather vest, a couple of leather jackets, leather pants and a couple pairs of boots.  I only wore that gear once before the accident.  The friend that was helping me throughout all that chaos packed up most everything I didn’t have any immediate need for and put it in storage.  It’s probably still there after all these years.”
“Awesome, Crip. Can you get to it and bring it home?”  

“Yeah, I could, I guess, but you know I don’t want to revisit my past life.  Since you brought it up, could you get the leather stuff from the storage unit?”  

“I understand, son. There must be a lot of painful memories packed up with that stuff.  Sure, I can do that.”

“Yeah, that would be great, Hank. All the boxes are labeled and there should be one marked ‘Leather.’ I’ll give you the name of the storage place and the key to the storage locker.  And could you also do me a favor?  Could you arrange for some charity to come pick everything else up?  I’ve procrastinated way too long getting rid of that stuff.”  

“Of course son, I’ll be happy to help.”
He brought over my box of leather stuff from the storage unit.  I asked him to open it up and he pulled out a leather vest, a motorcycle jacket, a second leather jacket, a pair of leather pants, a couple of armbands and a pair of engineer’s boots.  

“God-damned, Crip! This is top quality, hot stuff,” he said. “Can I dress you up in it, except for the boots, of course?”  

I nodded yes.  He took off my regular clothes, put the leather pants on me, the vest on my bare chest and the motorcycle jacket on over it.  He went and got my wheelchair and I crawled into it.  He pushed me to a full-length mirror where I was a transformed into a legless leather man.  We both were stunned for a minute.  The vest looked terrific on my chest and the motorcycle jacket looked tough and serious.  But my pant legs were long and empty and I started to tear up when I saw that.

“Jim!” he said. “I know the loss and probably the grief you are feeling when you see your empty pant legs and empty boots. It brought all of it back, didn’t it?”  I nodded yes.  

“You’re not going through this alone. I’m right there with you, sharing your loss and grief.  I don’t think for a moment that all the fun and games we play can make up for everything you’ve lost, but it is a way forward.  I love you very much and hope to be big part of your life.”  

“I love you too, Hank.  Thank you for all that you’ve brought into my life recently and I want you in my life as well.  Let’s definitely move forward. I think we’ve made a great start.  But if we’re going to move forward with the leather stuff, then we gotta get my leather pant legs cut off and sewn up.  There is nothing I hate more than empty pant legs dangling and flopping around.”  

Hank asked me how I get my pant legs cut off and sewn up.  I told him I had a tailor that did it and he suggested that we take the leather pants to him for the alteration.  I said okay.

One day when we were going to play, he said “Would you be okay if we cranked it up a notch, Crip?”  I asked how.  

“Well, since you already have the blindfold on, why don’t we keep it on you for a while?  Would you be okay with that?”  

“Sure, I guess so at least for a while. What? You want make me a blind cripple and add one more level of struggle to my burden?”  

“Shit man, you understand me so well, but this is only pretend. Only a game.  You say the word and I’ll cancel the request.”  
I kept the blindfold on.  He got me dressed again and, as usual, it was to great to feel his hands on my torso rather than see them. It felt very intimate.  He told me I’d have to feel my way around, that he would be nearby to make sure I didn’t hurt myself or crash into stuff.  He wanted me to get off the bed by myself, go into the living room, find my wheelchair and get in it.  I felt around the bed until I found the edge and slid onto the floor.  I started to walk on my hands at first like I always did, but I quickly realized I couldn’t do that and feel the space around me.  I lay flat on the carpet and started feeling my way as I inched forward, crawling.  I could feel Hank’s presence standing over me as I started to bump into furniture but eventually I found the doorway and crawled into the living room.  It couldn’t remember where I had left the wheelchair when I used it last so I crawled around feeling for it, not finding it. 

I said “Hank, I can’t seem to find it and he said ‘It’s not that far away, but it’s folded up, keep feeling around for it’.”  I crawled around some more and finally made contact with it.  I got my torso erect so I could open it. I faced the seat and hoisted myself up in it, got myself turned around in it.  He said “Good job, Crip. Now wheel toward me, just follow my voice. I’ll make sure you don’t crash into anything.”  

I followed his voice until I bumped into him.  I was directly in front of him and he leaned into me just a little and I could feel his very hard cock on my face.  He took my head in his hands and gently rubbed my face all over the bulge his cock made inside his jeans.  I pulled his zipper down with my teeth and used my tongue to fish around for his cock and got it out and into my mouth and he came quickly.  I swallowed and he picked me up roughly and walked into the bedroom and threw me on the bed.  He started giving me a lubed-up hand job slowly at first, then faster and faster. He’d stop for a minute until I’d moan then start up again.  He edged me over and over until all my nerve endings were tingling with ecstasy until he shouted ‘Do it!’ and I shot all over him.  I just laid there trying to catch my breath.  

“That was amazing,” I finally said.  

“You are amazing, Crip,” and he hugged me for a while and then cleaned us both up.  He was right, it was more intense with the blindfold on.

 “Look,” I said to Hank the next day. “I guess what we did yesterday was role playing, right?”  

“Yes, Crip, it was and it was really hot.”  

“Yeah it was. I could tell how turned on you were.  You are a big man, able-bodied and strong. You probably aren’t always aware of the safety risks for me involved here.  Understand?”  

“Yes Jim, I understand big time.  You are such a unique and precious man to me. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, to protect you from any harm or peril.”  

“Well Hank, let’s not carried away here. Let’s just say I’m a unique and precious half-man, ok?”  

“You got it, little fucker!”
“That being said,” I continued, “I’m really getting into showing off for you, turning you on, making you hard.  You are a unique and precious man to me too, you big lunk, and this whole role play thing excites me and I wanna continue.  Who knew you could take something terrible like losing your legs and turn it into something so erotic and sensual?”  

“Ah man, you just called me a big lunk. That’s exactly what I feel like sometimes around you. That’s really sweet. I like it a lot.  But I hear you loud and clear about not getting carried away and playing it safe and sane, but I also hear you about making your disability into a positive and glorious thing.”

I got a message from Hank saying he needed to talk to me, that it was urgent.  Of course I immediately called him back and asked him what was up.  He said he’d like to come by that evening and talk, saying again it was urgent and going on to say it was about him, not me.  I said sure, I’ll be here.
After worrying all afternoon about this urgent talk, he came over that evening.  He said he’d been to the doctor recently, but first he’d like to back up and talk about his childhood, because what he wanted to tell me related to that.  He said that when he was a kid, he’d contracted a mild case of polio.  He was sick for about a month and then it cleared up.  He grew up normally after that except that his legs were always on the thin side, not as muscular and beefy as the rest of him.  In college, he started weight training to bulk up his upper body and to compensate for what polio had done to his legs. Despite all his prodigious efforts at leg training, they only built up some, but never as much as the rest of him.
Now as an adult in his forties, he noticed his legs beginning to lose their strength despite his continued leg training. He went to a doctor, who told him he was suffering the effects of ‘post-polio syndrome’.  That refers to weakening of the muscles in the legs after many years of using them normally.  With normal use they just begin to wear out, to the point where the individual can’t walk anymore and often becomes a wheelchair user.  His leg training at the gym only accelerated the process in all likelihood, the doctor said.  This syndrome only affects the legs, it doesn’t affect any other muscles.
“So that’s my story Jim.  I also shut my design practice down for six months, so I could focus on this.  I wanted to tell you before our relationship went any further, because its going to have an effect on me in terms of what I can and can’t do and on you too, of course.  And I’m not the able-bodied hunk you thought I was. I’m going to be Wheelchair Hank, at your level, not tall hunky able-bodied Hank.  So, I want you to feel free to opt out of this thing before it develops any further.”
I asked how long this had been going on.  He said since before we met.  When I asked why he hadn’t said anything, he said we’d just met and he didn’t want to jinx our budding relationship.  I said there was very little could jinx that since I found him so damn attractive and charismatic.  

“Well,” I said. “Thanks for telling me. It must have been really hard for you to hear this news and even harder to tell me. It’s a lot to take in and process.  I’m so sorry to hear all this and so sorry that you’re going through this.  But Hank, I gotta tell you it doesn’t make any difference at all to how I feel about you or about us.  Yes, it will change a lot of things, but not your personality or how much I like you. You will still be my dominant hunk no matter how you move around.  Yes, I loved it that you were able-bodied and could do all the things I couldn’t.  But it’s not the end of the world or the end of us.  If you do end up using a chair, you’ll still have your legs and some ability to use them, I’m guessing, albeit on a more limited scale.  God, I can think of a bunch of ways that could make us even more kinky.  And if you wind up in a chair, you’ll be the most handsome and studliest wheelchair user around.  I still expect to you to call me Crip, even though you’d also be a ‘Crip’ but I’ll still be more crippled than you and I will continue to call you Sir, because you’ll still be the dominant guy here.  Let me add again I’m really sorry to hear about this. I wouldn’t wish a disability on anyone and especially not you.”
“Oh man!” he said. “That’s a relief to hear. I am so relieved, Jim. I can’t begin to tell you how blessed I feel to have met you.  I’m still processing this news myself, as you can imagine.  The doctor says that having reached this point in the leg weakness thing, they usually deteriorate pretty fast and that I should consider using a wheelchair soon.  He also said once the leg muscles conk out they don’t ever recover.”
“Well Sir, I noticed that your legs weren’t as muscular as the rest of your body, but I just thought that maybe you concentrated on your upper body.  Maybe we better start looking for a wheelchair for you before your legs get to that point.  I’m going to miss you pushing my chair, taking control of me. That always felt so good and right, sorta like you owned me.”
“Yes Crip,” he said. “It always did feel right. I’ll miss it too.  But maybe there will other ways I can be in control and demonstrate my ownership of you.  It’s an opportunity, I guess, to explore some new kinks with us, like you said.  If I’m on crutches or use a wheelchair, I’ll still be big and strong Hank.  And yes, you’re right, I should start using a wheelchair soon and not wait for my legs to become totally useless.  I’d prefer to be able to stand up and walk short distances if I have to, you know, not be totally confined to the wheelchair like you are, Crip,” he said as he walked over to me and stood directly in front of me.  Of course I got a hardon when he did this.

“I agree Hank, I wouldn’t want you as crippled as I am. I don’t ever want to see you confined to a wheelchair like I am, Hank.”  

“Thank you for being in my life, Jim.”

I moved into his house soon after that.  He started using a wheelchair full-time once he got me settled in.  It was a shiny ultra-light sports chair.  It took him a while to get used to it, but gradually he got acclimated.  He said it was a relief not walking, as using his legs had gotten more painful.  I was getting used to it also, used to not looking up at him and his not being able to push me anymore.  But changes were afoot and we both had to adapt.  
After about a month he proposed we take a road trip together and I said sure.  

“Where are we going,” I asked.  

“That’s part of the surprise. Just trust me and wait and see, ok Crip?”  

We packed some stuff up and wheeled to his big truck and stowed it in the truck bed.  Whenever we went out in the truck, he’d always help me get in the passenger seat first, then stow my chair in the back, then roll around to the driver’s side, get seated, and stow his chair behind the seat.  Although he could still use his legs and feet he didn’t need hand controls, but he had them installed anyway and learned to use them to drive the truck.
So off we went on this mysterious adventure.  After a few hours on the road, we arrived at an isolated luxury resort.  He pulled up to the hotel valet parking and the attendant addressed by him by name and said that they’d been expecting him and asked if he needed any help.  He replied ‘Just a little’ and reached behind his seat and pulled out his chair and handed it to the valet, who unfolded it. He slid into it like he had transferred into it all his life.  

“Wait here,” he said to me. “I’ll check us in.”

He wheeled into the hotel and wheeled out again after about ten minutes with a big grin on his face.  

“Ok, we’re all set to go,” he said to me and the valet, adding ”You’ll have to help my friend out too. He’s also in a wheelchair.”

The valet got my chair out of the truck bed and helped me into it.  We rolled to our room, which was very luxurious.  We went in and Hank said “Okay, Cripboy. I wanted to treat you to this long weekend to show my gratitude for you putting up with these changes in my life.  I guess I am now officially ‘Wheelchair Hank’ or ‘Cripman’ now.  How are you doing with all these changes?  You like me in it, boy?  You getting used to my being at your level and not being able to push you?”
“Fuck Sir! I’m adjusting to it okay.  As I’ve told you many times, I like you any way, standing and walking or wheeling and seated.  Look, this was necessary according to the doctor so of course I am good with it, so it’s not a deal breaker by any means.  How are you doing with it?”  

“It will take some getting used to. I mean, I’m slow in it and as you’ve seen, I can do basic things in it but it will take a while to use it as adeptly as you do.  Why don’t you roll over here so I can kiss you, boy?”  

I rolled over to his side and he put his arms around me and kissed me long and passionately.  He asked me to position myself in front of him and crawl into his lap.  I did that and sat on his lap and we embraced each other and kissed some more.  

“This is nice, Crip, real nice. You fit into my lap perfectly because you don’t have one.”  He turned me around and unzipped the fly on my little pants.  He lubed up his hand and started stroking me gently, then faster and faster until I came with an explosion.  

“Real nice, son. Did you like that?”  I said I did, that it was real intimate of getting off in his lap.
We hung out at the resort for the four days.  There was a lot do, but most of the activities were for the able‑bodied, not wheelchair users.  But we made the best of it.  Hank and I wheeled around a lot.  I showed him some tricks I’d learned in my time as a chair user.  I even showed him how to do a wheelie, but he couldn’t quite find the right balance point yet.  But the important thing was that he tried.  I told him he’d get the hang of it eventually.
There was a hiking trail that was wheelchair accessible and we ‘hiked’ that, winding up at an isolated spot and where I gave him a blow job.  I’d never done this with a wheeler guy before.  I got on the ground, got in front of him in his chair, ‘stood’ on my torso, reached up, pulled his zipper down and went to work.  It was hot to do it outdoors with nature around us.  We batted a tennis ball around on the tennis court a couple of times, but again, since Hank was new to the chair, he hadn’t got the hang of using the tennis racquet while also pushing his chair.  I kept assuring it would come with time.
We had dinner one night at the resort. He repeated that it was a relief not to use his legs.  He’d also gotten the forearm crutches, like the doctor advised him, but I hadn’t seen him use them yet.  I told him I couldn’t wait to see him crutching bare-chested, flexing his muscles as he used them. I fantasized giving him head while I was ‘standing’ on my little sawn-off crutches while he stood up on his full-sized crutches.  He said “Damn, Crip, that’d be hot! We’ll do that once we get home.”
While we were having dinner, the manager of the resort came over and greeted Hank.  It turned out that he had been an architectural consultant to the resort in the past.  The manager asked if we found things to our satisfaction and we said yes, but that there weren’t a lot of activities for wheelchair users.  He agreed and said they were working on that.  He said that he was surprised to see Hank in a wheelchair, but now that he was, he’d like to hire him again to consult on that and Hank said absolutely, but only if we could both consult.  My friend Jim has been in one a lot longer than I have and could have more valuable input.  Absolutely, the manager said.
After dinner Hank said that maybe we should start a two man disability consulting firm. He had experience with the building code compliance issues and I had of a lot of knowledge about life experience issues.

“That’s not a bad idea, Hank. Let’s work on that when we get back.”

We went back to the room and Hank said to strip down to our underwear.  He flexed his bare chest for me a couple of times sitting in his chair and told me to get on the floor.  

“What do you think now, boy? Still think I’m Hank the Hunk?”  

“Absolutely Sir, you’re definitely growing on me.”  

“I bet I am. Show me, son.”  

I pulled out my almost hard cock and he said to jack off, which I did and got cum all over the carpet.  

“Now get me off real good boy.”  

I scooted over to him, stood up on the bottom of my torso and sucked him off.  

“Crip, I love seeing you on the floor like that because I’m still taller than you.”  

“Yes Sir, I plan to spend more time on the floor from now on.”

After we cleaned up and went to bed, we were cuddling and kissing in bed.  Hank said “Crip I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Now that I know you are accepting me as a cripple and don’t have a problem with it, let’s make our relationship official and become domestic partners. What do you say, boy?”

“I’d love that Hank!”
He nodded it was okay.  

“Hank, I want to tell you that for the first time ever, I’m beginning to feel whole again. I’m okay with being a small guy. I’m okay with being a half man freak and a cripple. I’m okay with being a submissive male. Okay with liking some humiliation and verbal abuse. You’ve made me okay with all this stuff by accepting me without judgment. I feel like a whole person now because of you.”

“Well, you know, Crip, I’ve been having similar thoughts.  For the first time ever, I also feel whole.  I accept my fetish. I accept that I won’t be able to walk anymore. Watching your courage and bravery in accepting yours has helped me in accepting my life. You’ve helped me out a lot.  Now all of my secrets and fetishes plus my handicap are out in the open and you’ve allowed me to indulge and even celebrate them without judgment. That is tremendously freeing and shows a tremendous amount of love on both our parts. I love you, stud.”  

“I love you too, stud,” I replied.