keskiviikko 24. elokuuta 2022




A remarkable tale of mutual respect by Doug in London

Edited by strzeka


Several of my friends have been urging me to write my autobiography.

I don't think my life has been particularly interesting , but they
all think it will make good reading. In fact, although I know I have
had a very unusual life so far, I don't think enough has happened to
fill a whole book!
Today is my 34th birthday. This is a very special moment for me, and
so it is an auspicious day on which to start writing. Today I
celebrate exactly 17 years with legs, and 17 years with wheels. From
tomorrow onwards, I will have spent longer on my wheels than I spent
with legs.
But let me start at the beginning.
I was born in a large town on the south coast of England in 1970. I
had a happy and safe childhood with parents who were reasonably well-
off and provided me with all I wanted. I never liked sports, and was
always a bit scared of bigger boys. I usually preferred my own
company, and as a child didn't have many friends, or even want to
have many friends. I think now that this was an early indication of
being gay, but I'm not at all sure if this is logical.
At the age of 11, I passed the test to go to the local Grammar
School. This meant no longer walking to school as I had done to my
elementary school, but taking the bus. The first day at the new
school was fairly alarming: it was much bigger and more complicated
than anything I'd been used to before. But all my worries evaporated
when I got to the bus stop to catch the bus which would take me home.
There, waiting for the bus, was a middle-aged man with both legs cut
off just above his knees. He was wearing what I now know are
called "stubbies". His stubbies showed as thick steel rods protruding
from the cuffs of his very short trousers; the rods connected to
curved steel feet which had rubber soles; the "feet" appeared to be
back-to-front on his steel legs, as there was a greater length of
foot curving away behind the leg than in front.
He stood waiting for the bus, supporting himself with two short thick
wooden walking sticks. I was hypnotised.
When the bus arrived, it was the old style Routemaster bus with a
large open platform at the back. The step up to the platform appeared
to be far too high for the amputee to step up, so I watched with a
growing sense of excitement to see what he would do. Imagine my
shock when he turned to me, and offered me his two short walking
"Hold these for me, would you?" he asked, handing me the sticks.
Dumbly I took them, and watched as he gripped the handrails of the
bus with two strong hands, and lifted himself cleanly up onto the
platform. He then turned and, smiling, held his hand out for the
sticks. Holding his sticks with one hand, and the handrail with the
other, he was clearly ready for the bus to move off. Obviously with
his little short stiff stubby legs, he couldn't take a seat on the
"Are you coming?" he said, and I realised that I was standing
dumbfounded on the pavement. Waking up, I jumped onto the bus and
took at seat which had a clear view of him. As the bus swayed on its
journey, I watched as he steadied himself and swayed on his stubbies.
I almost forgot to get off at my stop. Jumping up and moving to the
platform, I was very close to him. At age eleven, I still was
significantly taller than him, and glanced back as I got off.
"See you tomorrow?" he asked, as the bus roared away.
I stood on the pavement watching the receding bus, with trembling
legs. What was it about the encounter with the amputee that had
s truck so vivid a chord in me? He was at the bus stop the next day at

the same time. He remembered me and smiled, and when the bus came,

gave me his sticks to hold while he pulled himself on board.

At the end of the week, he spoke directly to me for the first time.
"Thanks for helping me. Are you going to be going home on this bus
every day?"
"Yes, it's the first one I can catch after school gets out."
"I catch it everyday at this time as well. See you on Monday."
And with that the bus came, I held his sticks, he climbed on, and off
we went.
Sure enough he was there on Monday. Putting both sticks into his left
hand, he held out his right to me. "I'm John Harding," he said. "Tell
me who you are."
"I'm Douglas Cox," I replied. "Everyone calls me Doug."
"Pleased to meet you, Doug. Here comes the bus!"
Our conversations were always very short, sometimes no more than 'Hi
Doug, Hi John' and then the bus would come. But we saw one another
day after day. Each day the same little ritual of me holding his
sticks as he clambered onto the bus; me sitting watching him swaying
on the bus platform; then me getting off and him calling, "See you
Then one day, he said, "Would it matter if you missed the bus, and
went on the next one? They're only 10 minutes apart."
"No," I said, "I can tell my mum I got delayed at school. Why?"
"I want to talk to you about something, and the bus always comes too
quickly to have a conversation."
"OK," I said, just as the bus was coming. We both stood back and the
bus went without us.
"Look it's not a big deal or anything, but we've been meeting every
day now for several weeks, and you've always been happy to help me. I
live alone and need someone to come and do odd jobs now and again
that I can't manage. Could you come round on Saturday for an hour or
"I don't know," I replied. "I'd have to ask my mum."
"I thought you'd say that. In fact, I hoped you say it. If I give her
a ring and ask her, do you think she'll say yes?"
"I don't know," I hesitated, "Yes, probably. I could cycle if it's
not too far."
"I live in Dale Valley," John went on. "Tell you what, I'll give you
my phone number, and you get your mum to phone me."
He produced a card with his name, address and phone number, and when
I got home I explained to mum what had happened. I told her that I
had been helping this crippled man onto the bus each day, and that he
needed some help at home. Mum said yes, except that she would take me
in the car the first time, and come and collect me. That way she
could meet John.
And so it worked out that I started going to John's home once or
twice a month. Mum liked him, especially as he asked her in the first
time. Thereafter I went on my bike. Despite the age difference, we
became great friends. With hindsight, I wonder that nothing sexual
happened, but it never did. We really were great mates - in fact I
regarded John as my best friend.
At home in the evenings, I usually had a lot of homework to do. My
parents had fixed me up with a desk in my bedroom so that I could
work quietly while they watched the television downstairs. I started
to kneel upon my chair while doing my homework, rubbing my bent
knees and wondering what it was like to be John. In those days I had
very skinny legs, and was very supple, so could bend them back
easily, with my feet pushed close into to my ass.
Sometimes, at weekends when mum and dad were shopping, I would tell
them I had a lot of homework to do, and stay at home. Then I would
use a couple of belts to fasten my ankles firmly to my thighs. I
would pull on a pair of baggy shorts, and walk around the bedroom,
walking like John, but always with an ear for the car coming home and
mum and dad arriving.
One day I had some particularly difficult maths homework, and at the
bus stop, said idly to John that it was very hard. "Give me a ring if
you're stuck," he said, "I expect I could help you."
Well that developed into something quite significant. It turned out
he was a whizz at maths, and could always explain my homework well. I
got into the habit of staying with him on the bus all the way to his
stop on evenings when I had maths homework, and going home with him
to do it. My maths grades went through the roof - and he wasn't doing
my homework for me, he was just explaining it so well that I started
to understand and love maths more than ever before.
He was a teller in a bank, a job he could do sitting down all day,
and had been excellent at maths at school. He was quickly making me
excellent too.
One day, after I'd known him for over a year, I plucked up the
courage to ask him about his legs. And he told me the story.

John told me that he was been born in 1927, and thus only 12 years
old when the Second World War broke out. He has been born in the some
town, and was going to the same school that I was now attending. In
1943 he had been called up for National Service. and had been sent to
train to be in the army. After initially being very frightened, he
had started to enjoy army life, and with his academic background was
very quickly promoted to corporal.
The D-day landings in 1944 had coincided with his 17th birthday, and
in fact he was on a landing craft heading for the Normandy beaches on
the very same day that he became 17. He was one of the first ashore
on that momentous day, and had led his platoon, all young men much
the same age as himself, through the surf and onto the beach. They
had headed as fast as they could for the dunes, where he stepped on a
land mine. As he said to me, "I was one of the first onto the beach,
and one of the first off again!"
His feet were blown clean off, leaving his legs in a dreadful mess.
His platoon, who had come to respect their young corporal, surrounded
him and did their best to apply tourniquets to his legs. John said
that he remained conscious through this time, and can remember being
carried back down the beach by two of his platoon, and taken back out
to a landing craft. He said that he thought he passed out once on
He subsequently found out that he had been taken to the mother ship,
moored in the Mulberry harbour off-shore, and eventually back to
England. When he finally woke up, he was in the military hospital at
Haslar, near Southampton.
The crude tourniquets had saved his life, but damaged his legs
further, and by the time he was able to take note of his
surroundings, he has been given the surgery which removed both knees,
leaving him with long thigh stumps.
"So," he said, "My last steps on feet were in 1944 on a French beach,
on my seventeenth birthday. That's when I got stumped. I've walked on
these stubbies for 38 years."
"Do you mind?" I ventured to ask. "Do you get angry, or fed up?"
"No," came the surprising reply, "I don't. I fact I quite like the
way I am. It means I live a different life from most people. I like
the difference."
I looked at this fascinating man, sitting in an armchair, with his
little steel legs with their strange back-to-front steel and rubber
feet stuck straight out in front of him. Thirty-eight years on those.
"I got an army pension," he went on, "And went back to studying.
After the war ended, I went to university, got a degree in maths, and
then went to work for the bank. I've been there ever since."
"Have you always lived alone?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied, "Since my mother went into the home. My father had
been killed in the war, early on, when I was still a kid, and after I
lost my legs I lived with my mother for a long time. Then when she
started to get unable to look after us, and I couldn't really look
after her, she went into a home and I got this bungalow, specially
adapted to disabled living."
He swung himself forward onto his stubbies, and said, "Now that's
enough of my story. I'll put the kettle on and we'll have some tea
before you go home. Leaning on the furniture for support, as he
didn't use his walking sticks around the house, he waddled into the
"These legs don't feel right at the moment," he called, "I've lost a
lot of weight recently; had to, I was getting very overweight which
was putting a lot of pressure on my stumps. Now I've lost the weight,
my stump sockets are too wide for my legs. I'm going up to Roehampton
next week to get measured for new legs."
At home I continued to pretend to have my legs cut off at the knees,
always kneeling to do my homework, and bandaging my ankles to thighs
whenever I was alone. After many months of doing this, my knees had
become very pliable, and I was very comfortable with my legs doubled
in half.
It was about another month after John had told me his story, before I
went round again for help with maths homework, and he opened the door
grinning. "I've got my new legs," he said. "Look."
They didn't look any different to me, but clearly he was very happy,
and indeed was walking more briskly. "There's my old ones."
And there, propped in the corner were his old stubbies. For the first
time I saw how they were made. Thick steel bands rose up either side
of the leather bucket-shaped top part. There were laces all the way
up the bucket, with wide straps evenly spaced. Below the bucket the
steel braces came together into the thick steel rod which I had seen
sticking out below his trouser cuff. And on the bottom, the heavy
curved steel feet, with their thick rubber soles. I went over to the
"Can I try them on?" I blurted out.
"What?" - he didn't know if he had heard me correctly.
"Can I try them on?" I asked again, with my heart thumping.
"I suppose so." he said.
I took off my shoes and trousers, and knelt back into John's
armchair. I reached out and positioned his legs in front of the
chair, and slowly slid forward allowing my doubled-up legs to slide,
knees first into the stump sockets. John watched silently as I pushed
my weight forward, ensuring that my knees were fully to the bottom of
the bucket. My feet were thrust tightly up against my bottom.
Silently John came across the room, and started to pull the laces
tight. He then pulled the straps together and buckled them very
tightly. I stood up.
I knew at that moment what my destiny would be. I was 12 years old,
and the rest of my life was mapped out for me in those few moments.
For a while I was speechless.

There was a very long silence. I didn't know what to say, and John
was speechless too.
Slowly I turned to him.
"You don't mind, do you?" I said.
He was obviously deep in thought. "No," he said slowly. "How does it
"Can you walk?"
"I don't know." And I tried to rock to one side and move one leg
forward. It was very, very difficult.
And that was the beginning of a long period of my life, when I
learned to wear John's stubbies, learned to walk around on them, and
gradually found that I could move very like him. My knees became ever
more flexible, and my feet seemed at home pushed up against my ass.
Every evening at home I would kneel on my chair when I was doing my
homework, and once or twice a week a week, when I had maths homework
to do, I would go directly to John's to do it. When I arrived, I
would slip off my trousers and shoes, and get strapped into his
stubbies. I found a pair of shorts from home, and smuggled them out
of the house to take to John's to keep there to wear when I was
pretending to be a DAK.
I look back now with affection upon my adolescence. The times
together were very companionable; we were simply best mates.
One summer, when I about 15, the long summer holidays stretched ahead
and I wasn't very keen to join my parents on their usual trip to the
Lake District. When I mentioned this to John, he smiled. "I'm
thinking of a trip to Paris," he said. "I'm not sure how brave I am
to go on my own. Would you like to come with me?"
At this time I had been pretending on his spare legs for about three
years, and had it had become very normal to be disabled with him. I
looked down at my steel and rubber feet. "Like this?" I asked.
"If you want to," he said. "We'll go for at least a week. After all
these evenings here, learning to walk like me, I think you might be
ready to find out what real life is like as a cripple. Once we've
left home, you'll be committed to spending the whole time down on my
old stubbies. I'll get you some sticks or short crutches. We need to
do a lot of planning, it's not like getting into your father's car
and just taking off. You'd better start by checking it out with your
Surprisingly that was the easy bit. They had met John many times and
knew that we were good friends. When I asked to go to Paris with him
as his able-bodied helper, they we pleased to support me. They saw it
as a 'charitable' thing to be doing. Little did they know the real
It was arranged that the day my parents left for the Lakes, I would
go down to John's and help him pack. The following day we would set
off on our expedition. With hands full of sticks, for him, and short
underarm crutches for me, we couldn't carry conventional luggage, so
my suitcase, so carefully packed by my mother the day before, was
unpacked at John's and a rucksack packed.
We had spent many happy hours planning our route and accommodations.
That night I slept at John's, on the floor of his living room,
with 'my' legs lying next to me. I had strict instructions for the
morning. As soon as I was awake, I was to put them on, in the
knowledge that I would be wearing them all day, and every day for the
next ten days. I slept only fitfully, full of anticipation for the

We were to leave very early in the morning, and I was awake long
before the alarm, eager and excited for the adventure ahead. By the
time I heard John's alarm sounding in his bedroom, I was already
firmly strapped into my stubbies.
My parents had given some money to John to pay for my holiday, but
John had explained to me that he would be spending a little more than
they had provided, as we were to travel mainly first class. He had
told me how he had been nervous of travelling alone, and had had very
few holidays since he lived alone; and how he had never been back to
France since that fateful day in 1944 when he lost his legs. Over the
years at the bank, he had accumulated a significant amount of
savings, and so could afford to make the holiday a lot grander than
the plans we had shared with my parents.
A taxi had been booked to take us to the station, and at the crack of
dawn, with all the neighbours still asleep, we waddled out of the
house, with our rucksacks on our backs, and were waiting at the
kerbside when the taxi arrived. The driver loaded our bags into the
boot, and we heaved ourselves onto the back seat. As the taxi started
off, John reached out for me, and squeezed my hand.
"Alright, mate?" he asked.
I could only grin back and nod, speechless that the adventure had
really begun.
With short stubbie legs, which don't bend at the knee, one of the
hardest things to do is to simply sit down - or as most chairs were
higher than our asses, 'sit up'. Thus each change of transport was a
challenge. Onto to the train, first class seats reserved, we found
getting into those seats quite hard. John, with all his years of
walking with stubbies, knew every trick, and often I would have to
watch him to see how he did something before I could attempt it.
Our journey was complicated: a train to London; a taxi from Waterloo
to London Bridge stations; and then a taxi at Dover station to take
us to the ferry. (Remember this was 1985 - no Channel tunnel in those
days!) Once at the ferry terminal, we produced our new passports, and
were taken on board by a kind of golf-cart. Again, travelling by
first class, we were helped to the first class restaurant, and
struggled mightily to get up into the seats in the restaurant. We had
a late, but excellent lunch on board, which took up most of the
journey time across the Channel.
Another golf-cart to the train in Boulogne, and then we really were
in France, first class compartment to Gare du Nord. In all the years
I had been pretending at John's. I had never worn the stubbies for
more than three hours. Sitting on the train heading for Paris, I
calculated that I had been in the stubbies for twelve hours, and the
journey was not yet over.
By the time we arrived in Paris, I felt as though my lower legs and
feet no longer existed. It was becoming normal to slip forward from
the seat, grab my crutches, and swing down from the train onto the
platform. Paris! My knees were about 9 inches above the tarmac of the
platform, and that was as close as I would ever get to touching the
ground in this city.
Rucksacks on backs, John led the way to the taxi rank. My schoolboy
French, which was not too bad, was considerably better than the few
words John knew in French, so from now on it was up to me to do the
talking. In case I could not be understood, I had the name of the
hotel on a piece of paper, but to my relief the taxi driver
understood me, and after some hesitation, we managed to clamber into
the taxi and headed towards our hotel.
From the windows of the taxi we glimpsed sights we had only seen in
picture books, and as we drew near to the Champs Elysee, got our
first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. I grinned at John; he nodded.
"Yep, going up there tomorrow!" he read my thoughts.
The hotel, four stars, close to the Arc de Triomph, knew in advance
that they had two severely disabled guests arriving. John had booked
a small suite on the first floor, with adjacent bedrooms and a small
sitting room. The hotel was far grander than any I had stayed in
before. A cute young bellboy carried our rucksacks as if they were
Loius Vuitton, and rushed ahead of us up the stairs. We stood at the
bottom and looked at one another. "I don't do stairs," said John.
"I don't know how," I replied. The concierge saw the problem, and
rushed across, with a torrent of French beyond my comprehension and
much gesticulating. To one side, but slightly out of sight was a
lift - a grand wrought iron affair, and we were elevated slowly and
grandly to our suite. The bellboy was already there with the door
open and our bags inside.
He lingered for a tip, which John produced, and then turned to me and
winked. For a moment I had a horrific thought that he had realised I
was a pretender, but then a much more interesting thought crept into
my mind. He fancied me! This cute, tall French bellboy, towering over
me by at least 2 feet, fancied me, a 15-year-old British cripple.
There were clearly going to be dimensions to this trip that I had
hardly dreamed about.

After settling into the room, we realised that we were very hungry,
having only had a light snack on the cross-channel boat. This was the
point when the reality of pretending kicked in. However much I would
have liked to slip out of my stubbies, stand up straight and walk
conventionally to dinner, I couldn't any more than John could.
So, it was with very tired legs, and with much leaning on my
crutches, that we set forth to find supper on the Champs Elysée. It
was at this time that I was able to reflect on the plight that John
lives in permanently - he can never change his mind - he is always
trapped in his stubbies, whatever he wants to do, however tired he is.
A very nice pavement cafe, and a balmy evening made our stroll worth
while, but my level of exhaustion meant that it was a real struggle
to get up on to the chair for the meal!
Slowly back to the hotel, and up in the lift to our rooms. It was
then that John had a surprise for me. Telling me to wait in my room
and not take my legs off, he waddled into his room and returned with
a bag in his mouth. Putting the bag on the bed, he told me to take
off my shorts and clamber up onto the bed. He then produced wide
crepe (ace) bandages and bind my ankles tightly to my upper thighs.
"Now when you take your stubbies off, you feet will stay up against
your ass," he said. "That's where they're staying all trip. You'll
not straighten your legs once in the next ten days!"
And with that he left me to get myself into bed. After a bit of
struggling, I finally lay on the bed, and put the light out. I
reflected on the events of the day, and realised that it had been
quite wonderful. The soft mattress made it possible for me to lie on
my back with my feet tucked under my ass. A hard-on, which had been
hovering all day, started to grow as I realised the full implications
of what I had let myself in for. We were to stay in this hotel for
ten days - and for the whole time I would be a DAK cripple; what's
more, my best mate had ensured that I would get no relief at night,
and I would stay a cripple for each and every 24 hours in France.
There was a light tap at the door. Thinking it was John, I called, in
English, "Come in!"
The door opened slowly. It was the hunky bellboy, not much older than
me, who had winked earlier. He crept towards me with his finger on
his lips to show I must remain quiet. He checked that the connecting
door to John's room was locked, and came back to the bed.
"I am sorry for my English," be began, "but I have come to make sure
you are OK. Is all OK with the room? Is all OK with you?"
I just smiled, amazed at this unexpected and not unwelcome turn of
events. He lay next to me on the bed, me under the sheet, him on top
of it. He stroked my knee stumps, sighing and smiling as he did so.
"My cute little English cripple," he whispered. "You are so
I couldn't think what to say, so again simply smiled. His hand came
into the bed, and he found my hard-on.
"I thought so, little cripple," he whispered, "let me help you with
And snuggling close to me, kissing my ear, one arm round my neck, the
other feeling both my stumps and cock, he whispered sweet nothings in
French into my ear.
At first I was fearful that he would find out that I was not a real
amputee, but it became clear that he was not going to grope any
further, and I could relax fully and concentrate on this most amazing
As he brought me towards a climax, my stumps twitched, and my ankles
strained against their tight bandages. I pulled my arms out of the
bedclothes, and pulled him tightly towards me, and moaned softly into
his ear as I came into his hand.
Pulling his had out of the bed, he slowly licked my cum, smiling with
eyes twinkling as he did so.
"Good night, sexy cripple," he said. "Sleep well and have good
And he slipped quietly out of the room.
I as lay there basking in the glorious post-sex glow, I realised that
I had not spoken a single word the entire time he had been in the
room. I drifted off to sleep with a broad smile on my face.

The next day dawned bright and sunny, and through a small gap in the
curtains, I could glimpse Paris waiting for my crippled body to
emerge into the sunlight.
I stretched and rubbed my stumps, amazed that I had slept so well
with my feet so tightly bandaged to my thighs. A smile crept over my
face as I remembered the wonderful visit by the bell boy.
The phone by the bed rang. "You awake yet?" came John's voice.
"Only just," I replied, "And I have a story to tell you over
"Well get into those legs, and join me downstairs."
I eased myself over the edge of the bed, and lowered my knees into
the waiting stubbies. Without John's help, I could now lace and strap
myself in fairly quickly. Once tightly secured, I removed my night
bandages, and I was soon waddling into the bathroom, where I could
just about reach to pee into the toilet. As a typical 15-year-old, I
didn't spent much time in the bathroom, so a quick wash was all that
happened. Soon I was dressed in tee-shirt and my baggy shorts, and
crutching to the lift. In the lobby I found John with croissants and
"So," he said, leaning towards me and speaking softly, "you've been a
cripple for a full 24 hours. How does it feel?"
I hesitated before replying. Was he ready for my enthusiasm at
pretending to be in the same predicament as him? "Wonderful." I
replied at last.
"Good," he said, "because if you were starting to hate it, our whole
holiday would be in jeopardy!"
"And there's more to tell you," I said enthusiastically. "You'll
never guess what happened after I got into bed last night..." And I
told him the story.
"You've never mentioned this before," he said as I finished telling
him, "but you're coming out to me as gay. Do you think you really
"Oh yes," I said with all the confidence of youth, "I've never told
anyone ever before, but somehow it seems OK to tell you. You don't
mind do you?"
"Mind? Of course not. I'm happy for you to be yourself. Just as much
as you love being a cripple, so I imagine you'll love being gay.
You're a very complicated young man, and I'm glad to be a friend to
help you find yourself."
Again, I was quiet. This trip seemd to be turning into thoughtful
silences. It was hard to know what to say to this good, kind,
crippled man who understood me so well.
"Come on," he said. "Paris is waiting!"
After breakfast we left for our trip to the Eiffel Tower. This was
early August, and a bright clear sky meant that the views from the
top would be spectacular. Unfortunately several hundred other
tourists had realised the same thing, and the line to go up in the
lift was very long indeed.
Standing waiting, I was worried if I could manage a couple of hours
or more in the line, when an attendant spotted us and came over to
move us to the front of the line. I has not expected that there would
be such advantages being a cripple, and was to continue to be
surprised many more times on this trip when our disabled status got
us preferential treatment.
The windows of the first lift up to the second level were low enough
for us to see out, but the second lift, vertically from level two to
the top had only high windows, too high for us to see. We emerged at
the top, only to discover that the windows from the enclosed platform
were too high to see anything. There was nothing for it but to haul
ourselves up the steep stairs to the upper, open platform. Getting a
helpful passer-by the carry our sticks and crutches, we used our arms
and the hand-rails to clamber up the steps. Suddenly I had a memory
of my first ever meeting with John, many years ago, when I held his
sticks so that he could haul himself onto a bus. Now someone was
holding my crutches for me, so that I could in turn haul myslef up.
We turned, gasping for breath, and then continued to gasp at the
view. All Paris was spread out before us. As we wandered around the
viewing platform, the able-bodied tourists made way for us, so that
we could see through the railings.
"Do you remember that first time you held my sticks for me?" said
"You're telepathetic," I replied. "That was exactly what I was
thinking of."
John grinned. "One small step onto a bus, one giant step onto the
Eiffel Tower!"
We had decided that our energy level was not going to make it
possible to embark upon more than one major adventure in a day, so
once we had drunk our fill of the views from the Eiffel Tower, we
returned to ground level, and set about finding a cafe for a rather
late lunch. Nearby we found a pavement cafe which we could access
fairly easily, appropriately called Tour d'Eiffel, and we struggled
up on to little metal chairs which were stunningly uncomfortable.
A taxi back to the hotel after lunch, and time for a siesta. As we
waddled through the lobby, I looked around for my bell boy of the
night before, but he was not to be seen.

In the lift up to our rooms, John asked me if I had had a bath or
shower since we had arrived. Sheepishly I admitted that I had
not. "But," I reminded him, "I don't know how."
"What do you mean?" he said. "You put on your ankle/thigh bandages,
take everything else off, and drag yourself into the bathroom.
Clamber into the bath, get clean, then clamber out. Once you're dry,
put on dry bandages. I'll leave the connecting door between our rooms
unlocked so that I can come and rescue you if you get stuck. But if
you want to be a proper cripple, you need to try and work this kind
of thing out." And he grinned, knowing that I was going to have to
struggle enormously, to do the very thing that he had done daily for
And I did. I tied my bandages tightly, then removed my legs; I
undressed and dragged myself to the bathroom. I realised that I
couldn't reach the shower controls, so ran a bath instead. This was
the first time I had tried to move about without the stubbies on, and
it was both very difficult, and very exhilarating. At last I was
ready to fling myself into the water, with little plan of how I would
get out again. I washed, and then looked round for a towel. I had
left it on the other side of the bathroom beyond reach. I decided to
let the water out of the bath, then clamber out. At one stage much of
my weight was hanging on the taps, and I was afraid I would pull them
out of the wall, but eventually I crashed to the floor, and was able
to drag across to the towel. I sat back on my haunches, and dried
myself as best I could. I then removed the wet bandages and put on
dry ones for the night. I remained truthful to my endeavour and
didn't straighten my legs at any time. I then dragged myself across
the floor and scrambled up onto it.
No sooner I had regained the bed, than there was a knock at the door.
Hastily pulling the covers up, I called, "Come in" and sure enough my
lovely bell-boy appeared. He smiled, and walked over to the
connecting door to lock it.
Hearing the click of the lock, John's voice called out, "It's OK, I
not likely to come in. I've taken my legs off, and I'm not getting
out of bed for anything!"
The bell-boy grinned, and came over to the bed, snuggling quickly
against me. "Oh my little English cripple. You are so pretty. Tell me
your name?"
"I'm Douglas," I said, "Call me Doug. And tell me your name."
"Phillipe", he whispered in my ear.
"Oh Phillipe," I whispered, "I am so pleased you have come back
Thinking back, I imagine he was about 19 or 20, but at the time, I
was bowled over by this experienced sexy older Frenchman who seemed
to think I was very attractive! Again he was content to fondle my
stumps, and bring me to a climax. Perhaps he knew how inexperienced I
was, but he was kind and gentle, and made me feel so good.
After I had come, we lay side by side on our backs, his arm round me
pulling me against him. "Mon petit cher handicapé," he whispered in
my ear, "You are so cute with your lovely...." and he trailed off,
not knowing the word.
"Stumps," I said, "My lovely stumps."
Suddenly he sat up. "Tomorrow is my day off," he said, "I will take
you out. You would like to go to the Louvre? We can get a wheelchair,
and I will push you round."
"We must take John," I said. "We can't leave him here."
"OK," he replied, "I will like to be with two English cripples,
especially with one of them so sexy."
The next morning saw the three of us in a taxi heading for the
Louvre. I was disappointed to discovered that it appeared to be one
huge building site: this was 1985 and the pyramid which was to become
so famous, was under construction. Getting around the Louvre with all
the building work was very difficult: John and I both had borrowed
wheelchairs, and Phillipe had his work cut out getting us both
through all kinds of tricky obstacles around the building works. We
could never have visited without Phillipe, and John took to him very
well. At one point, when Phillipe had gone ahead to see how
accessible the toilets were, John leaned over to me.
"You won't see my in a wheelchair very often," he said, "But we
couldn't have done it any other way! Phillipe's lovely, and he
certainly has the hots for you! We'll go back to the hotel for a
siesta, then take him out to dinner."
I smiled at John, "Thanks," thinking all the while of the time after
dinner when Phillipe came back to the room. How long could I keep up
the pretence? If he found out that I was a pretender how would he
For the time being, however, I sat back and enjoyed my first time in
a wheelchair, little knowing that I would eventually be wheelchair
bound permanently.

When I embarked upon attempting my autobiography, I had no idea how
much detail of my life would come flooding back to me! That week in
Paris in 1985 was an extraordinary time of self-discovery - both of
my sexuality and my joy at being disabled. The long-term effects of
wearing John's spare stubbies, linked with the affair I had with
Phillipe, made the week so graphic!
I don't remember what we had for dinner, nor what we talked about,
with Phillipe's schoolboy English, and my schoolboy French; but I
clearly remember the way in which his hand would stray under the
table to feel and fondle the straps and laces of my bucket-tops. And
I remember the fear which I felt knowing that there was all the time
the possibility of him finding out that I was a pretender.
That evening, he came back to my room with me, and I realised that I
could hardly undress and get into bed without him seeing my feet
tucked tightly into my ass, so I took the initiative, and started to
make love to him fully dressed as soon as we were in the room. He
responded, and for the first time, I took another man's cock into my
mouth. Standing on my stubbies, sucking my French lover - I felt I
was in heaven. After a while he put his arms around me and lifted me
fully dressed onto the bed.
Laying side by side, we snuggled and wanked together, enjoying the
warmth of our bodies, turned on by having sex fully dressed, and both
of us highly aroused by my disabled situation. Some more bucket-top
rubbing and we came almost together. Giggling slightly, we lay
together for a while, and then he told me that he must go to bed, as
he had to get up early in the morning. He slipped away, leaving me to
doze for a while, and then realise that I was still fully dressed and
had my stubbies on still.
The next day, as I lay listening to the sounds of Paris, and
stretching and rubbing my strangely numb legs, the phone by the bed
rang. It was John. "Come in to see me when you're dressed," he said.
A little later, back into my stubbies and ready for the day, I went
into his room. He was still in bed. I had never seen him without his
stubbies on before, and it was quite odd to see his truncated body
lying there in the bed.
"I don't feel very good this morning," he said, "Perhaps something I
ate last night. Do you feel up to going out on your own?"
"Yes," I said. "What about some breakfast?"
"No, thanks, not until later. You go on and enjoy yourself. Come back
this afternoon for a siesta and see how I am. Where will you go?"
"I want to go up to Montmartre, and visit Sacre Coeur." A plan was
forming in my mind, but I didn't dare tell John.
"Take care," he said. "See you later."
After breakfast, I ventured out onto the Paris streets for the first
time quite alone. The clunk of my crutches echoed in the narrow side
street, and I admired myself in shop windows as I waddled past. I
walked past the taxi rank, and headed up toward the Arc d'Triomph. My
progress was slow, as always, but at last I got there and
contemplated the steps down to the Metro. With John, we had done
everything by taxi, but now I was alone, I was determined to have the
full experienced of being a cripple on the Paris Metro!
With both crutches under one armpit, and the other arm grasping the
handrail, I slowly descended into the Metro station. The greatest joy
of disability, I was discovering, was in taking my time to do
everything. It didn't matter how slow I was, I got to the ticket
hall, bought a pack of carnets, and continued my slow descent to the
platform. Line 12 would take me to Abbesses, and I awaited the train
with some apprehension, hoping I was capable of climbing on it. With
a great rattling it arrived, and the doors were opened by other
passengers, who then stood back to let me on. I knew there was no way
I was going to be able to sit on the seats, so I stood near the door,
both crutches again under one arm, and clung on tightly with the other
We rattled through several stations, and at Pigalle I knew I was
nearly there. I steadied myself, and got off the train at Abbesses,
only to be faced with lots of stairs. My progress was painfully slow,
but eventually I made it to the open air. I then found myself facing
a maze of tiny side streets. Consulting my map I started off towards
the funicular. When you are walking with such effort as I was then,
you can't afford to take a wrong turning, so I consulted the map
regularly. It was with some relief that I spied the base of the
funicular, and waddled up the ramp towards it. Groping in my pocket
for another of the carnet tickets, I went up to the line waiting for
the next tramcar. Once again, I was ushered to the front of the line,
and onto the next tram. At the top, there was yet another long ramp,
but at last I gained the level street in front of Sacre Coeur. By now
it was late morning, a blazing sun filled a cloudless sky and all
Paris was laid out before me. I stood and drunk in the view.
And it was then that I had an attack of panic. What was I doing,
alone, so far from the hotel, strapped into stubbies, with feet that
had not touched the ground for several days? Was I mad? No, I
realised, I was having fun!

Turning from the view of Paris, I heaved myself up the shallow steps
to the church of Sacre Coeur itself. A legless beggar, seated at the
door, looked at me, nodded, and watched me crutch past. I reflected
ruefully how much I would have liked to stop and talk to him; but my
knowledge of French in those days was very rudimentary, and I couldn't
even begin a conversation.
Inside, the church was strangely warm and quiet. I was conscious of
the creak and squeak of my stubbies and crutches. I loved the sounds
of my disabled walking. I moved into the nave, and stood transfixed
by the mosaic ceiling above the high altar.
Standing in that most famous of churches, with the candle light, and
the sun coming in through the stained glass, I leaned on my crutches
and swayed, moving my weight from stubbie to stubbie, crutch to
crutch. For a moment I shut my eyes. I had a feeling of extraordinary
joy and happiness. Despite putting myself into this situation of
being severely disabled, I was happier than I could ever remember
being before. What was happening to me? I smiled as I turned and
began to crutch towards the brightness shining through the doorway,
and that amazing view of Paris.
Stepping out of the porch, I saw that the legless beggar was gone,
and I watched as he wheeled himself in his wheelchair away to the
right, into Montmatre itself. I wished I'd seen how he climbed up
into the chair with no legs.
I waddled slowly down to the Funicular, and found another carnet
ticket. Despite the queue, I was ushered to the front and given
priority for boarding the tramcar. I was offered a seat, but declined
it; the short ride down the hill did not justify the enormous
struggle it would have been to get up on the seat! At the foot, I
retraced my route towards to Metro at Abbesses. Close to the Metro
Station was a small square with a couple of little cafes, with seats
on the pavement. Screwing up my courage, I hauled myself up onto a
seat, put my crutches on the ground, and pulled the table towards me.
I looked at my watch: it was one o'clock; I had had my weight on my
knees inside my stubbies since nine in the morning. I rubbed my hands
on the leather of my bucket-tops as I tried to work out what to order
from the menu.
After lunch, it was time to make the slow descent to the Metro; once
again, I stood on the train, and once more struggled up many, many
steps to the fresh air at the Arc de Triomph. My progress to the
hotel was very slow indeed. At one stage, when I had stopped to
recover my breath, it flashed though my mind that I had two perfectly
good feet strapped tightly up against my ass, and that I was actually
capable of conventional walking, which would have made the whole
day's experience so much easier. And then that slow smile spread over
my face again as I realised how much greater the experience had been
for me as a cripple.
John was sitting in a wicker chair outside the hotel, enjoying the
afternoon sun. "How are you now?" I asked. "Are you feeling better?"
"I wasn't ill," he grinned, " I just pretended to be sick to see if
you were brave enough to go off on your own. And to see how it feels
to be a cripple all alone in a city."
"It was fantastic!" I said.
"Get into a chair, and tell me about it."
I clambered up into another of the wicker chairs, and lay my crutches
down. "Well," I began, "I made it all the way to Sacre Coeur. And I
went by Metro. Lots of steps down and up! Look, I bought a book of
carnet tickets. I got right into the church. There's an amazing
mosaic ceiling over the altar. And I had lunch at a pavement cafe."
"And how do you feel? Were you frightened on your own? Have you had
enough of being a cripple?"
"No," I said, "Quite the opposite. You're going to have to help me
understand my feelings. I really like it. I feel so happy, so good,
like this. It's ... I don't know how to say it ... it's just so good."
"You know, when I first lost my legs, everyone thought it was so
tragic. A handsome young man cut down in his prime. And yet, I never
really minded. I've always quite liked being a cripple. You realise
I've never said anything like this to anyone ever before, don't you?
But I wouldn't change my life. I'm happy as I am, on my stubbies,
living a crippled life."
I looked across at John, and out my hand out and held his arm. "I
think I am very lucky to have a friend like you," I said, "and I
really appreciate what you just said. Thank you for understanding."
A shout from across the road startled us out of the maudlin state we
were in, as Phillipe arrived. "You English!" he laughed, "Sitting
here waiting for your tea?"
"Alright," I replied, "Yes. Let's have tea!"
After tea and a siesta, we went to a nearby cafe for supper. To my
surprise, John ordered a bottle of champagne. "What's that for?" I
"It's a double celebration," he chuckled. "I've come out and told you
I'm a happy cripple; and you've told me how much you love being a
cripple too. Now I bet you've never been drunk before. Let's get
through this bottle and see if you can manage your crutches back to
the hotel."
I imagine I did get back to the hotel, and I think Phillipe came for
his nightly snuggle, but I don't remember much about the rest of the
that day!
The rest of the holiday passed as happily. We visited another art
gallery, and had borrowed wheelchairs again; we went on a Bateau
Mouche, despite the dangers of a steeply sloping gangplank; and on
the last evening we had dinner at the Jules Verne Restaurant halfway
up the Eiffel Tower.
At dinner on that last evening, John looked serious, and turned to me
and said, "We're going home tomorrow, and you'll have to take off
those stubbies when we get to my house. You've not straightened your
legs for nine days. You've almost forgotten your feet, haven't you?
How do you feel about going back to being able-bodied?"
I couldn't prevent a tear running down my cheek. "I don't want to go
home," I said. "I don't want to go back to ordinary living. I don't
want my feet back."
"I thought that's what you'd say. I think I know how you feel. But
it's not a choice. Tomorrow night, once we're home, you must take off
the stubbies, and straighten your legs. I want you to sleep with them
straightened out, so that you will be able to walk the next day up on
your own feet."
We had timed our journey home so that it would be getting dark when
we arrived at John's house. He paid the taxi and we hefted our
rucksacks up his front path. Inside a pile of letters on the mat
almost stopped the door opening. Bending down, John scooped them up
and put them on a low chair in the hall. "They can wait until
tomorrow," he said. "Now let's get you out of those stubbies."
"One more night," I pleaded.
"No," he said, "I'm not sure, but I think it will be very hard for
you to straighten your legs. I think a night's sleep with them
straightened will be essential if you're to go back to your parents
tomorrow. You'll sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the floor in the
living room."
With enormous reluctance, I sat in a chair and pulled my shorts down.
I unstrapped my bucket-tops, pulled open the laces, and pulled the
stubbies off. And then just for moment, I was stuck. I couldn't move
my legs at all. "Get down in the floor," instructed John. "Now try to
relax." And with that he started to pull my ankles away from my
thighs. The pain was appalling, and I cried out for him to stop. With
my knees at about ninety degrees, he did. "Now go and have a hot
bath," he said, "The hot water will help." And crying with the pain,
I crawled into the bathroom.
Eventually, I was in bed, my legs straighted and agonising. John came
into the room. "OK mate?" he asked, knowing of course that I wasn't.
"No," I said. "My legs really hurt a lot. And I don't want to go back
to ordinary walking." And then the tears really started to
flow. "I've had a fantastic time John. I don't know how to say thank
you. It's been wonderful. And I'm missing Phillipe!"
The next morning, my legs seemed to be a bit better, and very
gingerly, I got out of bed. I could stand up, and walk, but I was
still very stiff and it felt very awkward.
I walked slowly out to the kitchen, holding the furniture as I went.
Suddenly I remembered that I was now much taller than John, which
seemed very odd after ten days being at his height. He was standing
on his stubbies looking very subdued.
"I've been looking through the post," he said, "And there's a very
odd letter from the police. They want me to phone them. They don't
say why. Very odd."
He waddled out to the hall, where his phone was, and I could hear his
half of a long and serious conversation. There's was lot of, "are you
sure?" and, "yes he is" and, "I'll tell him myself." This went on for
some time. When John came back to the kitchen his face was even more
worried looking.
"Oh God," he said, "I don't know how to do this. I don't know what to
say. There was an accident while we were in Paris. Your parents were
in a car crash. The police found my name and phone number in your
father's wallet."
"They've been killed, Doug. Oh I'm so sorry. The police are coming
round to tell us all about it, They've gone Doug. They're gone."

I don't know how a fifteen-year-old is supposed to react to suddenly
losing his parents. I just stood there, blankly staring at John. It
was good that this news had come when I was with such a good friend,
and a man who knew how to look after me on that strange day. My legs,
already feeling very weak from the days and days of being strapped
up, felt even weaker, and I sat down at the kitchen table. Tears
slowly trickled down my cheeks, and I stared blankly out of the
I don't remember how long I sat like that, but eventually not one,
but two police cars arrived. From the first came two uniformed
officers; from the second a youngish woman, not in uniform. John let
them in, and they told me how my father had driven directly into the
side of a tractor emerging from a field. I was numb and in a blur.
After a while the uniformed officers left, leaving the woman, who
turned out to be a community liaison officer, sent to look after me.
She wanted to know about my parents' solicitor and all kinds of
things I was unable to think of, or didn't know. After a while she
took me home, and I showed her my father's desk where we found his
address book. This led us to finding his solicitor, and she rang him
from my father's phone. It turned out he already knew about my
parents dying, and was waiting to contact me. He asked the
policewoman to take me to his office. Walking from house to car was
very hard: I felt unable to move my legs properly. The policewoman,
seeing me wobbling about, said, "You OK? You're very wobbly. I expect
it's the shock."
Yes, I thought, that's a good line, it's the shock. I can't tell her
I've just spent ten days pretending to be a cripple.
Once I had lurched into the solicitor's office, things started to
make sense. "I'm Donald Looker," said a middle-aged man, coming into
the room. "I'm so sorry that we're meeting for the first time in such
sad circumstances. You may not know, but your parents made a will
some time ago, in which I am nominated to be your guardian should
they both ... er ... die."
I don't know what came over me, but suddenly I felt a need to be held
tightly, and getting up, I just staggered across the room and fell
into Donald's arms. And then I started to howl.
"Hey," he said, "Just hold tight. I'm here for you. We'll get through
this together. Hold tight."
What I sight we must have been - a teenage boy clinging to a total
stranger, dribbling snot and tears down his suit. Over my shoulder I
was aware of him telling the policewoman to go, and telling his
secretary that there were to be no more calls or interruptions that
At last I calmed down, but couldn't walk at all. My damaged legs
would carry me no further. Donald helped me into a chair.
Once I was able to listen, he said, "Now, I'm going to take you home,
and you are going to stay with us for a time, while we sort things
I explained that I needed to tell John what was happening. Donald
asked if I would like him to pick up John on the way, and I said yes.
I phoned John to give him time to get ready, and Donald then phoned
his home. The phone call was ambiguous, to say the least.
"Hi, Michael," said Donald, "Can you cope with four for dinner
tonight? Do you want me to bring anything in? Oh - and this boy's in
a state of collapse. It seems the shock has affected his walking.
You'd better have your spare chair at the door." I couldn't figure
out what that was about!
After I was calmer, Donald went through the basics of what would
happen. I didn't really take it all in, and he would have to tell it
to me all over again the next day, but it was sufficient to know that
I was in the hands of another caring adult. With hindsight, I know
how lucky I was to find, first John and then Donald.
Mid-afternoon, and Donald packed up his office for the day, and
helped me out to his car. My legs were getting worse and worse, but
at least I could blame my weakness on delayed shock. Donald went to
help me into the front seat of the car, but I said, "No, put me in
the back, John will need to go in the front. He's disabled."
At John's house, I stayed in the car, while Donald went to get John.
They stood talking for quite a while, Donald sitting on an upturned
bucket. I was struck that Donald seemed very unfazed by meeting John.
Usually strangers are quite alarmed by the slight of him on his
little stubbies, but Donald wasn't. As they talked, they both looked
towards me. Clearly they had a lot to talk through, so I sat mutely
in the car, vaguely aware that tears were trickling down my face once
Eventually John and Donald came over to the car, John hauled himself
in, and we set off for Donald's house. From John's humble dwelling we
found ourselves in the grandest suburb of the town, with wide tree-
lined streets. Donald swept into a curving drive and stopped outside
a grand front-door. The door opened, and a man in a wheelchair came
rolling out, pushing an empty chair in front of him. My life seems to
have been peppered by moments of being speechless - this was one of
Donald introduced me to his partner Michael, and helped me into the
empty wheelchair. Donald pushed me into the house. Thus it was that I
entered into the house which would become so important for the rest
of my life. Meeting Michael explained how relaxed Donald had been
with John - he shared his life with a disabled man.
The house was large and spacious, but sparsely furnished. There were
no carpets, and few chairs. And then I woke up to the realisation
that this was the home of a man who lived in a wheelchair - so he
didn't want carpets, or need chairs. I've often wondered since if my
parents knew Donald was gay when they made him my guardian. And I
marvelled at the co-incidence of finding mature gay friends within so
short a time of coming out to John. Even more amazing for my twisted
mind was the discovery that this man Michael was not only gay, but
disabled too.
Once we were all in the hallway, Donald looked around. Michael in his
wheelchair was just setting off, presumably to the kitchen; John was
on his stubbies; I was slumped in Michael's spare chair. "Christ,"
said Donald, "I feel tall!" - and then went to put the car away.
Michael turned and indicated a room to the right. "I'll be back in a
minute. Make yourself at home."
John led into a large, but still fairly empty living room. An expanse
of polished wood flooring, a couple of chairs, and a grand piano (but
no piano stool!). For a moment I considered getting out of the
wheelchair, but then realised that I had an opportunity to stay it
for the rest of the day. John pulled himself into one of the chairs,
and I wheeled over to him.
"Are OK, Doug" he asked.
"Yes, I think so," I replied.
"Bloody hell," he said, "What a day. And you've finished up in a
wheelchair. I can't believe it!"

The next six months were a time of upheaval and change, and a roller-
coaster of emotions. Donald, Michael and John guided me through the
complexities of becoming an orphan, and were there for me when I felt
exhausted emotionally.
They helped organise my parents' funeral, and held me tightly when I
finally howled at the graveside; they repelled the advances of
various relations who, quite kindly, offered to take me to live with
them in various far-flung parts of the British Isles; and they helped
me back to my own school, met with the head teacher and ensured that
after all that had happened I was able to go back to school in the
Living with my 'guardian', Donald, was at first like a holiday, We
agreed that I couldn't call him 'guardian', and we all were happy
with first names. Donald was a tower of strength, organising a large
room for me, with a desk for homework, and helping me sort out what I
wanted to keep from my parents' house. He found that my father, ever
a carefully man until that fateful moment when he drove into a
tractor, had three life insurance policies: one to pay for the
mortgage on the house; one to provide for me if he died; and one,
surprisingly, for me to buy a car! This meant that Donald could sell
my parents' house, and invest a very large amount of money on my
Living with Michael was an education in itself. After knowing a great
deal about life with John, living on stubbies, I was now in everyday
contact with a man totally confined to a wheelchair. I saw how the
whole house, and garden, was geared to his needs. The kitchen was
designed entirely for him, and a lift had been installed to get him
up to the bedroom floor. Brick paths were laid around the garden, and
access to the garage, where his hand-controlled car lived, was easy.
In those first few days, when my legs were recovering from being
doubled-up in stubbies in Paris, I used Michael's spare wheelchair a
lot, and it came to be parked permanently in my bedroom. Thus it was
that I would sit in it when I was doing my homework. I felt safe, and
protected from the emotions of bereavement when I was in the chair.
I discovered that Michael was an excellent linguist, and earned a
living translating things from French into English and vice-versa.
Thus I had an excellent tutor to get me through my French homework,
and my French improved beyond belief. When I had a French
translation, or grammar to learn, I would wheel myself into Michael's
study, and we'd work on it together. He also was pretty helpful when
it came to English language and literature homework as well.
John became great friends with Donald and Michael, and remained my
closest mate. I continued to go to his house on nights when I had
maths, and slipped into his old stubbies whenever I was there.
We developed a tradition of having dinner togather, all four
including John, on Friday evening, and this naturally extended to
John spending Christmas with us.
Slowly during that winter, a plan began to form in my mind. With
Donald's help, I bought a large ranch-style property, not far from
Donald and Michael's house, and had it converted for disabled living.
The kitchen, modelled on Michael's, was totally accessible for a
disabled person, and the bathrooms were rebuilt. At last the time
came for John to leave his tiny home, and move in with me to the new
property. My birthday is in June, and we managed it on my sixteenth
birthday. John had been involved in all the planning and designing,
and there was a great air of celebration when we arrived at the new
There was just one thing that John did not know about - the car in
the garage - with hand controls, for him to learn to drive. Michael
had helped me get this organised and delivered, and it was John's
turn to cry when he saw it for the first time.
"But it's your birthday," he blubbed, "And I've got all this!"
"And I've got all three of you," I told them, "And I can't believe
how my life has turned out, so far."
Little did any of them know that the grand plan that had formed in my
mind during that winter, was still incomplete. The final, and most
extraordinary part, was yet to come. In our new home, when we were
alone, I wore my stubbies a lot, and looked forward constantly to the
time when I would be a double above knee amputee.
During that summer, we all went on holiday together, Michael in his
wheelchair, John on his stubbies, but Donald and I walking. We went
to the South of France for two weeks: Michael's stunning ability in
French keeping us all happy, except when he made me do the talking!
As we wandered the promenade at Nice I would linger, and watch my
three best friends ahead of me, the wheelchair-man, the stubbies-man,
and the walker. And I would smile quietly to myself, knowing that
next time, I'd be a proper cripple, not just a pretender.
One day, during the following winter, while we were working on a
French translation, a chance remark led to me asking Michael about
the accident which had put him in the wheelchair. It turned out he
had been the pillion on a friend's motorbike. The bike had gone off
the road at speed, killing the friend. When Michael woke up he was
paralysed. I asked him how long ago this had happened. "I was just
seventeen," he said.
Seventeen! How could I suppress my excitement at this most spooky of
co-incidences! John had been seventeen when his legs were blown off
on a French beach; Michael had been seventeen when he had been
paralysed; and my next birthday would be my seventeenth. My resolve
was strong.
That year my birthday was on a Sunday. Well in advance, I had started
going out on my bicycle to collect a Sunday paper for John, and on
the day of my birthday I went out as usual. It was bright warm June
morning, the kind that is so good to be out in the fresh air, early
in the morning. I dressed in an old black tracksuit, and pedalled
rapidly in the direction of the town centre, about three miles away.
By a quirk of planning, the shopping centre in my home town has a
railway line running through it, and there's a level crossing where
the pedestrian area crosses the railway line. A footbridge crosses
the tracks for those pedestrians too impatient to wait when the
barriers are down for a train to pass through.
I left my bicycle leaning against a lamp-post, and I didn't lock it
up. Knowing I would never ride it again, I was quite happy for
someone to steal it! Checking my watch, I knew that the next train
from London was due in just a few minutes. I walked quickly to the
level crossing and dodged onto the track. Being early Sunday morning,
there were few people about. I stood in the lee of the footbridge, my
black tracksuit making me almost invisible. In the distance I could
see the train approaching, and I could feel the vibrations in the
track. To my left, the level crossing barriers crashed down, and the
warning klaxons wailed. I waited until the last minute as I didn't
want the driver to see me and try to stop the train.
At the last minute I stepped out from the shadow of the bridge and
sat down, my knees on the rail, feet towards the centre of the track.
The noise of the train was thunderous, and the vibrations in the rail
horrific, as I laid back on the filthy track side and shut my eyes.

Everything hurt, and hummed and buzzed. I felt as if I was swimming
through a haze of pain and noise. It cleared a little and I found
myself facing John, Donald and Michael.
I vaguely remember going in and out of consciousness, and had no idea
how long it had been since that bright birthday morning when I put my
legs under the train.
Eventually, I found myself emerging from the soup of pain and noise.
"Are you awake now?" came John's voice.
"We're all here." That was Donald.
"We thought we were losing you." That was Michael.
"I'm here," I said.
"I feel so sorry," said John. "If only I'd not let you play with my
stubbies. If only we'd not been on that holiday to Paris."
"No, I think I should have stopped you from playing in the
wheelchair," said Michael. "If only..."
"I feel so awful," said Donald. "I agreed with your parents that I
would look after you, and now this has happened. I've not been much
of a guardian, have I?"
"What's the matter with you all?" I said. "Don't you see, I'm not
sorry about what I did. I'm pleased. I want to be like this. It's
what I'm supposed to be like. I knew long ago that I didn't want to
stay able-bodied. I knew my destiny was to be disabled. And now I am.
Please be pleased for me, not guilty."
"That's really hard for me," said John. "I still feel as though I've
been the cause of you doing this to yourself."
"John, I was keen to become a cripple when I was quite a little kid,"
I said. "Meeting you simply helped me understand what I wanted. You
must know more than anyone how happy I was in Paris, and how happy
I've been over the years pretending in your stubbies. Now I'll be
wearing stubbies of my own."
"Doug," said John, grasping hold of my hand, "You won't be wearing
stubbies. The train made a real mess of your legs. Your amputations
are very, very high. You have no thighs left, no stumps to put into
stubbies. You're going to spend the rest of your life in a
"No stubbies? No stubbies?"
"Go back to sleep now," came Donald's voice. "We'll worry about the
future when the time comes."
The haze of sleep descended and rose and descended and rose many
times. Whenever I was awake, one of my three loyal friends was always
there, holding my hand. At last the day came when I was ready to sit
With two nurses to help, my pillows were arranged, and my truncated
body pulled slowly up. I felt a bit giddy and sick after so many days
on my back, but gradually I got there. I looked down. I had no lap,
no sign of legs beyond the bottom I was sitting on. I reached down
with my hands and smoothed the bedclothes in front of me. Nothing
there. I put my head back and smiled. I had done it. Slowly and
nervously I felt my amputation scars. There were still sore, but I
could touch them. I felt slowly and carefully to find out the shape
of my new body. Either side of my balls was no more than a rounded
nub where my legs used to be. I could not remember a time in my life
when I felt happier.
I wasn't in hospital all that long. I think it was because I was so
happy with my transformed body, and that I was accepting and pleased
with the results of the surgery, that I healed all the quicker.
Each day one or more of my friends would visit. I sometimes wondered
if they were watching me for signs that I regretted my action, but of
course I did not, and gradually their guilt seemed, on the surface at
least, to go away.
I talked for a long time with Michael about life in a wheelchair. He
said that he had been angry at first, robbed of walking when he was
seventeen. But he looked at me and realised that I had no anger at
all, in fact I had very great happiness. He told me about going back
to the piano, and working hard to play well, and how he had played
long and furiously to work out his anger, and that it had worked. And
he told me how he still returned to the piano on days when he felt
frustrated by his paralysis. He spoke a lot about the security that
his wheelchair gives him; of how he feels unsafe when he's not in it;
and how he almost panics in the morning until he's safely seated. He
talked about balance, and told me that with virtually no leg stumps,
I would have to learn to balance in my new chair; he suggested that I
would probably need a waist belt to strap me to the chair to stop
falling out. And one day, he arrived pushing my first chair, a
wonderful sports model with a low back, no handles for a pusher, and
beautifully angled wheels. I was impatient to learn to use it.
Michael also talked a lot about how his chair feels like it is a part
of himself, and how I would grow to be bonded to my chair. I liked
that thought a lot.
Donald talked about my financial situation. Thanks to my father's
forsight, Donald had been able to invest from the life insurances, so
that I had a small income. With John's salary from the bank, we would
be able to maintain our home, but he worried about things like
gardening. I felt we could think about that later.
Donald also was the one who had quickly put the whole story
together. "You planned your amputations right from the start, didn't
you?" he said. "All the work about making your house disabled
friendly wasn't just for John. It was for you." I could do little but
smile, and agree. Yes, indeed, it had all been part of one grand plan.
John also visited frequently, but had the hardest time coping with
his guilt. Much as I reassured him that he was not to blame for my
predicament, and that I was very happy indeed about what I had
deliberately caused, he still felt guilty and responsible. He was by
now, 60 years old, and finding walking on his stubbies increasingly
tiring. He thus was considering retiring from the bank, and was
pleased to discover that his bank pension, together with his old army
disability pension, would mean that he had a reasonable income in
Sometimes, as I lay in my hospital bed, I would watch him arriving,
with his characteristic waddle on those stubbies, walking as he had
done now for 43 years, and wonder at how I would be when I'm 60, and
had been in a wheelchair for 43 years. The thought made me glow with
anticipated pleasure.
I was a little frustrated by the heavy bandaging used around my
pelvis while my scars were healing. I could only get a rough idea of
my body shape through all the layers of bandage. When the dressings
were changed, I was always laying flat on my back, so really could
not see what was going on. At last the day came for the bandages to
be removed. For the first time since the amputations, I was naked.
I waited for the nurses to leave my room, then slowly moved my hands
down to my ass. I knew I was still sore, so I felt carefully for the
shape of my body. That first time I held my hands under my pelvis,
where my legs used to be, was ecstatic. The reality of my achievement
was tremendous: at last I had a wonderful body. Whenever I was alone,
I would rub gently under my pelvis, feeling the tiny stumps, each
containing just a round ball of bone from the very top of my thigh.
In those days I had never heard about Body Identity Disorders, but I
know now that I was experiencing all the wonderful feelings of a
cured BIID sufferer.
Lying there in the hospital, gently massaging my tiny stumps, I was
in heaven. And I knew, for certain, that I would always be like this.
I would never again have legs; I was now ready for the rest of my





sunnuntai 21. elokuuta 2022








I lost both my arms just slightly above the elbows in a motorcycle accident when I was in college at the age of twenty-one. When I got out of the hospital and finished rehab, my life was totally messed up. I had been a decent-looking guy with a beefy, muscular, body, but I was pretty short -- only five foot six and weighed hundred and sixty-five pounds. I had black hair cut in a buzz cut and brown eyes to go with my olive skin. I was moderately hairy and loved showing off my body. I had been out and proud since I was 18, but of course, my family disowned me when I came out to them. I had a few acquaintances, but since I worked a couple of part-time jobs to put myself through college, I didn’t have much of a social life before the accident.


My physical recovery was pretty fast but my rehab experience was terrible. They attempted to train me in the use of prosthetic arms with hooks at the ends, but I never got the hang of coordinating both of them, plus they were very heavy and hot to wear, so I just concentrated on using the left one. I learned to pick up things and do simple tasks with the hook. But even concentrating on the left one, simultaneously coordinating my shoulder motions with the wrist joint, elbow, angle of the hook, etc. was really daunting. Finally, the rehab guys judged me not independent enough to live on my own, so I was sent to a halfway house-type place where there was assistance for people with physical disabilities. I was the youngest person there. Most of the residents were considerably older disabled folks. I had missed a lot of college work during my recovery and decided to drop out entirely, since I could no longer attain my goal of becoming a personal trainer or sports coach. I was depressed. I lacked self‑confidence and self-esteem. I felt helpless and vulnerable. When I went out in public, I felt like a complete freak. Other people always stared at me. I was also goalless and aimless. I had absolutely no idea what to do with my life. My only goal was to get through the day with as little human contact as possible.


The accident wasn’t my fault, the only good things to come of it was that I got a very handsome settlement from it, so handsome that if I managed it conservatively Id probably never have to work again, which was a good thing because any decent job would require a person with arms and hands.




My only physical activity was to walk a lot. Id go out on these walks always wearing long sleeve shirts even in hot weather, in an attempt to look as normal as possible. On the left side the shirt sleeve covered up all of the prosthetic arm except for the hook itself, which I kept in my pocket mostly. On the right, I tucked the end of my empty sleeve into the pocket in a failed attempt to make it look like I had a right arm and hand, which of course it fooled nobody.


The place where I lived was close to the downtown area. I found myself walking by a fitness and boxing club more and more frequently, often stopping on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes to look through the windows at the guys inside working out. I was drawn to them because they were hot-looking, in great shape, and generally exuded a lot of confidence. In other words they were like I used to be. One day I guess I stood there longer than usual and a man came out and introduced himself as Mike. I said my name was Jake. Meeting new people was always awkward and Mike was no exception, he extended his right hand and then withdrew it when he realized I had a empty right sleeve and a left hook. He apologized for his mistake. I said no problem, it happens frequently.

“I’m the owner of the gym and I’ve noticed you looking in the windows a lot lately Jake. Would you like to come in and take a look around?”

“No, thats okay, I was just passing by, I said.

“Well the gym closes at six tonight but I usually stay around until seven cleaning up, so if you want to drop by later its cool, he said.


I thanked him and went on my way. I wandered around for a while wondering if I should go back or not. Finally I did go back just before seven, half hoping hed be gone. But the door was open and I went in. I didn’t see anybody so I waited a minute or two, then Mike came barreling out of the locker room bare‑chested wearing only cargo shorts. When he saw me he stopped in his tracks and just stared at me for a long moment and I stared back at his bare chest and legs. The beauty of his body took my breath away. He was more than six foot tall, had big shoulders, big pecs, big arms, and big hands, and muscular legs, all lightly covered with blond fur. In addition, he had dark brown hair trimmed in a buzz cut and his face was clean-shaven with a hint of stubble. In other words, he was the guy I had always dreamed about meeting before my amputations.

“Hey, you came back,” he said, “I was just about to leave.

“Sorry, go ahead, I don’t want to bother you,” I said.

“No no, he said, “I don’t have to be anyplace tonight, so its ok. Just let me put on a t-shirt here. Like I said earlier, I’ve been noticing you at the window. Even some of the guys have noticed you watching us work out, so I was just curious if you wanted to join or whatever.




I told him I couldn’t work out any more and I shrugged my shoulders to emphasize my armlessness. I said that I had been watching vicariously to remember what it was like to be able to do all the stuff that I was no longer able to do. He said he obviously noticed my arms were missing and asked how long it

had been. I told him it had been 3 years. He asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I said no I didn’t want to trouble him and started to leave. He was nearest to the door and he went and closed and locked it, and drew the blinds on the windows.


“Hey Jake, its just the two of us here, we have complete privacy, no one will see us or interrupt us. Fact number one: obviously I’ve noticed your arms are both missing, which would be a huge trauma for anyone. Fact number two: the guys and I have noticed you standing outside watching day after day.

Fact number three: I don’t get the sense that you are okay with your situation. So why don’t you take as


long as it takes to get your story out. Believe me it will help to talk to someone. I’m a very patient listener and maybe I can help, or if not, point you in some other direction.”




So I hemmed and hawed for a little while and in a shaky voice, I told him everything. I told him that basically my life was ruined. I told him that I lost my arms in an accident, dropped out of college, wasn’t having much luck mastering my hooks, didn’t really have any friends, and lived in a halfway house for the disabled. I told him about my lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, my sense of vulnerability, my feeling like a freak, my feeling useless and helpless, the whole nine yards. I had held all of this bottled up inside me for so long that it all just spilled out. After I was finished, I tried not to cry, but I sure felt like it. Mike didn’t say anything for a while.


Finally, he said “Wow! Thats a lot, thats heavy, thats an awful lot of stuff to be carrying around. While we’re at it, I think theres one other thing you left out Jake. I asked him what it was, not having any idea what he meant.

Fact number four:  Youre gay, right?” I turned red as a beet.

“Oh shit! Is it that obvious?”

He laughed and said “No, its not obvious except maybe to another gay man. I saw you checking me out big time when I came out of the locker room bare-chested and I thought you were going to faint there for a minute. I’m gay too. I don’t go around broadcasting it, but I’m open about it if anyone asks.”

“I would never have guessed, Mike,” I said.

Well we come in all shapes and sizes, Jake. He was silent for a bit. You came here looking for help or advice, didn’t you?

“I dont know Mike, I said reluctantly. “Looking in the window, you and your guys all look so strong, confident, and together. I was drawn to you all. That was how I used to be, strong and confident and in great shape.

“Well, they’re a good group, serious and focused about fitness and taking care of themselves. He hung his head for a minute then looked up at me. “Do you or can you jog?”

“I used to, I haven’t since I lost my arms. I’m probably really out of shape now, I replied.

“Well since tomorrows Sunday, why don’t you come jogging with me. We’ll take it slow. Afterward, we can talk some more and maybe get to know each other.

You sure you want to jog with me Mike, looking like I do?” I said.

“Hell yes man! You’re a damn good-looking guy, although you are a little on the short side,” he said with a chuckle. “But believe it or not, I actually like shorter guys like you, with or without arms,” and he winked at me.

I blushed and said okay and thanked him.

“One other thing, do you have a way of getting home tonight?”“I can walk,” I said,“No Jake. You better let me give you a lift. Its dark outside and I don’t think you could defend yourself if someone were to hassle you. I can give you a ride home. Just let me grab my wallet and keys.”


So we went out and stood next to his Jeep Wrangler. He asked me if I could open the door and fasten my seatbelt with my hook and I said I could open the door but not fasten the seat belt. I opened the door and got in and he pulled the seat belt across my body and fastened it. In the process he touched my chest briefly and I could swear there was a spark of electricity between us and I felt a definite twinge in my dick. On the drive to where I lived, he chatted about his gym and fitness center. When we arrived, he parked, got out and went around to open the door and unhooked the seat belt for me and I got out. He reached down, grabbed my left hook, shook it firmly, and shot me a broad grin and said “Nice meeting you Jake. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning here, that okay?” I told him yes.


He showed up the next morning and picked me up, going through the routine of opening the door and fastening my seat belt for me. I was wearing my only remaining work out gear—a baggy sweatshirt, baggy sweatpants, and my old running shoes. I wasn’t wearing my hook and the sleeves weren’t cut off, so the sleeves hung down from my shoulders empty and flopping around. Mike was wearing running shorts and a tight t-shirt that showed off his muscular chest handsomely. He commented that it was pretty warm out and was I sure I wanted to jog in my sweats. I said it was all I had. He said he was sure he could find a t-shirt and shorts laying around the gym and started to drive back to the gym.


“Wait Mike,” I said. “I can’t get dressed and undressed by myself, so I’ll just wear this stuff.” “Nonsense,” he said, “I can give you a hand changing clothes” We went back to his gym and he found a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. He pulled off my sweatshirt and when he touched my skin I could feel that electricity again and my crotch showed a little bulge.


With my sweatshirt off, he said You checked me out big time yesterday. Now its my turn to reciprocate.” He broke into a broad grin as I stood there with my chest exposed and my stumps hanging down uselessly from my shoulders. “Well Jake, considering what you’ve been through, you’re in great shape -- your shoulders are firm and solid, your pecs beefy and well-defined, and you have decent abs. Tell me about your stumps. Can you move them much, put pressure on the ends, do they hurt?” I told him no they didn’t hurt anymore and that I could apply pressure to the ends and moved them around to show him they had movement.Your stumps are still pretty beefy. You must have had muscular arms, Jake. “Yes I was real proud of my arms. I worked on them a lot.” “Most guys want big guns, Jake. Big arms have always been a symbol for masculine strength, which is a shame because guys neglect other parts of their bodies, like their legs, for example. Also, in my experience, I’ve noticed that short guys often try to overcompensate for their shortness by bulking up their arms. Did you do that, Jake?”

“Yes sir, I guess I’m busted.” He helped me put the t-shirt on. It turned out to be a snug fit with the ends of my stumps sticking out of the sleeves. “Need help with the shorts?” I said yes, secretly praying I wouldn’t get another boner. He took off my shoes and sweatpants, and sure enough I started to get a little hard in my briefs and there was nothing I could do to hide it. In fact, there was a bigger jolt of electricity than before when he touched my legs. He said “Looks like you got a fine pair of legs there,“ as he pretended not to notice my semi and I pretended not to notice the bulge that was beginning to show through his jogging shorts. He pulled up the shorts and put my shoes on and tied the laces. He asked if I was ready and I guess I frowned because he asked what was wrong.



“Well, Mike, its just that I haven’t gone out in public like this before, you know, with my stumps showing.”

Your stumps are nothing to be ashamed of Jake, theyre part of you now, for better or worse, and you’ll have to learn to get comfortable with them. You’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll be right there by your side the whole time,” he said and gave me a friendly punch to the shoulder. We drove to a jogging trail in his Jeep. We started jogging, running side by side at a slow pace. It was very weird at first.

Since I didn’t have arms for balance or protection, I was afraid of falling. And of course, there was my huge self-consciousness at having my stumps so visible. There were quite a few joggers out, many glanced at us and some even gave us a thumbs up. We must have looked like quite a pair, this tall, gorgeous hunk jogging alongside this short crippled guy. We jogged for awhile, then stopped to rest.



You doing OK there, Jake?” Mike asked me.

“Yep, I said, “I’m hanging in there.”

“Well Jake, as far as I could tell no one fell over in a dead faint from seeing your stumps,” he said with a big grin, “Just wanted you to note that.”



We jogged some more and he picked up the pace a little. At the end of the jog I was exhausted and we stopped at a refreshment stand and he bought us cold drinks and I sucked mine up through a straw. He told me to keep the t-shirt and shorts and that he went jogging three times a week and would like it if I joined him. I thanked him and said yes I would. He smiled, slapped me on the back and drove me back to the place where I lived.



We started jogging together three times a week. I quickly built up my endurance and self-confidence and my mental outlook improved a little. We jogged for about a month. Hed pick me up in the morning and drive me back afterwards. We’d make small talk during the drive. Then one day after jogging we went back to the gym and after he took off our sweaty t-shirts, he put his hands on my shoulders and said “Jake, I want to tell you something. We’ve known each other for about a month now. I want you to know that I like you a lot and I think maybe you feel the same way. I notice you get a hard-on every time I touch you and you’ve probably noticed I get one too. I just wanted to get that out in the open.



I told him that I liked him a lot also and was very grateful for his help and support, but that I was curious why a hot guy like him would get turned on by a cripple like me. “Lets talk about that later. Right now I just want to do this.” And with that he put his big arms around my shoulders and bent down a little to give me a tight skin-to-skin hug. I loved feeling his strength. I felt so safe in his arms. Of course I got another hard-on. I never wanted the hug to end and I wished I could to hug him back.



“Wow, that was intense,” he said after it was over.

“It sure was,” I replied as I noticed we both had tents in our shorts again. He asked if there was much I could do with my stumps. I said “Yes, I can pick up objects between the ends of them. A few really simple things like that.” “And with your hook?” he asked. “Some more basic things, I said. “I still need a lot of help, sad to say. Like I said, my rehab was very poor. They really just wanted to get me out of their hair. “Wow, that is really sad,” he said. He put clean t-shirts back on both of us, gave me a hard pat on the ass, and I went on my way.




The following week Mike proposed that we go out and have dinner at a restaurant. I balked at the suggestion and told him that I had not been out to a restaurant since losing my arms.

“Well then, its about time, yes?” He shot me a big grin and said “Its time to start living again Jake.

I reluctantly agreed. I told him my food had to be cut up into bite-size pieces, that I could manipulate a spoon or fork with my left hook, but somebody had to place the utensil in the hooks grip first. I repeated that my use of the hook was still pretty awkward and sometimes it made movements on its own. He told me not to sweat it.


We went to a bistro that he knew. Fortunately, it wasn’t crowded and it was dark, thank god. He picked out a table in a corner for us to sit at. It went pretty smoothly. The only awkward moment came when I knocked over a water glass with my hook, but the waiter cleaned it up quickly and said not to worry.


After dinner, he asked me if Id like to come back to his place and I nodded yes. He said he lived above the gym in a loft. He showed me around his loft and we chatted about it for a bit. I commented that living above his gym must be real convenient.


Yes,” he said.Its convenient, but I probably spend too much time down there working out, tinkering  with the equipment, cleaning up. You know, it was my life goal to have a gym like this one, one devoted to multiple routes to fitness, employing boxing, martial arts, and weightlifting to help men reach their fitness goals.


I replied that he had about the best body I had ever seen and that his training methods must work if he was an example of it. He just grinned and said thank you and part of it was his training method but that part of it was also due to lucky genetics. About this time my hook and arm stump were becoming uncomfortable so I asked him if he could help me take it off. “Of course, he said and began to take off my shirt and my prosthesis. When he was finished, he took his own t-shirt off and we were sitting there bare-chested together.



“Man, you’re really not too shabby yourself,” he said. “Like I said before, I can’t believe what a good body you have, given what you’ve been through. You must have looked like a brick shithouse before the amputations and actually still do. Youre a hot guy Jake, with or without arms. You know that, dont you?”

I shook my head. “No Mike, I don’t know that. I see myself as crippled, as ruined, and helpless. I don’t feel like a man anymore. Any sliver of self-esteem I used to have is gone.”


“Well Jake, maybe we can work together on that, if youd like” and he gave me a tight hug, bare chest to bare chest. Once again there was that electricity and I know I got a boner and I sensed he did too. “See Jake, you’re still a man. Your dick still works just fine.” I’m sure I turned bright red.



“Jake, you know what my job is here—its to train men, physically and mentally to be the best version of themselves. I’m really good at it and produce excellent results, partly because I am highly intuitive. I have a feeling I could help you improve your situation and I would learn a lot about disability and about you. I’m becoming really fond of you, I think of you all the time. I think back to all the times I’ve touched and felt that zing and electricity between us. At the same time I’m helping you out with the “training,” Id also like to begin a personal relationship with you. But let me make it very clear that you are the first disabled person I’ve ever known, either as a client or as a personal friend, so this will be a huge learning experience for me and I’m looking forward to it if you agree to this. I know this is a lot to digest, so don’t say anything yet, just think about, ok?”

“I don’t have to think about it Mike, the answer is yes! This is wonderful, Mike. Thank you very much. I was so moved by his offer that I buried my head between his pecs and kissed his chest. He hugged me for the longest time.




A few days later, I asked Mike to tell me more about himself. He told me he was thirty-five and it had been his dream to have his own no frills gym for men who were serious about self defense and physical conditioning, sort of like an old-fashioned type gym. He had worked at various gyms in the past and didn’t like the “spa” atmosphere that they had and hed finally opened his own place five years ago. He was a natural born leader and teacher and trainer, he said. He told me he also knew what it was like being a “freak” because he was one too. In high school, for example, he had always been larger, more

muscular, and better-looking than the other guys and they would often try and pick fights with him. So he learned martial arts as a way of dealing with punks who picked on him. Using martial arts hed win every time he got into a fight and soon they started leaving him alone. Even as an adult, his looks and body always drew a lot of attention, but at heart he was a pretty shy and low-key type guy.


“Also, I want to try to explain the reason I am attracted to you: Its because you are so different from me. I have spent most of my life looking for a lover or partner who was like me, but every time I’ve found someone like that it just didn’t work out. With guys like myself, we always wound up trying to compete with each other, rather than working together, plus theres something narcissistic about having a relationship with someone whos a carbon copy of yourself,” he said. “Finally, I began to realize it was  difference that was the basis for real connection, not similarity. I began to pursue men who were

different a couple of years ago and then you showed up. You are as different from me as I can imagine -- shorter, darker, younger and and I’ll just say it, disabled, unfortunate but that is your reality. I want to stress that I like you for many, many reasons. You know Jake, theres no explaining personal chemistry, it just is. You are one very unique man, Jake, and I want you in my life. I’ve never felt the electricity I feel when I touch you. Plus theres something else.           Like I said the other day, I am an excellent trainer, plus I’ve had lots of experience training men and it would be a wonderful thing if I could help to train you or help you to be whatever you want to be now that your body is so different than it used to be. I would like that challenge and I would like you to move in with me. I think we are both sane enough to carry on a personal and a professional relationship at the same time.




“But before you decide on having a relationship, lets just clarify a few things so there aren’t misunderstandings later. Why don’t we talk about sex and get it over with.” I nodded OK. “Have you had much sexual experience with men, Jake?”


I have to confess, I wasn’t looking forward to this talk because I wasn’t very sexually experienced and I figured with his looks and build Mike must be way ahead of me in that department. “Some, not a lot, mainly jerking off and sucking off men, mainly one night stands with casual sex, that kind of thing. I’m not into anal, I hope thats not a deal breaker. I like looking up to big strong men. I like kissing, feeling a guys muscles, although I guess I’ll have to settle for feeling mens bodies with my stumps or rubbing my face against his skin now. I was trying a little leather and bondage just before I lost my arms.

Ironically, I liked the idea of getting tied up and blindfolded. I also liked the idea of some verbal abuse and humiliation and got really turned on by it the couple of times a guy tried that out on me. I guess given the present circumstances thats sort of weird, right?”

“No I wouldn’t say that, ironic maybe, but not weird, very little about what turns us on is weird. Whatever turns us on turns us on. Period. No Judgement here, Jake. The key is to take whatever turns you on or me on and run with it, play with it, have fun with it. Anyway, your story isn’t all that different than mine. I like jerking off, kissing, getting sucked off, not that keen on anal either. I like edging. And I like leather and bondage and S & M too sometimes, but playfully, not in a punishing way. And I have to admit that I get off dishing out a little verbal abuse during sex, but its meant playful way. While you probably think I am a sex machine with these looks and this bod, I haven’t been all that sexually active either, never met the right guy I guess, but now and then when I’ve met a guy I thought was promising we would get it on. But I know I keep repeating myself, but Ive never felt the electricity, that jolt that I feel with you before Jake, ever. Every time I touch you I feel it. And it happens even when we just do routine stuff. I know you feel it too. I nodded that I did.

“But the bottom line is that I’m a dominant guy, an alpha male. I get the sense that you’ve always been a more submissive man, even before your amputations. What that means for us is that in general I’m the leader and you are the follower. I make most of the decisions. I’m not rigid about this, but thats my general nature. Are you OK with this Jake?”

Yes sir, I am. Youre right, I was submissive before. I think short guys like me are usually more submissive, and we usually look up to bigger guys like you for leadership, decision-making, etc. And know that I’m a cripple, that makes me even more submissive and in need of a leader. So I guess I’m doubly OK with it, you could say.

“Good, then we are in agreement on that. But let me just say that I promise never to take advantage of you or harm you. I’m here to love you, shelter you, see that you are safe, teach and train you in whatever way you want, and I’ll give you the space to be whatever you want with your present circumstances. Probably you’ll never be completely independent. If not then I’m here for you and will give you whatever help or assistance you need. I would like to see you a little more independent than you are now because I think it would help your self-esteem, but if you’re not its not a deal breaker. In the meantime or hopefully forever, my arms and hands are your arms and hands when you need them.”

“So Jake, I take it thats a yes to our new adventure together?” “YES!”




Mike wanted me to stay over at the loft one stormy night. He said I could sleep in the spare room. “Id just feel better if you were under my roof tonight,” he said. When we settled in he opened a couple of

beers for us, put a straw in mine, and we sat down on the sofa. “Hey Jake, I’ve been dying to ask you a question, but I’ve been putting it off.” I told him to ask away. “Since you lost your arms, you haven’t been able to touch yourself? I don’t just mean your dick, although I mean that too, but I mean your body, your muscles, what I’m trying to say is that you can’t really touch or feel any part of your body like you used to, right?

“No Mike, I can’t, thats one of the worst things about my situation. You can’t really touch or feel your body at all.

“And you can’t masturbate at all or at least not satisfactorily?”

“No Mike, this is so humiliating I almost can’t talk about it, but no, I can’t really get much satisfying release by myself. I don’t have a large dick anyway and my stumps don’t reach that far down. I’ve tried all kinds of other ways of jacking off, like playing with my dick with my mouthstick, fondling it with my hook, rubbing it against a mattress or the floor or a door jamb or sticking it between two sofa cushions. I’ve even trying to jack off with my feet, but my legs aren’t that flexible. If I rub hard enough against something I can cum sometimes, but I’m not that hard and it doesn’t feel that great. Plus its exhausting. I have to expend so much energy to get to the point that I can shoot that it doesn’t seem worth it. Its not at all like it feels when you do it with your hand. And then theres the mess that has to be cleaned up and thats a bit of challenge for me too obviously. So for three years, I haven’t really been able to masturbate very successfully at all. I feel constant sexual frustration and tension. And of course it goes without saying that I haven’t even tried to find sex partners because I feel so freakish. You know, I used to masturbate all the time, like most guys I guess. Usually it was two times a day. I used lube to jack off and it felt so good. And sometimes Id have casual sex with a guy Id meet. But now…

“Shit! Man, I am so sorry to hear that. I figured that might be the case. Thanks for telling me about it. Jake, I want you to know that since I first met you, I’ve been jacking off twice a day thinking about you. I just wanted you to know that. We’ll talk more about this later, but for now know that anytime you need release I’m here with my hand for you. You must be exhausted, so let me put you in the spare bed for tonight so you can get a good nights sleep, he said.

He led me to the extra bedroom and tucked me in real good. Then he kissed me good night and left the room. I fell asleep instantly.




The next morning Mike came in, naked except for his briefs, to wake me up but I was already up. You ready for breakfast, stud?” I looked around to see if there was anybody else in the room.

You mean me? I thought you were the only stud in these parts Mike.

“Yes fucker, of course I mean you. You may be short and armless, but you’re a still hot guy, and don’t ever forget it!”

He went to make some breakfast for us and called me when it was ready. He asked me if I wanted to be fed but I said I could feed myself. He might as well see now how I usually ate, which was like a dog, directly off the plate without utensils and I told him I hoped he wouldn’t be too grossed out by it. He placed a bowl of cereal in front of me and I started slurping it down. When I was finished, he grabbed a napkin and wiped down my face and cleaned up the bit of spillage on the table. I looked over at him and he had a shit-eating grin on his face and a hard-on in his briefs. He said “Damn it , you little fucker, that was really hot. Am I going to get turned by every single thing you do?”

“I hope so, I said, “I like turning you on! Actually I’m just glad you weren’t grossed out by me.”

“Id never be grossed by you Jake.

He ate his cereal and cleaned up the kitchen.




So after wed had our sex talk, jack-off discussion and alpha male talk, I felt really good about moving in with him. Finally the day came and he moved my stuff. Mike moved my few belongings into the loft. I felt like this was a new beginning for me. I said I was a bit overwhelmed by all these changes and would like to just rest for a while, so he put me in the spare room and shut the door. I woke up about time about dinnertime and he ordered some takeout for dinner.


“Jake, can I feed you?” he asked when it arrived. “Id really like to, it would be a very intimate way of sharing our first meal together in your new home.

“Ok Mike, thats cool, but I want you to remember I can eat by myself. You don’t have to feed me.”

“I know, I know. I just wanted to get things started here on a real special basis is all.


He went ahead and fed us both dinner. He used his right hand to feed me, while his left arm was around my shoulders. It was really intimate and I don’t think I had ever been felt so cared for by another man before. After dinner, he led me by my left stump to the sofa where we both sat down and he put his arm around my shoulders again. “I love touching you, Jake, he said, “and one reason I love doing it is because now I know you can’t touch yourself. The other reason is what I keep saying—I feel this

electricity or chemistry with you that I’ve never felt with other men. With your permission, I plan to do a lot of touching you now that we’re living together. “Mike, I absolutely like being touched and don’t think I get ever get enough of it.”



“Now, there are a couple of things Id like to talk about now that you’ve moved in. One is I usually go bare-chested in the loft. I like wearing shorts or jeans but I don’t like wearing shirts. Id like you to do the same Jake, go shirtless but wear shorts or jeans. That okay?”

“Sure,” I said, “if that s what you want, but you’ll be seeing my stumps all the time.”

‘Well, man,” he said. “I like looking at you and I like looking at your stumps. They’re whats unique about you and I especially like when you move them around when you’re talking, like regular guys do with their arms when they talk. I know you think your body is ruined or damaged, but I think its beautiful and I want you to think so too. I know it’ll take some time.”

“The second thing is I want to dress you everyday, put you in t-shirts that show off your chest muscles and stumps and wear shorts that show off your strong legs. That okay?” “Yes, I said. “I’m cool with that. You know I need help especially getting dressed.




After dinner, we got up from the table and Mike walked over to me and hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. He reached down and felt my crotch and I immediately began to get a hard-on. He massaged it briefly, saying “Thats my boy! I want you hard as a rock, Jake. I’m going to make you feel really good tonight. Just relax and enjoy the ride.” He put his big hand on my stump and guided me gently into the bedroom and stood facing me. “Now Jake, I’m going to do all the work here, understood?” I nodded yes. “First, Id like to blindfold you, it will heighten the experience, you OK with that?” I nodded yes and he slipped a leather blindfold over my eyes. “Now I’m going to undress you

slowly. He took off my t-shirt and began playing with my nipples, rubbing my shoulders and playing with both stumps. His hands felt so good on my body that I almost came in my pants but managed to hold it. He took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply and hugged me real tight.



He unbuckled my belt and let my pants drop to the floor and I stepped out of them. He touched my hard dick with a finger just enough to arouse me a little and make me ache to feel his whole hand on me down there. He pulled my boxer shorts down and looked down at my crotch. “Nice stump you got down there too man. You got three really nice ones. He pushed me backwards and I fell on the bed and in a flash he was on top of me. He sat back up and began to slowly massage all of my entire body except my hard-on. It felt so damn good to feel his hands on me—I hadn’t felt hands on my body since my arms were cut off—and I almost came again, but held it. Then he kissed me deeply again, licked my nipples and I heard him grab something from the nightstand. I was already feeling totally ecstatic and when I felt his lubed up hand start to stroke me very slowly, God, it was heaven. He gradually increased the speed until I came with an explosion and a roar. He collapsed on me and stayed there hugging me. He unzipped his jeans, pulled out his dick and started jacking off over my body. He came almost immediately. Finally he got up. Our cum was all mixed up and all over both of us. He cleaned us both up with a damp washcloth.My God! You really needed that, didn’t you, son?” I nodded but couldn't speak. My whole body was in this delirious, erotic haze. “Its OK Jake, just lie there, maybe take a nap,” he said as he pulled the sheet over my naked body, leaving the blindfold on.



When I woke up a little later, I could sense that he was right beside me. He put his arms around me and asked if I enjoyed it. I replied. “It was the best orgasm Id ever had. You were right, the blindfold really helped me focus on the sensations you were giving me. Yep, it does. Lets keep it on a little longer. He took my stump and helped me stand up and started playing with my dick again and it started to get hard a second time. “Looks like you’re ready to go again, stud,” he said and pushed me down on the bed and got more lube and started working me over. It took me a little longer to get off but I came after a bit. Afterward, I felt totally drained. He cleaned me up again and whispered in my ear. “Remember, my hands are your hands from here now on. Man, it felt so good to have a pair of hands again, even if they weren’t mine.




I spent the first week just sort of settling in, getting used to Mikes routine, figuring out what I needed help with and what I could manage on my own. I made a deal with myself that I would become as independent as my situation would allow. When wed been together up to this point, Mike had always taken time off from his gym duties, but now that I had moved in he couldn’t do that anymore. I would be alone in the loft often and I needed to think up ways of doing stuff on my own rather than asking Mike to come up from the gym and help me.



When the first week was over, Mike came back from the gym, apologizing for having been so busy during the week. He kissed me all over and put his hand in my crotch to stimulate my dick, which responded instantly. He slapped the leather blindfold on me and led me to the bed and said something about “edging”. He played with me and stopped, started again and stopped again, keeping me on the edge of cumming but telling me not to. Finally he said “Do it!” and I exploded in a loud roar all over him.

When I could finally speak again, I said, “Man, you are so right about the blindfold. Not being able to see makes you feel everything more intensely.” “Then I’ll make sure to keep it handy, he said with what I imagined was an evil grin, because of course I couldn’t see him. “Lets keep it on for a while. Jake. You look so hot with it on. Man, I really missed you this week, missed seeing your handsome face, your compact muscular body, your stumps waving about, all of you.” I tried to hug him, but my stumps weren’t long enough.I have an idea, Jake. Use your stumps to jack me off! Do something useful with them!” he said laughingly. “Absolutely Sir. I’m on it.” He spread some lube on his dick, then I bent down and found it, got it between my stumps. He got hard real fast as I stroked him faster and faster and he came all over my chest. Afterwards, he held me real tightly and cleaned us both up and said “Hey stud, I just wanted to tell you I liked that stump job a lot.” I said “Thats the first time you’ve let me pleasure you, stud. What gives with that?” “Well son,” he said. “I guess I’m just used to getting myself off, having control over my body. “Shit Mike, I’ve always been good with my mouth, Id love to have your cock in my mouth and swallow your cum. “Ok son,” he said, “lets do it now. He took a hold of my head and guided it down to his crotch. I felt around with my tongue and found his hardening dick and enveloped it with my mouth. He gripped my head harder and started moving it back and forth until he exploded again—this time in my mouth—and laid back on the bed. “Man,” he said. “That was incredible. I’ll give you one thing, stud. Your mouth sure isn’t crippled!” He stripped off the blindfold and led me to the kitchen where he popped open a couple of beers. I held mine between my stumps and sipped it slowly, my face sporting a silly grin the whole time.


Armless Jake Meets Armless Robert


“Jake, theres someone Id like you to meet,” Mike said one day. I asked who it was and he said “Its another man without arms. Hes older than you and me, probably about forty-five or so and he lost his arms as a teenager. He doesn’t use prostheses but is adept at using his feet and legs for just about everything. Hes from another city and I met him from an online blog about disabilities and I thought Id invite him over to stay for a couple of days to see if he has any tips that you might find useful.” “Sure Mike, Id love to meet him. Id definitely go for it.” Mike invited him to spend a couple of days at the loft. We picked him up at the train station. He was short like me, had a lean and trim body, salt and pepper buzzcut, and a beard with some gray in it. He looked like he had either no arms stumps or very short ones. He greeted us warmly and Mike hugged him after asking whether that would be OK. “I wish I could shake your hand ,son, but you know how it is,” he said laughing. We collected his bag and drove home in the Jeep. I told him that Id been armless for about three years and had never met another armless guy before. “Well son, we’re a pretty rare species. I’ve been this way for thirty years, since I was fifteen, and I’ve only ever met a few. I asked him how he lost his arms and he said in a bicycle accident and that because he was young he adjusted to it pretty fast and quickly learned how to use his feet as hands. They tried to get him to use prosthetics but he never liked them. I said Id tried and agreed. I didn’t like them either.


After we got home, I said it didn’t look like he had any arm stumps, since his shirt sleeves looked empty. He said he actually did have stumps, but they were only about two inches long on each side, not long enough to be useful. I asked him if he could move them and he said yes a little. He said I looked to have excellent stumps, down to the elbows. He asked me if I could move them so that ends touched and I said yes and I picked up a nearby coffee mug to show him. He said that I was very lucky to have such great stumps, not only long but also muscular. I flexed my stump muscles for him and he laughed and it said that it turned him on. I beamed at that and said “So I guess your short stumps were why you had to learn to use your feet” and he saidYep, it was that or the damned hooks.” Mike made dinner and Robert used his feet to eat, which fascinated both of us. After dinner, we talked some more. Robert said he was tired and Mike showed him to the guest room. We went to bed too and Mike whispered in my ear that he was pretty good-looking and if we wanted to get it on the over the next few days he was totally OK with that. I kissed him and went down on him, giving him an awesome blow job.


The next day, Mike headed off to the gym after breakfast, leaving Robert and me alone all day. I was bare-chested and after Mike left, Robert said “Hey man, you have a helluva body for an armless cripple, and not only that, you are a very handsome man.” “Thanks,” I said. “But wait a minute, who you calling an armless cripple?” “I’m calling you a fucking armless cripple, dude, and I can do that ‘cause I’m one too. Can I rub my face all over your muscular chest?” I nodded yes and he started rubbing his face all over me, softly biting my nipples with his mouth. The sensation of that plus feeling his beard all over me gave me an instant hard-on. “Take your shirt off so I can see your useless stumps,” I said. “Gladly, he said, “I want you to play with my fuckin’ little useless stumps, make ‘em feel good. You dont have much left up there, they just look like just nubs to me, not really stumps. You got lucky, boy. You got two pretty long stumps, like I wish I had. Now use ’em to play with my chest, fucker. So I did, massaging his chest and little stumps with the ends of my stumps . “That feel good, Sir?” “Yes boy, that feels very good. Now lick ’em, bite them gently. I did that as well. “Now, boy. Get down, undo my pants and put your mouth on my dick.” I got his pants pulled down and fished  his hard dick out and went to work. After he came, he said “God damn boy. You take orders real well. I could get used to this. Now, stand up and kiss me.” I stood up and kissed him deeply.

After we recovered from our little fling, I said ‘I can see why its easier for you to use your legs, because your whole body is lean and fit. You look a lot more flexible than I am”. Yeah, I am. Your body is built like a brick shithouse, if you don’t mind my saying so. “Thats what Mike says too, I said. “But it sure is hot to look at,” he replied




“Hey cripple, there a coffee place around here? Robert asked after we got dressed again. “Yes cripple, there is, next block over. “How do you think theyd react to two armless cripples descending on them, boy, one who drinks with his feet?” “I don’t know Sir. Lets find out.” We set off for the coffee house. When we got there, Robert strode proudly up to the bar to order two coffees and paid for them with a credit card he pulled out of a pocket low on his pant leg with his foot. The barista took it and handed it back to him without missing a beat. He asked Robert if hed like them delivered to our table and Robert said yes.

“Robert, this is pretty cool hanging out like this, two armless dudes on display!” Yeah it is, son. I like to go to new places and see how people react. I’ve had thirty years of doing observing how people react to me and nothing bothers me anymore.” “I’m trying to get there, but its hard to be stared at, and probably pitied by some people. But Mike has tried to help with that by telling me I should be proud of who and what I am. I think I’m getting there slowly. It gets a little easier every time, but I gotta get out more.” “Good for you boy, and good for Mike. He seems like a good man and he sure is gorgeous to look at. You hit the jackpot with that one!” I nodded yes.


When we got back to the loft, Robert turned to me and said, “Jake, I don’t think I can teach you very much about living without arms. Everybodys body and amputation level and experiences with rehab are different. What applies to me doesn’t necessarily apply to you and vice versa.” “I have a question for you Robert. How do you jack off?” “That’s the sixty-four thousand dollar question isn’t it? Everybody wants to know that, right? Theres no right answer to that. Every armless man has to try to find a solution to that by trial and error. With my little nubs, I can’t even begin to touch my dick with them. My legs though are very flexible from thiry years of using my feet, so I can jack off with my foot pretty well without too much discomfort, but I also have a wall-mounted sex toy that is made specifically for jacking off that I prefer to use. I don’t have a steady sex buddy I can rely on, so thats how I do it. Of course, many gay men will readily help you out if you ask them too, but some are too rough or others are too gentle and I prefer to work myself over instead. But I sure did like you goin’ down on me this morning. You’re good with your mouth, son”. “I gotta be. Its about all I got that works,” I laughed.

“So, Jake, why don’t we just hang out and terrorize people and have some fun with each others crippled bodies?” I said “Sounds good”, so thats what did for the couple of days he stayed here. We went out in public, two armless men, me with my longer stumps in full view and he with his little nubs showing, both of us wearing tight sleeveless t-shirts. For the next two days, we went to the beach, the park, coffee houses, even a gay club. All kinds of people came up to us and asked questions, like how did you lose arms, what happened to you, and so on. In the gay club, a hot guy approached us and said if we ever needed a hand with anything to call him and stuffed business cards in the waistbands of our pants. Then when his stay was up, Mike drove him back to the train station.


I told Mike about our adventures and he was excited Id made a new friend. He said it was good for me to get out on my own and have fun. I said it actually was fun to go out and show myself off, that it was like coming out of another closet. He saidExactly!” and kissed and hugged me. “And if you ever do need a hand thats not mine, call that guy! So I guess you didn’t get any tips on how to live better without arms, but you did have fun flirting with people. Thats really great, Jake.



“Okay Jake, lets get serious about your training here. Id like you to come down to the gym today and start an adaptive fitness and self-defense program. My trainer and I have l put one together for you, part of which will involve a few lessons with a kickboxing guy who also works out at the gym. In your situation, about the only weapons you have are your legs and maybe learning some self-defense kicks will help you feel more confident and less helpless and vulnerable. There will be some adapted weight training and boxing too. How does that sound Jake?”


I said that sounded great. “Undoubtedly there will be some trial and error to see how we can adapt our equipment to a guy with no ability to grasp anything, but I’m confident we’ll solve that problem,” Mike said. So I started going downstairs to Mikes gym. He introduced me to his trainer and some of the members. Everybody seemed friendly. Many offered to help me anyway they could. Mike and the trainer had found some inventive ways I could use some of the equipment by devising leather straps and devices that could substitute for my lack of hands, and while we were starting with light weights, at least I was finally working out again. Also I started the kickboxing training. Mike made me some leather stump gloves so I could box on the speed bag and the heavy bag. As the weights increased and I put on some muscle mass, my self-esteem rose and I was thrilled! I felt almost like a regular guy again, Yeah, I was still crippled, but I felt better about it. Mike noticed too, saying my torso was really filling out and I seemed a lot more confident.




When I began working out at the gym, I told Mike that I wanted to be useful, that I wanted to start doing as much of the clean-up of the gym and the loft as I could. I told him Id been practising using longhandled cleaning tools like mops, brooms, sweepers, vacuums and was getting pretty good at it. “Since they have long handles, I can use my shoulders, neck, stumps and armpits to control them.” I showed him how I did this by pulling a broom out of the closet and sweeping up a bit of the floor. “Thats fantastic, Jake, he said, “That’ll take much of the burden off me having to keep things clean. “Well, Mike, thats the least I can do. I mean, look how much you’ve done for me. I want to start tomorrow, ok?” He nodded yes.


So I started cleaning the gym every evening after it closed. I spent an hour or so every night doing routine cleaning, doing a more thorough cleaning on the weekends. Mike helped out with tasks I couldn’t handle, but with time they became fewer and fewer. It really made me feel good to be useful and it opened up a new job horizon for me: Janitor! I’m not kidding! I even branched out and helped clean my kickboxing instructors studio twice a week.




Despite my training and cleaning activities I still had lots of free time, so I used Mikes computer to research information on how armless men coped with their situations. I discovered a lot of YouTube videos on this subject and compiled a folder of maybe eighty videos. I binge-watched them and holy shit, they were freakin’ amazing! Men with all different levels of double arm amputations were shown doing all kinds of things using their mouths, chins, necks, shoulders, stumps, feet, and legs to manipulate objects and do ordinary tasks. Sometimes they did stuff by strapping on tools or devices to what was left of their arms.


I noticed in all of them not only the ways they used their bodies, but also the confidence and pride they showed on camera, especially the showing off and mugging for it, like they knew they were unique and hot. I wanted those feelings for myself more than anything. I dove into this challenge with more fervor than I had ever done with anything before in my life. I started practising many of the things they did around the loft. I showed some of the videos to Mike and we spent almost a whole weekend watching them. He was as amazed as I was at what all the amps in the videos could do, many without using prostheses. He was so turned on by this he threw me on the bed and massaged me all over before he jacked me off real good.




Gradually, as my self-esteem and confidence grew, I became outgoing, chatting up other guys working out there and made a few friends. Mike noticed this and said it was time for us to start going out in public more often and we did. As long as Mike was with me, I had no need for wearing my hook and got comfortable with my stumps being visible. People still stared at me often, but it didn’t bother me as much as it used to. We frequented a gay club where a lot of leather guys and uniform guys hung out and we made some friends there too. I even saw the guy that offered to give me and Robert “a hand” if we ever needed it and chatted with him more.




Its now been abut a year since I met Mike on the sidewalk in front of his gym and my life has totally changed. For starters, I feel good about myself. Not only am I not ashamed to have stumps for arms, I am actually proud of my stumps because I have learned to use them to do more things. And I’ve learned to use them in conjunction with the other parts of my body so I’m not quite so helpless anymore. Rarely resorting to using my hook is a major accomplishment.


Another major accomplishment was my rapid rise up the kickboxing belt system, becoming a black belt recently. I worked really hard with the trainer. Mike hooked me up with him and after I got the black belt, he hired me as a part-time instructor, teaching kickboxing to adults. He said that I was the first armless martial arts instructor hed ever heard of. Imagine that!

I guess the bottom line is that I am still dependent on others for many things, but not as dependent as I was when I first met Mike. He still likes to feed me and help me do stuff. Thats a big part of the intimacy we’ve developed. I owe a lot to Mike, my big handsome strong partner. He has stood beside me this entire time encouraging me to adjust to my situation with a positive attitude and accepting who and what I am. And I have accepted that proudly, thanks to him. He too is really proud of what I have accomplished and it doesn’t hurt that he is totally turned on by the fact that I am very different from him. I asked him why he took me in and befriended and trained me. He said it was because I clearly needed help and he wanted to use his skills to do something good in the world.. What a generous, loving man. I am so lucky. Actually, I think we are both really lucky.

